
Eckhart is clever in his pursuit to reduce human suffering

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@Danioover9000 His life before was a lot more varied than just a few depressive episodes. He read a lot of deep books and had some insights preceding the awakening that's mentioned in the book. His book takes people out of suffering, in fact there's nothing real "there" that anyone needs to be taken out of. That was the entire point of his awakening, seeing through this. His awakening insight,

"I can't live with myself anymore." 

"What, are there two of me, one that cannot live itself?" 

All of your darkest thoughts are trying to wake you up to something. All of your lighter thoughts are too, but we often don't have the right resources to get the message until the suffering grows LOUD enough that we have not choice but to listen. But you are always feeling. Now. No need to suffer, that's essentially Eckhart's message. 


Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@Danioover9000 so you are saying that a person which seeks enlightment will try to be suicidal in order to get enlightened? This doesn't seem like a very logical thing to do. 

If someone is already depressed and going through difficult times can use Eckhart's teachings and get free of the suffering. I see nothing bad about that. His books helped millions of people and being popular don't necessarily equal being worse than unpopular spiritual masters. Most of pop music for example is shit but that doesn't mean that there is no good pop music. The only reason he is popular is that he is changing countless of lives and raising the level of consciousness of the planet. 

Anyway i am not trying to convince you but i would like to know, if it is ok with you, what spiritual master you admire the most and what is the thing that makes him more spiritual than other teachers. 

I believe that some teachers just resonate more with different people while trying to teach the same things. They just use other words to create their pointers. 

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