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Atheists --> There is no God, everything is an accident

Agnostic --> We don't know yet

Theist --> Christians : Only Jesus can save you from hell and Jesus is the son of God

                 Muslims: There is only one God, and if you believe that Jesus is God you go to hell

                  Jews: Jesus has yet to come

Leo --> You are God


I've spent 1000 of hours researching the truth and I'm completely mindfucked.

Only one can be true, yet all of them claim to be the truth.

That leads me to conclude that a group of people are lying.

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Well it is more like, these prophets got a hint of the truth, but whoever was writing it down got it only partially right, and that was then subverted by priests who were attempting to control and regulate the population. So the truth is not easy to find. I’d suggest taking the mainstream religions with a large crystal of salt, and instead focussing on the sayings and writings of people who have some real wisdom, the rebel guru’s. The more popular they are with politicians and the establishment, the less likely that they are the real deal. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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You spent thosands of hours researching other peoples ideas about the truth, and allowing those ideas to percolate in mind, but how many hours have you spend observing the truth for yourself? Comtemplating it? Meditating?

Is it really lieing if they really bealive what they are saying? Or is it just a misguided mind? How can you guide your own mind to the truth? Only you can bring yourself there. Other peoples ideas can be good guidence, but they can also get you stuck into their mistaken thinking. 

Edited by OctagonOctopus

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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15 hours ago, Knowledge said:

Only one can be true, yet all of them claim to be the truth.

Contemplate the distinction between ‘only one can be true’ and nonduality, or, “not two”.  Whatever you come up with, run it through the same ‘filter’. Spot a & b, 1 & 2. ‘Reduce’, so to speak, until there is truly not two. 



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16 hours ago, Knowledge said:

I've spent 1000 of hours researching the truth and I'm completely mindfucked. 

Something to contemplate.. Is 'truth' a belief? A knowledge? A piece of information? A thought? A certain perspective on the world Or does it include more than just that? 

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Leo is right! ?


John 10:34
Jesus answered them, "Is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are "gods"'?

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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16 hours ago, Knowledge said:

Only one can be true, yet all of them claim to be the truth.

Paradigms, my friend.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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Atheists don't necessarily claim that everything is an accident. Many make no claims of holding supreme knowledge, but merely stand in opposition to the harm and violence caused by the fairy tales of fundamentalist Abrahamic religions.

Agnostics are being honest because truth is not knowable by the human mind.

Discard the threats of afterlife punishment of the Abrahamic religions, as this is obviously appealing to primal fear rather than profound truth. There is still wisdom to be cherry-picked in the scriptures of these traditions.

Leo's statement is true so long as it is interpreted correctly. When an ego thinks it is God, all hell breaks loose. When the Self is realised, eternal peace is your birthright. Be warned.

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44 minutes ago, No Self said:

Many make no claims of holding supreme knowledge, but merely stand in opposition to the harm and violence caused by the fairy tales of fundamentalist Abrahamic religions.

Many atheists claim that they don't make any claims about reality (lol), but rather that they're just unconvinced and need to be provided with enough convincing evidence. This is a trick of syntax that is trying to mask the fact that they want everything to be done on their own terms, which is in thread with their underlying claims about reality, namely claims around verificationism and empiricism. One of their main claims about reality is "we ought to use verificationism as our primary methodological device for evaluating truth claims". They will counter this by saying that it's a self-evident fact that verificationism is directly congruent with truth, but that is just not true at all, and is also a claim about reality :P 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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