
Is the Chinese Communist Party the equivalent of the Nazi Party?

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China seems to be rising up as a major superpower and major antagonist of the 21st-century timeline. Are they as dangerous and as conscious as their Nazi counterpart of the 20th century?  

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The comparison will be valid when they have initiated a world war and executed millions of citizens on ethnic grounds.

I can't even compare the CCP to the British Empire, as no modern nation-state has anywhere near the same level of bone-headed arrogance and cruelty.

Nazi analogies - Wikipedia

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Whatever happens we'll have to learn to play nice or straight up capitulate to them, they will be the only game in town soon.

Otherwise war is inevitable.


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Lol, China is already an ethnostate, but yeah, theyre brutal towards the Uighurs.

I wouldnt put them in the same category as Nazis though. 

Edited by Rilles

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Stories like these make me think yes, but honestly idk what sources to trust or if they're valid or not. 

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Here's a thought.

The same way that Mesopotamian has often argued that Iraq is an artificial state, perhaps the same is true of the United States to a lesser degree.

Throughout its history, it has needed a common enemy to unite its people. In early times it was the British, (not to mention the conquered native peoples and Mexicans), then in the 20th century there was Japan/Nazi Germany, then the Soviet Union, while the 21st century seems to be pivoting away from select Muslim nations towards China.

The implication is that without a common enemy, there could be no healthy collective ego. And the Trump era, as with the American Civil War, showed how readily the country will divide and war with itself.

Rather than buying into the schoolyard antics of primitive geopolitics, perhaps we should unite in opposition to all human rights abuses, everywhere. The even more serious issue facing us in coming centuries is the environment, and the very notion of competing nation-states (which is obviously a man-made concept) is going to be irrelevant if we are to survive.

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