
Escort Girls/Prostitutes while Self-Actualizing

40 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Kalki Avatar said:

@Jeff21 From my experience, scorts are one of the best discoveries I had at 18. They are open minded, cool and very sexual. Theres nothing bad in it. Maybe you can make a gf out of a good one. 

@Kalki Avatar I could not agree more with you, really. Thanks for sharing your views. 

In fact, one time a while ago one of them asked me if she could move in with me. Clearly I said no way. However, one of my best friends used to have an escort girlfriend; it was actually his proper girlfriend, like really normal one. At night around 23am he would drop her at a particular club and then would pick her up around 6am (not everyday though). They had a regular life, it did not work out and they broke up just like any couple would. Particularly I would not like to entertain that; an ex-escort or ex-prostitute which are now self-actualizing okay fine, but active one no. Mainly because of the troubles that these girls do get occasionally. 

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@no_name Hey thanks for expressing your opinion and thanks for point out to me that I should Google HPV/HSV, I had in mind HIV/DSTs and etc so I will check it for sure as I do not know it on the top of my head and I am indeed clueless as you mentioned. Having said that I can assure that despite my adventures I am clean you can possible get, please ensure to do a test yourself also okay? When was the last time you got tested? (no need to reply)

Anyways, I really do not want to get into an argument here other than finding out whether I should continue going out with Escorts or get a proper girlfriend, your opinion about my qualifications are not the topic, I just answered your question in order to perhaps get more clarity on the discussion.

I sincerely thank you for contributing to my question, I really enjoy having a view from all angles as well as capturing the different reactions.

I take the opportunity to wish you a truly fantastic 2021 for you, your friends and your family. 

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Also, I noticed most people posting here who think they are so self actualized are actually full of ?. It is laughable to read some of their posts and then think that this person considers themselves “actualized”

I, personally, haven't seen much of that myself.  The majority here seem to adhere to some unspoken rule about never revealing anything about yourself, good or bad, highly probable or mildly probable..  I can't speak for all of them, but from what I've observed there's a few categories people here fall into:  

  1. Know nothing of Spiral Dynamics.  Just here for emotional support.  Judgemental & sensitive.  No interest in debate or logic.
  2. Kids /adults with serious issues.  Any age, really, but mostly between around 13 and 20.  Almost always know little to nothing about any sort of model.  Just here to make threads about "picking women up" or "how to win fights" or some stupid shit like that..  
  3. Kids who make threads like what you'd see on /r/Im14andthisisdeep.
  4. The guy you can't believe is on a spirituality forum.  Almost always stage orange, sometimes even red..  Will go out of their way to attack if you say the "wrong" thing.  Is unable to comprehend the idea of non-duality and believes anyone claiming to understand is is lying.
  5. "Interesting theory you have there".  They make no attempt to really understand any model properly.  Have little interest in learning, enjoy simply lurking.   Low energy.  Might occasionally start an unoriginal thread & ignore half the people who respond.  Spirituality is still far too abstract to really engage with it.  It's just some fun thought-exercises to them.  Enlightenment is in the same realm as magic to them, not something you can actually aim for.
  6. The "cold, materialistic, unhappy" guy.  Around the peak of stage orange.  Will likely turn green soon.
  7. The "harmony > logic" kind.  Dislike of any sort of divergence from the status quo.  Similar to category 5, but more sensitive and have slightly higher levels of energy.  They are interested in spirituality, and like to talk about it, but have a dislike for any new/contrary information.  They want you to parrot old, many times repeated ideas already familiar to everyone.  Unoriginality looks like "harmony" & "safety" to them.
  8. The low energy senior.  Many of the mods fall into this category.  They don't really care about any of the discussions or theories.  Only that the significant minority of stage green on this forum stays happy and doesn't hear anything that may trigger it (wouldn't want people challenging each other's beliefs and learning, now would we?).  People in this category would never be caught debating, or trying to educate people.  After all, that would open them up to public scrutiny.  And if one of them ever admits to being Tier 2.. "OH.. GOD!! THE HORROR!!!! They're eating the boy alive!!!!" People in this category are well aware of this eventuality, and the very thought itself is enough to kill any hope for freedom they may have once held.
  9. The unaware, yet relatively mature kind.  They think they're orange/green/yellow/turquoise, but are (usually) 2 stage below.  This is a weird group.  They often call themselves "awakened".  Same stage as category 6, just a different personality.  They're the kind of people that watch some "spiritual youtube influencer" and when they like what they hear, they think think they're turquoise.  You can immediately identify them by the distinct lack of "depth" to them.  You can always see it in their eyes.  It's just a type of shallowness and naiveness.  They also always, without exception, parrot ideas from "gurus" and present them as the objective truth.  If they follow some online guru influencer, they will always refer back to them, as a substitute for actual logic/reasoning/evidence.  Spirituality is treated much like a religion by people at this category.  Faith in their guru is everything.  These types will also have a tendency to judge people who don't "act" the way they want.  There's a reason these people move to India and seek out Gurus, or want to become monks, or want to learn Sanskrit (as they think it itself is somehow spiritual..) 
  10. Well aware of their own level of development but not interested in anyone's progress.  Might occasionally make a short post without any depth.  This is the first category in which people may create their own ideas and perceptions of things.  Capable of completely disregarding the status quo.  Their true, unrestricted personality is starting to come through, but their ego still prevents them from being publicly open/genuine/emotional.  Still clinging to own humanity.  Still holding grudges and struggling with fully integrating other people's perspectives.  
  11. Well aware of their own level of development.  Desire to keep learning and challenging themselves, as well as everyone else.  
  12. I came; I saw; I conquered bolted the fuck outta here.  Giving up.  Letting the problems be and being happily indifferent.  Dropping humanity to inspire humanity to drop itself too; to show that it it's ok to.  To stop holding yourself hostage.  

These are the Stage of  The most common ones being 8, 7, 9, 6, 5.  

What you were describing would fall under 7.  Should should, in theory, be a bunch of arrogant 7s, but I haven't seen any yet.  Most 7s are genuine stage Green.


3 hours ago, no_name said:

Many different personalities work well together. 


Not according to any cognitive model I know of..  



Also, statistically/numerically there are more spiritual women than there are men. It is funny to see so many “actualizing” and “spiritual” men talk about the lack of spiritual women when it is actually the other way around.

Women are just more likely to prefer using their feeling than their logic.  Men have not benefitted from awareness of their own / others' emotions as much as women, so there's a greater inherent proclivity for women to do "spiritual stuff".  This, of course, by not means has any bearing on their actual level of development.

Also, these "spiritual women" are, mostly, just xNFPs.  Pretty incompatible with most NeTi guys me. 



Many different personalities work well together. 

I don't think you could reliably tell their personality from just their profile picture..  

And I can't imagine ever meeting someone at a gym/uni/work.  Would be pretty fucked up for someone to just go to a gym, approach some random woman on a treadmill and ask her about the weather.. 

Night clubs are probably easier, but still pretty bad (can't even hear them).


3 hours ago, no_name said:

I am getting the same vibe from the OP who just wants to justify his sex/prostitute addiction to himself.

Can you not see it from his perspective?  He could be upper Turquoise for all you know..  


If you believe in objective morality, or that what your culture says is bad is bad because it says so..

If you think that relationships have to be a "certain way", or that sex has be "something specific"..


All I can say is:  I don't bother with stage blue.  Anyone else can fill that role.



I am getting the same vibe from the OP who just wants to justify his sex/prostitute addiction to himself.

..Maybe he just wants to fuck?  You know how.. food/music can cause a pleasant sensation?  Well sex is no different.  Monogamy is on its way out.  casual sex is just gonna continue to become more common and normal.  My NeTi function stack doesn't lie. 

I wonder if you think VR sex is also a sin..

You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

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On 12/29/2020 at 11:07 PM, UniverseWithin said:

I've been an escort before, there's a lot you can learn from them if you find the right one

Cool!  Must have been interesting!  Agree - there can be lots to learn.

On 12/30/2020 at 1:31 PM, Kalki Avatar said:

@Jeff21 From my experience, scorts are one of the best discoveries I had at 18. They are open minded, cool and very sexual. Theres nothing bad in it. Maybe you can make a gf out of a good one. 

Agree here too - you could help one do more than just escorting - could introduce her to so many things!  She could be pretty fun to hang out with too.

You could really help her a lot.  Get her into engineering, research, teaching, design, languages, learning.. something more - she may really, really appreciate it.

Also - escorting can be a very needed thing - sex tends to be a common need and the escort helps address that need.  We are alive because of sex!  Here's an epiphany - Could consider an escort to be the equivalent to a counselor but for sexual urges!

It is interesting in the ability to just have someone for the sex but I can see that if that is the closest best that is available, then that is what is selected.

Would be interesting to consider the psychology of girls that go into escorting - I remember I wanted to work at the strip club and the owner said I could but my friends told me not to.. so I imagined myself chained to a post.. and did not go.  Yeah one could say that us girls have issues that make those type of things attractive to do - there are so many various levels of environmental/social factors too - all the magazines promoting sexy women, Disney/romance movies promoting the girl to find the man, sexy clothing stores for girls, focus on looks/hair/purses, or just the desire for attention - yeah - it is a maze a girl might go down and not realize until they have explored the maze or looked beyond the maze that the maze doesn't really lead to anything else and is basically a dead end.  I hadn't realized how amazing learning and creativity really was - I feel like it is hard as a young girl to be able to see advertising and note how much it can influence you and the advertising was really, to me, promoting the sexy woman (boob jobs, straight teeth, designer purses, sexy clothes), more than it was the smart, creative, adventurous, kind, talented woman (but that could have just been me only noticing one sliver of reality).

Edited by PepperBlossoms

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2 hours ago, PepperBlossoms said:

Cool!  Must have been interesting!  Agree - there can be lots to learn.

Agree here too - you could help one do more than just escorting - could introduce her to so many things!  She could be pretty fun to hang out with too.

You could really help her a lot.  Get her into engineering, research, teaching, design, languages, learning.. something more - she may really, really appreciate it.

Also - escorting can be a very needed thing - sex tends to be a common need and the escort helps address that need.  We are alive because of sex!  Here's an epiphany - Could consider an escort to be the equivalent to a counselor but for sexual urges!

It is interesting in the ability to just have someone for the sex but I can see that if that is the closest best that is available, then that is what is selected.

Would be interesting to consider the psychology of girls that go into escorting - I remember I wanted to work at the strip club and the owner said I could but my friends told me not to.. so I imagined myself chained to a post.. and did not go.  Yeah one could say that us girls have issues that make those type of things attractive to do - there are so many various levels of environmental/social factors too - all the magazines promoting sexy women, Disney/romance movies promoting the girl to find the man, sexy clothing stores for girls, focus on looks/hair/purses, or just the desire for attention - yeah - it is a maze a girl might go down and not realize until they have explored the maze or looked beyond the maze that the maze doesn't really lead to anything else and is basically a dead end.  I hadn't realized how amazing learning and creativity really was - I feel like it is hard as a young girl to be able to see advertising and note how much it can influence you and the advertising was really, to me, promoting the sexy woman (boob jobs, straight teeth, designer purses, sexy clothes), more than it was the smart, creative, adventurous, kind, talented woman (but that could have just been me only noticing one sliver of reality).

@PepperBlossoms Thanks for your opinion and insights here, really appreciated. 

I do agree with you that I could help them, as a matter of fact, in almost all of my interactions with them I try to show them (by asking questions and giving some hints)  alternative ways for them. However, due to several reasons which are difficult to pin point, the majority of them have a hard time grasping the fact that they could be doing something else with their life. I think they would first have to change their values, their believes and perhaps get a better self-esteem/love. I am not sure if I would be open and willing to put that type of effort on it, I do talk to them a lot and I am honest and sincere on my conversations, I do not lie or make up stories (I may only omitted here I work and some other issues but mainly for privacy) so they kind of appreciate this sincerity. I also respect them a lot and treat them quite well before, during and after sex, nevertheless, I do not entertain anything further than our encounter or any sort of relationship whatsoever. 

As for strip clubs, I do not like it at all. I find the energy to be kind of low there, and I also feel that the intent and the mood to be slightly different there: I feel that the girls want to maximize their profit with as little effort as possible, on the other hand, the guys there also try to maximize their pleasure trying to spending as little as possible and this is very normal but it is not my kind of thing.  I am not sure if I expressed myself  correctly here, but in the end I prefer the one to one approach with escort girls better. 

Therefore, at the end of the day,  I go out with them exclusively for the sex only, and as you have cleverly mentioned on your epiphany; I consider an escort to be the equivalent to a counselor but for my sexual urges. 

it is an interesting topic, but my original predicament was only whether I should keep on using their services while self-actualizing or look for a self-actualized girlfriend. The phycology of the escorts/prostitutes was not under my radar, nor whether it is a moral thing to do or not, but I see that in order to discuss this topic those 2 issues are unavoidable. 





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@Jeff21 You are so nice to thank people for replying to you!  Thanks for responding to me and for sharing your story!

I guess as Leo said in his comment, whatever you are looking for and trying to get out of it.

It would be cool theoretically to go as an escort just to see what it is like.

Regarding escort as a form of counselling - I guess you could think of it as - do I still need counseling and is this counseling helping me?  How do I like my counselor(s)?  Do I feel like it is in the right direction that I want to be moving or is it a waste of time?  Is this helping me grow or is it not really doing anything for me?  Counselling is super helpful up until the client feels that they have worked on themselves enough and gotten the tools they need to where they can figure it out on there own.  Maybe you could think of it as, what tools is this counselling helping me with and what more tools do I want to work on and develop?  Are the counselors able to help me with that or do I need a different counselor or different method?  How will I know when I no longer need counselling or do I want to do it for the rest of my life?

Also, counseling is a 2 way street - sure the client learns from the counselor, but the counselor also learns from the client.

Idk, it is interesting to take it from the perspective of counselling haha.

Could make a list of - What are my options?  What are my solutions?  What am I trying to create?  What is going to help me create that?  What do I find really inspiring?

(That's nice of you that you are kind to them!  Yeah I agree on the clubs part and yeah they probably would need to tend to change their values/beliefs/understandings.)

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@Jeff21 I was just curious.. what are the girls like?  What are they usually interested in and talk about?  What are their struggles?  Do they ever say why they went in to escorting and what they like about it?  Does it ever feel awkward?  Do you ever turn one away?  What do they usually dress like?  Do they act confident or shy?

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@PepperBlossoms  Good to interact with you and thanks for your opinion. 


On 1/3/2021 at 7:19 PM, PepperBlossoms said:

@Jeff21 You are so nice to thank people for replying to you!  Thanks for responding to me and for sharing your story!

I guess as Leo said in his comment, whatever you are looking for and trying to get out of it.

It would be cool theoretically to go as an escort just to see what it is like.

Regarding escort as a form of counselling - I guess you could think of it as - do I still need counseling and is this counseling helping me?  How do I like my counselor(s)?  Do I feel like it is in the right direction that I want to be moving or is it a waste of time?  Is this helping me grow or is it not really doing anything for me?  Counselling is super helpful up until the client feels that they have worked on themselves enough and gotten the tools they need to where they can figure it out on there own.  Maybe you could think of it as, what tools is this counselling helping me with and what more tools do I want to work on and develop?  Are the counselors able to help me with that or do I need a different counselor or different method?  How will I know when I no longer need counselling or do I want to do it for the rest of my life?

Also, counseling is a 2 way street - sure the client learns from the counselor, but the counselor also learns from the client.

Idk, it is interesting to take it from the perspective of counselling haha.

Could make a list of - What are my options?  What are my solutions?  What am I trying to create?  What is going to help me create that?  What do I find really inspiring?

(That's nice of you that you are kind to them!  Yeah I agree on the clubs part and yeah they probably would need to tend to change their values/beliefs/understandings.)

@PepperBlossoms  I totally like your analogy with counseling, however to be honest with you I would not go that deep. I only want to use their body for sexual pleasure, with some escorts I do engage with them a bit more (occasionally) but it is limited to a couple of drinks or a bit (they love nice food). But again, I like your comparison with counselling. 

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On 1/3/2021 at 7:53 PM, PepperBlossoms said:

@Jeff21 I was just curious.. what are the girls like?  What are they usually interested in and talk about?  What are their struggles?  Do they ever say why they went in to escorting and what they like about it?  Does it ever feel awkward?  Do you ever turn one away?  What do they usually dress like?  Do they act confident or shy?

@PepperBlossoms  I find your curiosity quite fascinating and I would suggest that perhaps you could consider escorting for a while given that you wanted to work in a strip club.

Anyways, I hope I can answer some of your questions.

A good portion of these girls a very "street" smart, but they are not intelligent at all, others have some serious cognitive deficiencies, so it is kind of a mix. They usually talk about shopping, travel, their day or weekend, clothes, shoes, what are their plans for the future/what they would like to do, they talk a lot about gym and also about their ex-boyfriends. However, I personally never take what they say at face value because they live on a world of their own, so I never know if what they are saying is actually true, one thing I can tell is that they move cities quite a lot. Some of them say that it is a temporary thing while they work on their "plan", majority are just happy or seems to be happy.

I did turn down one girl once a long long time ago; I arrived at her flat and she looked completely different from the picture on the internet, so I had to immediately quickly turn around and leave saying that it was a mistake or that I was wrong or something like that.

Normally they dress like "bitches" so that their assets are always on display (it is their job, this is what they sale). Depending on the escort they dress with labels but majority wears cheap underwear regardless.

They do not act confident, neither do they act shy, to be honest with you they always act as if they are kind of lost,  as if they are unable to process too much information at the same time. So for instance, if you give her the food menu and ask her how she is doing, she will have a hard time choosing her food while having a conversation. 


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That's actually weird. I don't think I would be able to live with an escort girl.
First of all, I would be really concerned about my health.
Secondly, this intimate bond between two people should be exactly between two people, no more.
Actually, there are different escort girls, the ones that have really expensive "services" are a lot more beautiful and sometimes even smarter. They usually wear expensive clothes and especially underwear. I've used their service when I was living in Amsterdam. They all were too fancy about their appearance, yet the services they provided were much better than the ones I used to receive ordering cheap escorts.

Edited by TaigassNellz

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7 hours ago, TaigassNellz said:

That's actually weird. I don't think I would be able to live with an escort girl.
First of all, I would be really concerned about my health.
Secondly, this intimate bond between two people should be exactly between two people, no more.
Actually, there are different escort girls, the ones that have really expensive "services" are a lot more beautiful and sometimes even smarter. They usually wear expensive clothes and especially underwear. I've used their service when I was living in Amsterdam. They all were too fancy about their appearance, yet the services they provided were much better than the ones I used to receive ordering cheap escorts.

lol are the girls in that link even real in the sense that it isn't some bait and switch? I bet it costs quite a bit to hire one of them for an entire night. You gotta be really loaded. I like how it is legal and clean in the EU. I don't partake in this in this living in the US.... ew... It has a much dirtier connotation and is illegal and the women that work in this job in the US tend to be associated with addiction, STDs and mental problems. Not to mention human trafficking. I think due to the systemic issues in the US it is an unwise and unsafe activity here. I have to admit though, there is something hot about hiring a high class European escort in Amsterdam through some sort of luxury agency. Just seems cleaner and safer there and the culture looks at it differently giving it a much cleaner and safer connotation. I have no doubt it's expensive. I was curious so I googled prices and yep... starts at 1000 euros there xD If I had the cash to burn and the safe and clean system in Europe I don't think it would be a problem to engage in occasionally if it freed up and solved the desire for sex. Would allow one to focus on other stuff and probably come off less needy too when dating.

Edited by Lyubov

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On 3/25/2021 at 4:03 PM, TaigassNellz said:

Secondly, this intimate bond between two people should be exactly between two people, no more.

in absolute terms - it could have been any way - but it is seemed to be so

Trust, reliability/stability of other person always being there, not having to compete for attention, health for avoidance of transferring disease, creation of family unit to raise children,  more attention to one person so know them better and better able to assist them, easier to make a partnership and have each person take care of their share of contribution, fulfill the need of needing to be listened, guaranteed sexual needs met

It just makes it easier.

I guess that is why the bible promotes the idea of "marriage" or union between 2 people - as having multiple sexual partners usually doesn't work out ever.. but yet so many people still go for the multiple sexual partners anyway

the jealousy and pain of your partner going for someone else and making you not want to be with them anymore - 

again we could have been programmed to be okay with that but we are not as it is more beneficial (in today's society) to not

each person having 1 partner allows more people to have a partner (instead of 1 person getting a lot of the people to themselves) - it is like hogging the resources/money to yourself

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having multiple partners - it is considered okay when we say it is okay and not when we say it is not

short term perspective: considered stage beige - getting a basic need met in the now (no long term thinking)

long term perspective - considered stage red - will end in pain, not good long term solution, someone will get hurt, not sustainable

long term solution - stage blue - one partner only

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there are so many things that we do to fulfill stage beige of getting the basic needs and we don't always realize the impacts (stage red) until later.

when stage red shows itself, it hurts and then we don't even want to get the basic need met anymore or immediately look for stage blue/green/yellow ways to get the stage beige need

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one just needs one partner. when one goes beyond that and gets many, it is like being greedy

if the one partner isn't fulfilling one's needs and they feel the need to get other partners, they may have to do that or may just drop the first partner and find a different one that meets more needs

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escorts are basically the same as chefs.

chefs provide the needs of food. escorts provide the needs of sex.

they are the most basic needs there are.

one could look deeper and find problems with both if they wanted - the food involves the death of an animal/vegetable for the life of the person. the sex is all dandy when there is no bond but it is hard for there to not be some sort of bond in some fashion - which then causes havoc when other partners are involved

the chef must lack empathy for the stuff it is killing to make a meal.  the escort must lack connection and lack creating a bond with clients in order to keep on going from client to client.

the customer must too lack empathy for the meal it has been given by the chef.  the customer must too lack the bond creation for the escort it is interacting with.

all parties involved have to cut off this empathy/bond/connection thing and that can be hard as we are all connected and search for connections

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I would have continued seeing escorts but the biggest letdown for me was the lack of connection that I was seeking. The interactions were mostly awkward, robotic and fake. Some advertised themselves as providing a "girlfriend experience" but this was far from being the case. Having said that, I do not dismiss the value that escorts provide. There were some moments that were fun and enjoyable. They fulfilled my sexual needs, at least temporarily. If you don't want a girlfriend then seeing escorts is not such a bad thing as some people portray it to be IMO. Do what you feel is best for you at a given moment while also considering the potential risks.

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On 12/30/2020 at 7:07 AM, UniverseWithin said:

I've been an escort before, there's a lot you can learn from them if you find the right one. If you want sexual liberation, who do you think is going to know more, a random potential girlfriend or an escort? 

In my experience, girls who were less experienced were more fun sexually than the more experienced ones.

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2 hours ago, SaltyMeatballs said:

I would have continued seeing escorts but the biggest letdown for me was the lack of connection that I was seeking. The interactions were mostly awkward, robotic and fake. Some advertised themselves as providing a "girlfriend experience" but this was far from being the case. Having said that, I do not dismiss the value that escorts provide. There were some moments that were fun and enjoyable. They fulfilled my sexual needs, at least temporarily. If you don't want a girlfriend then seeing escorts is not such a bad thing as some people portray it to be IMO. Do what you feel is best for you at a given moment while also considering the potential risks.

True. And the quality of energy you get from them is very low since most of them are very energetically unhealthy. Sleeping with anybody who pays you does that. Many of them are also drug users.

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Consider from which culture are the scorts you are picking. I find most euro and american scorts cold and with lack of empathy. 

If you can, try brazilian, colombian and venezuelan scort models. They are very friendly, open minded and sweet, which I love. 

I dont have problem attracting girls, yet I love scorts. I dont know why people see it as bad, I see it as something very positive. Maybe thats just me because im very sexual and really dont care being looked at as a fckboy or whatever. Fckng love good whores.

You know how good it is to have a couple of scort friends and when you get tired of fckng with one, just switch to the other for some time? I know it sounds a bit rude, but hey im honest with my self and girls. What I want  from women most is simply fun and fucking. And I even care for scort girls, is just that you save so much time, energy and drama, while getting exactly what you ask for :)

You who have to make it fun. I have not met an ordinary girl with the sexuality (experience) of a scort yet. Take out this idea of making sex something sacred. Is just animalistic desire. You give too much meaning to it, lol. You better say, what you want is making holy love not sex... 

Find one who suits you and become her friend. Dont generalize so quick. Telling you fckng a scort is bad is just as close as telling you money is Evil. You dont know what you are missing out ;)

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3

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