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charlie cho

Whats the difference between Jefferey Dahmer and Napolean or genghis khan??

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All are serial killers. The only difference seems to me is that the kings were doing it legally, while dahmer was doing it illegally. But why do we somewhat even give an inch of admiration to the tactics and strategies these warlords have acted on but discounted the amazing strategies and tactics Dahmer killed all those people without getting caught by the police. We tell ourselves we can learn much from Napolean and genghis khan about the ways of war politics and life, why not jeffery dahmer? As far as i know, Jeffery Dahmer killed 17 people. Genghis Khan killed much more. Napoleon also killed much more. I mean...... much much much more. Was Jefferey Dahmer supposed to have been born a little earlier? Then he would have been called the greatest war strategist of all time? LOL


Lex talking about how he thinks whether to respect od disrespect genghis khan


Fucking crazy ass serial killer dahmer being all nicey nicey about what he did


This confuses me about how peoples psychology is currently. 

Edited by charlie cho

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Welcome to the world of relativism. :) 

As far as I know Napoleon never ate anyone though.

Edited by Rilles

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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