
Detoxing From Covid Vaccine

21 posts in this topic

Hey everyone, 

Wondered if you guys knew of anyone talking about this, I'm sure there's plenty of Alt-Health guys out there devising plans for just this and I'm really interested in learning more. Whether you agree with the Vaxx or not, it seems like it's going to be needed to travel frequently & what not, so I was wondering if there was a Detox programme so you can get the Vax without any worries / potential harm, because in the UK if the Oxford Vaccine gets approved it's likely the majority of >18s will be eligible around March time, potentially sooner as they'll want to ease the Draconian measures we have in place before it completely destroys the economy. 


Thanks in advance!

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

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Don't worry about it too much. You'll just get a stabilised RNA. Whatever compounds are in there to hold the thing together and deliver it into your cellular nucleus, your body will get rid of it in no time :) Your elimination systems have been perfected over 10s of thousands of years of human evolution, trust in the innate intelligence of the body and don't interfere. In the ideal world, you'd get covid naturally, shake it off and move on but I get the rationale that our society is so sick and fragile that we have to do it this way. 

Despite what we hear & see, no pharma company is interested to create a new form of the disease from vaxing, the vaccines are safe for 99.9999% of people. The fear of vaccine will probably do more damage to your health. Accept it, let go and move along ;)

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9 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

In the ideal world, you'd get covid naturally, shake it off and move on but I get the rationale that our society is so sick and fragile that we have to do it this way. 

This sounds crazy at first but youre kinda right, Wim Hof was injected with an endotoxin and used his breath to kill it. Absolutely astonishing how in the Dark Ages we are.

Edited by Rilles

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@LfcCharlie4 There are no compounds containing mercury in the vaccine developed by Pfizer and Moderna. However till you become eligible for vaccination there is a good chance other companies developed other forms of vaccines which require preservatives.


What have you thought of to detox from after vaccination?

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@Michael569 Okay, awesome. 

Do you recommend the WHM as @Rilles mentioned, Wim literally fought off E-Coli with 12 of his students using just breathing & the mind. He also reiterates what you said in 'We don't need more vaccines and masks, we need to breathe and be happy, strong and healthy.' 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

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It's okay I guess...

When I was in the military, they inflicted me with 5 types of injections all at one go...3 on my left arm, 2 on my right. That was not the only time as I had multiple injections before too.

It's to prevent a range of diseases. 

Edited by hyruga

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"The Mercury Detoxification Manual" (book): Andy Cutler, Rebecca Lee

P.177 - What should I do if I have been obliged to get a vaccine anyway? 

  • Take a gram of vitamin c every hour for a few days 
  • Take 2 or 3 tablets of aspirin 3 or 4 times per day
  • Apply ice to the injection site 
  • Apply hydrocortisone cream to the injection site three or four times a day for several days. 


I would also reason that a "theureperutic dose" of Alpha Lipoic Acid would be appropriate for testing whether you have become toxic from the vaccine, or a hair test if you have Amalgam fillings (both procedures are outlined in the book).

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On Friday, I had my first of 2 doses of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine.  The arm pain x4 days I had was the worst of it. Now, I feel fine. 

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21 hours ago, Michael569 said:


The more I read on the forum the more I am convinced that ACC is unsustainable and potentially a dangerous protocol. It is always a good idea to be slightly sceptical about any plan that is "good for everyone. 

Thanks for your advice. Everything you've said I'm going to take into account. 

However, this is not an ACC specific forum. The ACC method is informed by the pharmacokinetic process of Mercury chelating agents, and claims that other methods do not. If such claims are true then this does suggest the method is safer than others. I'd suggest reading his books rather than relying on this forum to convince you of a specific view.

Also nothing personal on my end, just parroting what I've read. Thanks for your response <3

Edit: typo


Edited by Mada_

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How do you feel about covid vaccination? will it be safe?Tell me, will you do the covid vaccine? There are many conflicting opinions. And I don't know what to do

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@LfcCharlie4 You could try taking DMG, TMG, MSM, glutathione, vitamin B6, choline, sulfur, sulfur-containing foods, or methyl-containing foods. They all help the detoxification processes of your body.

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If it were just a standard vaccine you could detox the heavy metals, formaldehyde and antibiotics in a few years, but the covid "vaccines" are not even vaccines but gene therapy, and I have no idea what can be done to undo the damage of mutated DNA and nanoparticles. If you really, really, really need to take the vax then at least let it be Sinovac which is a traditional vaccine (weakened Covid cells with an adjuvant), and then detox the aluminium and the other toxins for some time. It's bad but it's the safer bet if you insist on getting it.

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14 hours ago, Village said:

and I have no idea what can be done to undo the damage of mutated DNA and nanoparticles

One way is to detoxify your body:

Biochemical Detoxification.png

Image from: Staying Healthy with Nutrition, Elson M. Haas, MD, 2006


Another way is to boost your immune system: 


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1 hour ago, Superfluo said:

Biochemical Detoxification.png

Image from: Staying Healthy with Nutrition, Elson M. Haas, MD, 2006

Somebody's been doing some serious studies, good stuff ^_^

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On 1/11/2021 at 10:32 PM, Mada_ said:

"The Mercury Detoxification Manual" (book): Andy Cutler, Rebecca Lee

P.177 - What should I do if I have been obliged to get a vaccine anyway? 

  • Take a gram of vitamin c every hour for a few days 
  • Take 2 or 3 tablets of aspirin 3 or 4 times per day
  • Apply ice to the injection site 
  • Apply hydrocortisone cream to the injection site three or four times a day for several days. 


I would also reason that a "theureperutic dose" of Alpha Lipoic Acid would be appropriate for testing whether you have become toxic from the vaccine, or a hair test if you have Amalgam fillings (both procedures are outlined in the book).

But the covid vaccine doesn't contain mercury...

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If you're doing stuff to relieve the symptoms of the vaccine or trying to use the Wim Hof method to kill the spike proteins off before they do their thing, you're probably rendering the benefits of the vaccine ineffective and preventing yourself from developing immunity.

There aren't any heavy metals in the vaccine, at worst I believe there's a little plastic of some kind in it as a stabilizer if I recall correctly.

The kinds of regiments being discussed here are basically the equivalent of when you're a kid and your parent gives you medicine, but you tuck it in your cheek and then spit it out when they look away. The only small group of people would want to do this are people who want the benefits of being able to show proof they're vaccinated (travel, etc) without fully "taking" the vaccine. It's a more legit and untraceable way of basically faking your covid paperwork. If you want immunity to covid, just suck it up and deal with the aches and chills for a few days.

(This is my thoughts despite being anti-vax myself. I'm currently compiling a list of reputable scientific, peer-reviewed studies to convince my pregnant wife that the risk of vaccine side effects are on the same order of magnitude of contracting covid itself. I've had my first shot but iffy about getting my second.)

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18 hours ago, The0Self said:

But the covid vaccine doesn't contain mercury...

It allegedly doesn't. But some people experienced strange magnetic phenomena: some people claimed that putting a magnet near the injection spot would result in the magnet sticking to the arm. There are some videos online of that.

Of course, that could be straight up bullshit: for example, maybe the sticking comes from the glue of the band-aid. Let's say that is NOT bullshit: if it were true, what is it then?

I listened to an interview where a medical expert that did some research said that there could be some vaccine batches that are being cleaned with magnetite, a mineral that has magnetic properties. Magnetite, as the medical expert said, is also found in our bones, and there could be some people that more easily accumulate magnetite, without having particular symptoms. Also, as the medical expert said, when we have a cytokine storm, free oxygen and nitrogen radicals form in our bodies which have a paramagnetic effect and can improve this magnetic phenomenon. But these are theories, she says that research needs to be done to understand what's happening.


Edited by Superfluo

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