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Love And Kindness Meditation

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I realy cringe at the thought of it. I cant barly write it. May you be lovet and peace full and so on. That meditation. Is it wor th putting time into. Or is it just nonsensens?

Could i just go May you be sad May you be sick May you be hated? Or does love and healthy and happy mather?

Does it work is what im asking.

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You can wish well to others, cant live their life for them tho. In buddhist tradition its called metta meditation and I do metta in start of each meditation session. It is like affirmation/mantra, you can learn to accumulate those positive loving feelings in you, feeling of love to yourself and to others. Once you have that feeling of love going it can be your meditation object at first as you start say, mindfullness practice.


The way I see it, world could use people who sincerely feel love to other beings without business deal we call relationship/marriage. While you feeling kind to some random dude u see on the street probably doesnt do anything for him, you get to feel feelings of loving kindness, do it for selfish reasons then :D


Edit. Also I myself have developed a way way stronger sence of love toward myself with that method. Actually it helps me to treat myself right by creating habits that bring me fullfillment and so on, so yea, I would say that keep it as part of your routine, At least a few minutes as you start your meditation.

Edited by Whatever

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Yes I love this meditation and I feel it hAs helped me with shrinking my ego by giving love to wveryone even the ones who hate me or have treated me badly(:

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@Svartsaft Hint: If you (i.e., ego) cringe at the thought of something, then it's probably super-healthy for ya ;)

Are you seeing the game yet? Are you seeing how ego separates itself from other?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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11 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Svartsaft Hint: If you (i.e., ego) cringe at the thought of something, then it's probably super-healthy for ya ;)

Omg this is true! Am totally sick of all my bullshit at the moment, is this a no-self thing, or a revisioning of values?

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