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Is this actual solid evidence of Democrat voter fraud in the 2020 election?

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I know, this is getting really crazy, but I keep worrying about the constant new allegations made and supposed new "evidence" of voter fraud emerging such as this one, which was mentioned yesterday:


what really stands out to me in that article were statements such as:

"On Wednesday, several witnesses came forward during a hearing. They presented both photo and video evidence of rampant fraud. Republican poll watchers also claim they got locked out of the counting stations when it came time to look over military ballots, which typically lean red."

“'I estimated that somewhere between 80 and 90 percent were going to Joe Biden,” a poll watcher stated. “Throughout the day it kept making me sicker and sicker every time I saw another Biden… and then I’m going through batches, 100% of the batches were Biden. I find that statistically impossible.'”

"Fun Fraud Fact of the Day: "All 900 military ballots in Fulton County [Georgia] were 100% for Joe Biden." In what alternate universe does this happen? In 2016, Trump won the military vote 60% to 34%."

"Despite mountains of evidence of wrongdoing, Georgia state officials still refuse to take action."

Rudy Guiliani's tweet "In a country with a free press, you would know: 1. The Georgia Senate Judiciary Committee issued a report demonstrating the vote was stolen from @realDonaldTrump. 2. The vote was unanimous and BIPARTISAN to audit Fulton County’s Absentee ballots. 3. And to de-certify Biden."


Also, several millions of Trump voters are still not backing down from the idea that the Dems cheated the election and are constantly demanding audits everywhere within every single election office and place involved with counting and tabulating every single vote within the states of Georgia, Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. They are also pressuring the republican controlled state legislatures within each of those to overturn the results of the election. What if those state legislatures do finally cave in to the pressure and actually decide to overturn the election by appoint and certifying a rival slate of electors for the US Congress to count on January? What if the legislature judiciary committee in each of states by some serious bad luck actually end up finally receiving some pieces of evidence that apparently end up being considered sufficient enough to overturning the election?

This whole shit really keeps me up at night!

Edited by Hardkill

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