Height-ism and the double level hypocrisy of feminists

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Don't bullshit me. Being bald is certainly a disadvantage in dating hot women. Don't use this as an excuse. You can still date hot women while bald. But it's harder. You will have to have better game.

this must be your own experience then where one woman or guy said something to you about being bald and you took it as a disadvantage because I've personally not ever felt disadvantaged by balding and having to rock the shaved head. I've only seen a few self conscious bodybuilders on youtube freaking out about it. I can't possibly see it being any more a disadvantage than having the basic short haircut most guys have or any other physical preference girls might have for a guy. It is so common in society today this style. I see several men everywhere in the city with this style. The bald head with a beard or bald head with stubbles. Again, I'm not talking about the bald crown with hair growing on the side like grandpa. They make men shave their head in the military as well and plenty of men will shave down to a crew cut style which is almost not discernible from a guy that did it cause he was balding. 









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@Lyubov On some people it works better than on others. It all depends.

Don't show me photos of models with perfectly symmetrical faces and flawless skin and breads and shit. That ain't real life.

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@Lyubov some people can play it out better than others. Managing to make it look good is an exception. Id say the average bald guy is rather ugly. 

Imagine bald head and patchy/ non existant beard, or ugly facial structure. 

If you bald, your better have something that compensates. 

Most people have deformed bumpy skulls btw. It shows hard when you bald. 

That's if you even want to put thought into if looks matter or not

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@Leo Gura @mmKay yes, some guys pull it off better than some but then the ones that don't... aren't they already physically unattractive? how does a full head of hair make up for a generic/ugly facial structure or even a patchy beard? They would look bad either way unless if their strength is exceptionally beautiful hair. You could replace my argument with any other hairstyle. I'm not buying it that baldness is a disadvantage. It's the same as any other hairstyle. Maybe bald, poor facial structure and short would be the deadly trio but I doubt them then having a full head of hair would make much of a difference and open up a substantial amount of opportunities. I'm not buying bald as a disadvantage especially in western countries where it is such a common hairstyle for men in their late 20s, 30s, 40s and beyond. Statistically speaking half of men are literally balding by the time they are in their 40s. The take away is that physical looks really don't matter for a guy. You can be bald or have an ugly face but to say a certain hairstyle or physical feature of the face/head is the same as being unusually short is a false equivalency. 

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@Lyubov If you want to test your theory, create two identical Tinder profiles, same exact face with full head of thick hair, but photoshop out the hair for one of them.

You'll see your Tinder matches plummet. Case closed.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

1) Although I am very introverted I really enjoy deep intimate relationships. It's a bit of a paradox, but not really. Introverts like few relationships but they are deeper. We trade off breadth for depth.

So while you may think that I don't go deep with intimacy, the opposite is the case. When I'm with a girl, I give her my full attention because I don't scatter my social energy around in 50 different ways. And I'm not with a girl often so it feels much more special.

2) As an introvert you need to make plenty of space for alone time. Don't constantly be together for long periods of time.

3) Dating an introvert is helpful because she too will appreciate her space and alone time and she won't be interested in highly social activities like clubbing or partying. Two deep introverts can make for a great combo. And there are plenty of introverted girls.

Thanks.  And have you been successful at maintaining your introversion while being socially authentic and not awkward (when the time does come to interact with others)? 

I too find deep beauty and fulfillment in being alone and contemplating reality.  But when I then go to interact and be social with new people, there's always an awkward warming up period.  I eventually do become social and it's great.  However, then, when I'm in my own company, I need to acclimate to my introversion again, meaning I don't have access to my fruitful deep contemplating right away.  It's a pain, as I'd like to keep my deep contemplating intact but socialisation is required in my current line of work.  Is it possible to be immediately proficient in both? 

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26 minutes ago, Skin-encapsulatedego said:

And have you been successful at maintaining your introversion while being socially authentic and not awkward (when the time does come to interact with others)? 

I'm a lot better than I used to be thanks to lots of practice.

Have I perfected it? No. I have much room for improvement with my social skills. It's not a high priority for me and I'm not really interested in mastering it.


I too find deep beauty and fulfillment in being alone and contemplating reality.  But when I then go to interact and be social with new people, there's always an awkward warming up period.

Yes, of course. What do you expect? To go from Zen master to Russell Brand in the snap of the fingers? You are not going to excel in all areas of life. Pick your battles. If you want to master socialization that's gonna take serious work and I'm not the one to teach you that -- find specialists and do lots of practice.

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55 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Lyubov If you want to test your theory, create two identical Tinder profiles, same exact face with full head of thick hair, but photoshop out the hair for one of them.

You'll see your Tinder matches plummet. Case closed.

everyone knows you gotta buy tinder gold and all those scammy booster perks to get an substantial amount of matches so your test is faulty ;)

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5 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

everyone knows you gotta buy tinder gold and all those scammy booster perks to get an substantial amount of matches so your test is faulty ;)

So put your money where your mouth is.

But also, it shouldn't matter since you're doing a simple A/B split test with only one variable difference. You can do that for free on OkCupid or whatever online dating site. I have set up fake accounts in the past for both men and women, just to see how many messages I get. It's extremely eye-opening and depressing. Unless you're very good-looking it will kill your self-esteem.

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@Leo Gura

I'm a black guy -- Is it even worth approaching white females?

People like dating people who look like them, and I don't want to make this more difficult than it already is.

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12 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

I'm a black guy -- Is it even worth approaching white females?

People like dating people who look like them, and I don't want to make this more difficult than it already is.

Sure it is. My first two wingmen were two black guys in Dallas. Both of them got laid more than me because they were more experienced and had better game.

Will you have a disadvantage with white girls? Sure, probably. But it doesn't really matter when you talk to 30 girls a night. You don't need to bang every girl you meet. You only need 1 per night to be down.

If you're a black guy and you want a hot white girlfriend, this isn't a problem because all you gotta do is filter through 500 hot white girls until you find a few that love you. Is it worth it? Sure it is. You can do that in a few months.

Remember.... you're not out to bang the whole female race. You're just looking for a handful of women. A handful out of thousands. This makes your goal much easier.

When I was practicing game, it's even worth it to approach 300 pound whales. You are just being social and having fun. Lower your standards for socialization and approach. Just because you approach does not mean you need to end up having sex with her. She might have a cute friend.

APPROACH ALL! -- should be your motto. Young, old, hot, fat, man, woman, gay, straight -- doesn't matter. Just approach and socialize. Sort the wheat from the chaff later.

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1 minute ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

I'm a black guy -- Is it even worth approaching white females?

People like dating people who look like them, and I don't want to make this more difficult than it already is.

what country do you live in? In the US, Canada and most of Europe people date people with different skin color all the time. May be different in a super ethnocentric country.

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8 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

How many nights per week would you go out doing PUA?

How many girls would you approach in a typical night?

Depends. When I was doing it seriously I would go about every night that clubs were open in the city I was in. Sometimes 3 nights per week. Sometimes 7 nights per week for a whole month. It all depends on what opportunities are available in your area and how serious you are. 2 nights per week should be minimum. That's typically Fri & Sat. You'll need to check your city and venues to see if it's worth making the trip out there on weekdays. Many times it's not worth it if you live in a small city.

Typical night: 5, 10, or 20 girls. Depends on how busy the venue was. Some nights are just slow so you can't approach 20 girls. Sometimes you only get 5 or so. 10 per night is a great number to shoot for. But some nights it will only be 3 or 5 just because it was slow or you were chickening out.

The #1 to doing massive approaching is that you need to find specific venues and cities that offer that opportunity. Your average bar does not have 10 girls worth approaching.

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And how long did it take you to get your first date?

@Leo Gura

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11 minutes ago, Yali said:

And how long did it take you to get your first date?

@Leo Gura

450 cold approaches to get my first lay.

But keep in mind: 1) I sucked hard, 2) most of these approaches were short 20-60 second interactions, not 30 minute long sets, 3) your numbers will improve a lot after the first year of failure.

Keep in mind this is a sample size of 1. My brother got a girlfriend from his 1st cold approach! So it's rather random. You never know when luck will strike.

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25 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

What about at the peak of your game?

The peak of my game was a Vegas 30-day challenge. I beasted full-time for 30 days straight in Vegas, 5 hours per night. I did something like 750+ approaches in that month. I even approached with a cold fever and dripping nose. In fact that night I got laid. I was having sex and wiping my snotty nose on the rough sofa pillow because my nose would not stop running in the middle of sex. It was unreal and not so pleasant. But it was training. My wingman was nailing her friend in the same hotel room. The four of us slept in the same bed.

Yeah... that's beast-mode in Vegas. Off the hook. Crazy shit goes down here.

I did it all 100% sober too.

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@Leo Gura

PUA must've been difficult as an INTP?



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3 minutes ago, Yali said:

@Leo Gura

PUA must've been difficult as an INTP?

One of the hardest things I've ever done. But also one of the most growth-catalyzing for me.

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