Mr Being

Elliott Hulse has completely lost his mind

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1 hour ago, Nyseto said:

Carl Jung was the first to present the theory that masculine and feminine energy exist in both man and woman


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12 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Ahh yes that's right. Shiva and Shakti. I'm familiar with both. David Deida who wrote a book called "Way of the Superior Man" talks about the divine masculine and feminine. Carl Jung just seemed like he was the first to talk about masculine and feminine energy in a non Hindu way I guess. 

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Ardhanarishvara, duality and nonduality, yin and yang:


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Jung was probably the one that introduced the concept to the west. It was a radical thing at the time. He also researched the shit out of world traditions. That is in a way how he got led to those conclusions.


Still I feel we are at the beginning stages of the process, very rarely do we see integrated humans. Most that exibit the oposite traits are either animus or anima posessed. This in turn creates the image that mas/fem integration just does not work. We need at least a decade to get over this.

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2 hours ago, Yog said:

He also researched the shit out of world traditions. That is in a way how he got led to those conclusions.


You don't need to research world traditions to realize that you have both masculine and feminine aspects to your psyche. This is like saying you need to talk to a French-trained chef in order to know that you enjoy sweet and salty food both, and that there is a complex and important interplay between the two in most dishes.

Notice that every good dessert recipe calls for some salt.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Ardhanarishvara, duality and nonduality, yin and yang:


yup... that looks exactly like me....

You can imagine my schock when I realised I was the devil... the fucking devil for God's shake!!

Can i say fuck here?


we are not only Gods we are also Devils... 

 I always hated the devil.. and now I have to love him! 

The book of Herman Essen "Demian"  that I read recently has helped me realise that if you love God you also have to love Devil too..

Am I off topic again? Try to see the biggest picture.. it's not that easy for me to express my self in english 


Edited by Star

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@Star Don't get confused. Shiva (the dark figure above) is NOT the devil nor evil. Shiva is the masculine/Emptiness.

The darkness of the image can be misleading to Western-centric minds who associate dark with evil.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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5 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Star Don't get confused. Shiva (the dark figure above) is NOT the devil nor evil. Shiva is the masculine/Emptiness.

The darkness of the image can be misleading to Western-centric minds who associate dark with evil.

I know... there is no devil anyway.... 

I think masculine symbolises and represents the opposite of feminine... 

There is no bad or good.. that's what I'm trying to teach my self

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It's really not easy to express my self in english for topic like that... it would had been difficult in Greek too..

It's a symbol... and the half it's dark not of course because it's evil.... but some people may exprerience some thoughts they have as evil... 

some women may experience thier masculine site as evil and have guilts...

Edited by Star

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Umm... pretty sure the Hindus beat him by 5000 years :D


@Leo Gura I recently studied the Chakra system in more depth and I found it to be almost identical to Maslow's work on needs and self-actualization. You could even say Chakras = Maslow's pyramid in a sense. If you're not living or striving to live to your full potential, your chakras close down and you start to feel like shit & get various kinds of illnesses (Chakras go out of alignment).

I actually found Chakras theory to be even more holistic than Maslow's work. And this stuff was assumably found and created like 5000 years ago as well

Edited by Hello from Russia

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@Hello from Russia Two people independently studying the human psyche should come to similar conclusions, although frame and phrase it differently.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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23 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Hello from Russia Two people independently studying the human psyche should come to similar conclusions, although frame and phrase it differently.

Yeah, for sure

It's just fascinating how stuff from 5000 years ago can be more deeper and profound than stuff that scientists discovered just 10-200 years ago

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I love accessing the darkness. Techno music in the dark with good headphones can really activate a shiva awakening of sorts if you are spiritually sensitive to the auditory. 

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So yeah I watched this to the end and it's.... Interesting.... I feel unsettled by   j u s t   knowing that he's 'wrong' but I wanna know why he's wrong. I understand the fear but I wouldn't know what to tell someone who comes up to me and tells me all this stuff, if that makes sense

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28 minutes ago, Kamran said:

I wanna know why he's wrong.

Easy. Stage Green shadow.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Kamran said:

So yeah I watched this to the end and it's.... Interesting.... I feel unsettled by   j u s t   knowing that he's 'wrong' but I wanna know why he's wrong. I understand the fear but I wouldn't know what to tell someone who comes up to me and tells me all this stuff, if that makes sense

He should call his movement

S   trong
E   nergetic
M  en
E   merge
N  ow

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