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Okay, I am aware that this post may come off as hyper judgmental; however I've come to realize after much deliberation over all of the knowledge, wisdom, and experience that I have gained on US politics, society, government throughout my entire life time including having already read so many discussion posts within the Society, Environment, Government, and Politics section of the forum, I realize that it all comes down to the fault of ALL of the US right wing ideologies that have pervaded throughout the entire USA and have sadly been ingrained within almost half of the people within the country for well over a century long.

They have regularly create economic inequality, racial inequality, voter suppression, gerrymandering, no social/societal progression, shaming of other people's religions, shaming of people's sexuality, crazy gun rights, problems with libertarianism which Leo talked about in his vid about it, etc.. At the extreme, they have to alt-right conspiracy theories, white supremacism, white nationalism and other ideologies or organizations that feature aspects of ultranationalist, chauvinist, xenophobic, theocratic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, or reactionary views oppression, political violence, forced assimilation, ethnic cleansing and even genocide, etc., etc. All in all they have been ANACHRONISTIC, BACKWARDS, TOXIC, DESTRUCTIVE, and INHUMANE philosophies. Let's also get real about this folks, there have been way more idiotic, incompetent, and sinister republican and right-wing conservative politicians than idiotic, incompetent, and sinister left-wing liberals and democratic politicians. All of these core beliefs have ruined an astronomical number of lives within our country for over a century, This is why republicanism and the alt-right movements should never be tolerated! They have been the roots of all political and economy within the US!

Now, noticed that I said right wing ideologies are VIRTUALLY and not ABSOLUTELY. This is because I believe that there are only two American right-wing conservatives that have merit to them. They are capitalism, freedom of speech, and strong controls on immigration.

I absolutely do believe that capitalism is totally necessary to perpetually promote prosperity, innovation, and career freedom within a country. 

Freedom of speech is something that I of course very much believe in that as well. Yet, the use of this wonderful privilege within our country has sadly gotten way out of hand within our country for at least a century long, especially with all of these poisonous conspiracy theories out there throughout all of the internet and all forms of media, outspoken racism and sexism, verbal abuse towards anyone from the LBGTQ+ community, and said hatred and mockery of anyone who is not a Christian. 

As for strong controls on immigration, I totally agree with that. In fact, I hate to admit this, but the one thing that Trump did right as president, was making the government really crack down on hard on illegal immigrants and the deporting of millions of illegal immigrants that lived in the US. Why I absolutely believe in total racial and gender equality and genuinely welcome multicultural and complete ethnic diversity within our country, the illegal immigration situations that have gone on within the US have really become serious growing problems for our country.   


Edited by Hardkill

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Immigration gives a clue to the shadow side of stage orange: that it becomes unsustainable quite quickly in historical terms. Advanced capitalist economies have low birth rates, skill shortages, shortage of cheap labour, raw materials, customers (for its growth agenda), and destroy nature. Immigration effectively dilutes orange (temporarily) by bringing in more stage blue. But it's only a short-term fix, sooner or later a more radical shift (to green) will be needed. But unfortunately we still have inequality on the global stage. 

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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