
has anyone done Shambhavi Mahamudra??

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Sadhguru is offering Shambhavi Mahamudra online for the first time ever. at first I got really excited but now I have some doubts about the experience. apparently it's quite common to feel as if nothing is actually happening or working but then proponents of the practice say you must stick to it everyday and let go of expectations. the process is described as a spiritual purification on speed which means you may experience intense negative emotions and pains. someone on this forum said that you lose your libido which I'm worried about. my point is what was your Shambhavi experience like? when did you see results, what sort of negative experiences did you have and why do you think it is worth it to continue? 

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Hi :)

If a thing makes your life better, then it is always worth having it. :)

No matter how small that thing may be, if it makes your life better then it's worth doing it. :)

With shambhavi you can make your life endlessly better. And every day becomes the best day :)

Stay well :)?




I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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After having practiced Kriya Yoga for over two years, I notice the 'magic' of Shambhavi Mudra. It instantly puts me in a trance like state, which helps with letting go, surrendering and melting with what is.

I'd say that emotions of any kind (not just the negative ones) get saturated, as with yogic practices, the life within you gets brighter.

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@EmptyVase  would you say it helps with  releasing early childhood trauma? can it help heal blocked chakras? I can tell I'm really blocked in my root chakra 

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Sorry, I accidentally misread Shambhavi Mahamudra for Shambhavi Mudra. Before I answer your question, it might be worth pointing out, that there probably is a difference between these two techniques (but I don't know for sure as I am familiar only with Shambhavi Mudra). But even the technique "Shambhavi Mudra" can be taught differently from teacher to teacher with smaller or bigger differences. So results may vary. Just so you know.


To answer your question (btw I'm by far no expert, so take my advice with a grain of salt):

Indirectly, yes. It has the potential to do so, because it makes you see things more clearly.

Seeing more clearly gives you insights on all sorts of stuff, be it early childhood trauma or blocked chakras. From those insights, you can intuit, what the next step on your path will be. You've probably noticed that becoming more conscious helps with problems of any kind - and Shambhavi Mudra is one out of many techniques to become more conscious.

2 hours ago, iceprincess said:

releasing early childhood trauma?

But I think it's more assisting than directly curing - because it will only help you indirectly with these issues (if stuff actually bubbles up and raising awareness). I'm pretty sure that there are more direct ways to target and deal with childhood trauma.

2 hours ago, iceprincess said:

can it help heal blocked chakras?

Same goes for blocked chakras. But there are a lot of different ways to heal chakras, and some might work for you better than others. Experimenting is key here. If you want to balance your chakras in the long term though, it's probably best to practice a form of Yoga which resonates with you. Different forms of Yoga have different purposes - Kriya Yoga, for example, is for enlightenment. Pranayama techniques are great to balance your energy system and calm the mind. Check these out, if you want:

What's very important with practicing Yoga is, that many techniques work best in conjunction with other techniques. A lot of techniques are meant to be practiced in a specific combination with other techniques. Otherwise the results may disappoint you. I don't think Shambhavi Mudra would be so powerful for me, if I wouldn't practice it along of a few other techniques.

3 hours ago, iceprincess said:

I can tell I'm really blocked in my root chakra 

Great! This already gives you a hint what your next step might have to be. It's the breadcrumbs we have to follow. :)

But Shambhavi Mudra acts mostly on the third eye. So while seeing more clearly (through Shambhavi) acts as an assistant for a blocked root chakra, it won't get to the root of your problem. At least, it's not intended to do so.

But at the same time, seeing more clearly can give you precisely the insight you need, which might resolve your blocked root chakra. It's all interconnected and it's hard to draw concrete lines between what helps and what doesn't. Imo, testing different stuff for a few months is really crucial, in order to discern whether it helps or not.

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