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Guided by your higher mind - the easiest and fastest way to all your hearts desires

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Life is always conspiring to give you everything you want. Every time you stumble upon something undesirable, an unpleasant situation or event, you create a desire too. This desire life then conspires to bring to you. Everything you want is not something you have to do, it is already on its way to you. If you want something, you will get it, unavoidably so. Nothing too hard for life to give you. There is nothing that this physical reality could produce of desires in you, that life isn't able, or isn't going to, give you. All the manifestations of your desires are already going to manifest in the perfect order, the perfect timing. In this life or the next. There is nothing you have to do (that is efforting) to life a life of happiness, bliss, peace, wonder, or whatever you desire.

Life is always supporting you 100%. You also always get your own vibrations, your own beliefs, reflected back at you. So life is always supporting you in what you hold as true and what you are being/doing vibrationally. So if you think you need to do effort, to struggle, to get what you want, you will attract circumstances and people that will support the vibrational reality underlining the idea you hold there. If you believe you're a classy guy, a poor woman or a big dick, you'll get that back too. 

Therefor, you only have to lower your resistance, to let go of the beliefs that aren't feeling good for you. Because your choosing of the thoughts that aren't feeling pleasant or natural to you are the things that create the unpleasant life. But you have an inner being, or a higher mind, who is with you, loves you and is all there for you. It knows all your beliefs that are blocking you from attracting all you would want, knows your circumstances, etc. Considering where you are at and your circumstances, it is guiding you by your inspirations, passions, attractions, curiosity, excitements, joys, etc. By acting on these inspirations, excitements, etc., it is guiding you through the path of least resistance to all your desires, to all that will fulfill you. If you act on its guidance it navigates you around all the obstacles. To you it might seem like this path is going in a roudabout way to what you want when you follow it, but it is the shortest (and perhaps sweetest) path. So the only thing to do is to let go and allow yourself to do the things that make you feel good, whetever that is reading a book in the moment, taking a walk, watching a movie, making a website, etc. and life shall become the stream of ease, wonder, peace, magic, joy, love and excitement you so desire.


Edited by Waken

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That sounds nice. But is it always that easy? I think it does work generally speaking, but to make it work perfectly and to only manifest good things I think one would have to listen to the intuition a lot, not just the desires. Because let's say that someone gets an inflamed tooth, it's common and it could have killed them if they lived in the middle ages, but if they were very connected to their intuition, they could have known what to do to heal the tooth before it became a problem. Few people have that strong intuition but one can always improve it!

My teacher always tells us to follow our feeling like you say, but also the intuition.

Edited by Seraphim

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