How to be wise

Ken Wilber’s 10% rule

40 posts in this topic

9 minutes ago, ArchangelG said:

Nor will yellow enter "the chat". Integral politics will probably take place in totally new platforms, cause remember that there is RADICAL shift from green to yellow, or tier 1 to tier 2. 

But if Yellow discourse does not enter the chat, by definition it is not a significant part of mainstream culture.

You can't just have Yellow make appearances in academic work. I needs to be all over YT, Facebook, Twitter, and cable TV. Otherwise it hasn't really penetrated culture.

Your grandma needs to be talking about Yellow ideas at the dinner table. Until that happens, society is very far from Yellow.

The kinds of topics we cover on need to become so mainstream that becomes obsolete. That's what a Yellow society would look like.

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2 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But if Yellow discourse does not enter the chat, by definition it is not a significant part of mainstream culture.

True, but to me it looks like mainstream culture is redifining itself in a radical way.


4 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You can't just have Yellow make appearances in academic work. I needs to be all over YT, Facebook, Twitter, and cable TV. Otherwise it hasn't really penetrated culture.

There are a lot of yellow out there. I think its more likely that people will find yellow than yellow finding the people so to speak.

I read somewhere that the amount of screen time per person has gone from 1h/day to 7h/day in ten years. That is huge, and we havent seen the full effects of this yet. 

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16 minutes ago, ArchangelG said:

True, but to me it looks like mainstream culture is redifining itself in a radical way.

So what color is mainstream culture then?

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

So what color is mainstream culture then?

Blue, Orange, green.

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Ken Wilber predicts we are about 15 years away from yellow permeating mainstream culture but he does also say we have around 5% yellow now - the only yellow news channel I know of is The Daily Evolver and therefore we aren't even close to that. Im also reading the religion of tomorrow now probably the best book i've ever read.

Edited by andyjohnsonman

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1 hour ago, andyjohnsonman said:

Ken Wilber predicts we are about 15 years away from yellow permeating mainstream culture

Sweet pipe dreams.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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ken wilber is brilliant but he sure makes some ridiculous predictions 

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Governments are usually half of stage above average. I have an impression that Norwegian and Swedish governments are infused with some Yellow ideas. They aren't fully integral but at least it makes Green ideas more sustainable.

In my (not very developed) country it is very common for 20 years old people to be Green. It's very likely 5-10% of them will evolve to second tier in ten years.

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16 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Your grandma needs to be talking about Yellow ideas at the dinner table. Until that happens, society is very far from Yellow.

The kinds of topics we cover on need to become so mainstream that becomes obsolete. That's what a Yellow society would look like.

I'm not talking about a culture where the center of gravity is yellow. It's very different from a 10% tipping point. 

During the enlightment when the 10% tipping point of orange, and 10% tipping point of green during the flower power movement, orange and green ideas dtarted to penetrate mainstream culture. But the center of gravity was not orange during the Enlightenment or green during the hippie revolution.

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1 hour ago, Username said:

Governments are usually half of stage above average. I have an impression that Norwegian and Swedish governments are infused with some Yellow ideas. They aren't fully integral but at least it makes Green ideas more sustainable.

Living in Sweden I dont see much of this. My views of the government is that they are very stagnant and ignorant, especially when it comes to drugs. 

It's like they've fallen back to blue from green. It feels like we have a giant orange "hole".

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It's called the tipping point where the message spreads to so many people that more and more people just share or talk about them and suddenly there's explosive grow in the message or people. Read The Tipping Point book.

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On 12/29/2020 at 10:21 AM, Leo Gura said:

Dumb people expect the freedom to act out their stupidity.

quote of the year

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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On 12/29/2020 at 10:28 AM, Leo Gura said:

Democracy is increasing -- this is a general long-term global trend. This becomes a problem if consciousness and education does not keep pace. It's analogous to the problem of when technology increases but consciousness does not. Democracy redistributes power into the hands of the many, but if the many are ignorant, this leads to disaster. Which is why democracy did not exist for most of human history.

What people don't understand is that democracy did not exist because it couldn't exist -- because people were too dumb to govern themselves. You cannot have democracy in Syria because the people are too ignorant to handle it. They need a brutal dictator to keep them in line through raw force because a dumb person doesn't understand things other than raw force.

To have nice things requires first curing your ignorance. Which requires a robust education system.

you know that you are badass, don't you?

consciousness is so cool :D

"The journey never ends, the point of arrival is always now." 

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On 12/29/2020 at 3:35 PM, andyjohnsonman said:

Ken Wilber predicts we are about 15 years away from yellow permeating mainstream culture but he does also say we have around 5% yellow now - the only yellow news channel I know of is The Daily Evolver and therefore we aren't even close to that. Im also reading the religion of tomorrow now probably the best book i've ever read.

He seems to be way off with that prediction in my opinion. We are barely starting to see Green take a stronger hold now in the West (let alone anywhere else in the world) and look at the massive resistance it's getting. It'll be another 30 years (ie a whole new generation born/baby boomers all being dead) until we see the shift into majority Green, let alone any sort of significant Yellow.

Keep in mind the possibility we could all be being fantastically naïve about this. These are solid assumptions but don't take anything for granted. Climate change, resource strain, economic/class revolts could cause a war or an equal amount of destruction that it sets us back or keeps Green/Yellow from coming back for hundreds of years.

Reality is a high stakes game.


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Call to mind the most high profile contemporary Yellow thought leaders and intellectuals that you're aware of (Noam Chomsky, Jared Diamond, etc), and try just having a conversation with a random person about any of those individuals. Odds are they won't even know who the hell you're even talking about. 

Now bring up a high profile Green person (Bernie Sanders for example), and the other person will likely at least have an idea of who he is, and have at least a vague notion of what his values and beliefs are, even if it's only a strawman.

Yellow hasn't even permeated the Culture enough to be part of the Conversation. Once Green has become the center of gravity in our Society some generations from now, then maybe Yellow will have a chance to occupy the same space in the Culture that Green occupies now. 

Edited by DocWatts

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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5 hours ago, DocWatts said:

Yellow hasn't even permeated the Culture enough to be part of the Conversation. Once Green has become the center of gravity in our Society some generations from now, then maybe Yellow will have a chance to occupy the same space in the Culture that Green occupies now. 

When you say "the conversation" do you mean mainstream media? Cause yellow will probably never enter that conversation. Those platforms has way to low center of gravity. Yellow is awakening outside mainstream.


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7 hours ago, ArchangelG said:

When you say "the conversation" do you mean mainstream media? Cause yellow will probably never enter that conversation. Those platforms has way to low center of gravity. Yellow is awakening outside mainstream.

What I meant was more mainstream Culture than anything else, but yes I agree that we're a long way from that happening.

It's not impossible to imagine though in a potential future society that's on the whole much more educated, and whose media environment makes more room for complex ideas to be discussed in the larger Culture. But I'm not holding my breath for that to happen under Late Stage Capitalism, several generations from now is a more likely scenario.

I have a Substack, where I write about epistemology, metarationality, and the Meaning Crisis. 

Check it out at :

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On 12/29/2020 at 0:14 PM, Leo Gura said:

I'm calling bullshit those estimates.

I see no valid science behind them. Someone is pulling those numbers out of their ass, or however they do their surveys is highly biased.

Show 10 Yellow political commentators for every 100 Blue/Orange/Green ones. You will be hard-pressed to find 1. You certainly will not find 5 or 10.

I agree completely. Its funny for me to think that 10% of society, even most advanced societies, are yellow. The distribution of spiral stages is so skewed toward the lower stages.

On 12/29/2020 at 7:20 PM, North Sea said:

@Leo Gura Syria is actually quite a bad example. The Syrian people are very intelligent and conscious compared to other Arabian countries. There are many highly educated people there and people of different religions could live there how they wanted. In 2011 they wanted Assad to fuck off in favor of a more conscious leader. I have Syrian friend who was born in europe but then moved to Syria at 2 years old and moved back at 12. He tells me basically everybody hates Assad and IS in Syria and that most people there want more conscious leadership.


As someone who lives in the middle east, I think that the same goes for here. Many people consider themselves as orange, or even green, but they are blue people who have become accustomed to some orange/green ideas. The real percentage of orange/green people is much less than what some orange/green people might think! So maybe if you are someone with mostly orange/green mentality, it seems to you that there are lots of people like you in your middle eastern country(because they hate this or that corrupt politician), but they are not! Yes, orange is growing, but green is still so rare. And yellow, just let it go! so few.


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