
Changes I've Noticed

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I've admittedly not been working on self-actualization as much as I should be or would like to be, but in the small amount I've been doing I've noticed some changes. 

First of all, I'm less tolerant to "crap" that I would have otherwise put up with in the past. I'm quicker to recognize something that rubs me the wrong way and deal with it rather than bury it deep down and let it smoulder. Secondly, I'm becoming more aware of traits in people that I could honestly do without. For example, people that interrupt when I'm taking or try and talk over me. In the past if this was a friend or family member, I would just keep to myself. Now, I just don't talk to that person. 

I'm also standing my ground more as opposed to being a pushover. This is a work in progress because I've been like this for so long. I've become better at saying no when I don't want to do something, but it will take some time. 

The thing I've found most fascinating through all of this is that I really enjoy being alone. It's given me time to realize how these things have negatively impacted my growth and development and what I need to do about them. 

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You're becoming more conscious. That's a good thing. Keep at it. Only greater things will come.

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6 hours ago, spicy_pickles said:

I'm also standing my ground more as opposed to being a pushover. This is a work in progress because I've been like this for so long. I've become better at saying no when I don't want to do something, but it will take some time. 

I feel you man! I'm working on this too! =)

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It feels "right". In the past it surely didn't because I knew I was going against my wishes and desires. Now, I am more in tune with myself (at least moreso than before). 


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I feel better and look around with a purpose. I'm less controlled by my emotions and feel more grounded. 

I still have my ups and downs but less downs and more ups so far. I don't get carried away by promises from others. 

Something weird; whenever I feel I want something(not need it but kind of like to have it), it kind of appears. I don't know if it's selective perception or something else but it does. 

I feel more calm and I keep working on self-worth issues ( whenever I do deep souls searching, it comes up). 

So overall, I think I'm on the right path. Basically going through a life changing event at the moment so I will see how it all wraps up. 

Kind of a newbie here so...

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