Jay Ray

Love your imaginary enemy as yourself.

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as Jesus said "love your enemy as yourself"

but I had a bit of an insight about my mind that others might find useful. 

I have realized that my ego has created imaginary characters that it keeps using as "target practice" and keeps hating these figures. I just became aware that I was doing this. 

like I had a super angry trump-supporting d-bag character who "I" the "amazing voice reason" would dish out a fair word of "truth" to. The annoying customer or boss that I "might" see in the future. I would imagine myself debating these fake mental characters as practice for future hatred (which hasnt happened yet in real life yet).

then it hit me... love my imaginary enemy as myself. This character is a part of my mind.... my mind just created these fake people in order to create hatred. but it wasn't even real at all. It is just a thought.

Also, on tv when I would root for one "good" character to "win" or for another bad character to lose. I would really get lost in the hatred of this fake "evil" characters. the emotions took over me like it was actually happening. 

one thing that helped me was to named the meta category of "fake character". I call it a Hainge.

For me a Hainge is any fake character that my ego creates as a way to enhance separation and increase hatred if done unconsciously. However each Hainge is just a character and can be loved as yourself or hated. It is up to you.  


if you are having the same experience try this. 

root for the opposite character while watching a movie. or even better, try rooting for an inanimate object and identify yourself as an object on the movie screen. for example, instead of rooting for the "good guy" to win, root for the buildings on the movie, feel afraid when the building get blown up and be happy when the are fixed or restored. 

you can identify and focus on ANYTHING. Try it out it is trippy. Be a character's hair or the color green. When there is green on the tv you become happy and when there isn't you become more afraid.  

if you feel triggered by a Hainge, then try imagining being them. identifying with there beliefs in your mind and try and (temporarily) reverse the hatred back onto your current egoic identity (while being very present of course).  all the Hainge wants is unconditional love and so does everyone else in the universe. 




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Haha neat TV exercise. Maybe best for reruns or shows that are less interesting? I'm not sure if I could be someone's hair, but worth a try ?

Speaking of buildings... One of the reasons I hated the newer superman movies came down to the building carnage ?

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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