
Energy Flowing

3 posts in this topic

Hey everyone 

I have been reading E. Tolle. There is one part he writes when you concentrate on a limb ( feet.. etc) you can actually feel the energy flowing, like a tingling sensation. I have been doing that and lately during meditation I started feeling that tingling sensation throughout my whole body, traveling all around, heat and energy, especially in the heart chakra. I'd like to think of it as healing . Any insights or experiences about that you'd like to share or any guides?

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It's a healing in the sense that you are more aware of your energies. So, from now, whenever you experience some challenge in your life you will automatically take in account the sensation of where the energy gather or flows in the body, and it will be helpful to put some more light into the problem.

It's also a healing in Kria Yoga terms. Kria Yoga affirms that we are energies and that 30 minutes of feeling the energies coming up and down along the spine are equal to many years of normal development... So, in Kria Yoga terms, you are increasing the energy of your heart chakra, which will automatically affect your life.

I also feel when I meditate heat on my hands and tingling on my forehead mainly. I feel too that's kind of healing and a pleasuring, a kind of invigorating and refreshening sensation.

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Thank you. I will look into kria yoga now that you mentioned it. 

To me that sensation was very interesting because I have never felt that before and that energy being in my heart chakra (not at first but over time ) made sense since I'm struggling with opposite sex relationships and going through a challenge at the moment. 

Being aware of where it is located while going through an emotion and being aware takes a lot of practice. At the moment I can only manage that for a few seconds, then I'm in the ego, then out of it a few seconds.. so on. 

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