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Night Work within S.D.

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I myself work at night and it got me to thinking, you'd probably expect a decrease in the numbers of people working in night shift if you had a more conscious society, and yet, reality seems to resist uniformity and the real world is unpredictable and shaded in many colors. 

You can help lots of people during the night, such as in the hospital helping people with sleep-disorders, yet even in this act most shift workers are usually compromising your own health at least slightly. Something like 5,6, or 7% of workers in the U.S. frequently work night shift, and this is causing lots of issues vis-à-vis lack of sleep, but it's not like you can legislate people into falling asleep at 10 p.m., even in ancient days there were people working the night shift in military camps to warn against invaders. 

For sectors like manufacturing it seems a clear cut to drastically cut down or eliminate night shift work in this sector, but what about other areas? 

When I look at a lot sectors it seems like these occupations are coming from a stage Orange or below, and yet in the real world it probably would never happen that everyone is asleep by a reasonable time, at least not any time soon. Yet I could imagine in a fully Turquoise world, there would be *much* more people going to sleep on time. 

I don't have a specific question but does anyone have any thoughts about this?

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I switched from an early shift to a late shift in January. I get more sleep at night and am more productive during the day. I recognize that this may put me in a minority, but my quality of life has improved.

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4 hours ago, Talinn said:

. Yet I could imagine in a fully Turquoise world, there would be *much* more people going to sleep on time

 A yellow world would acknowledge that different people have different chronotypes (Night owls & Early birds), & society is way too biased towards early birds and should be more accommodating for both camps and should structure society and work to suit both.

Matthew Walker stresses this point in depth in his book "why we sleep".

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I worked night shift for about a year. It definitely wrecks havoc on your system, especially if you're having to come in and off that schedule all the time.

Which is not to say you can't do it. I just didn't find it to be the healthiest choice.


"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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