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Everything is one massive firework of pleasure, enjoyment, thrill and fun. It's all a joke, a play, a fucking BALL! THRIVE!!! LIVE!!!! IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!!

Literally everything is an extension of the one true self. If you use a camera to capture an image, that camera essentially becomes an extension of your eyes. The same way you are a biological extension of awareness, unraveling into infinity and feeling the endless flow of bliss

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The question is can you still say the same when you experience something horrible like the death of your child? 

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@BlackMaze I've never lost a child, but I lost my baby brother. This is bliss because it is essential in feeling pleasure and happiness, without suffering there would be no opposite. 

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13 hours ago, BlackMaze said:

The question is can you still say the same when you experience something horrible like the death of your child? 

More of a stipulation than a question, no?


Amen! ??   And very sorry to hear. 



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@NorthNow sorry i didn't know that it was a random example. Of course you are right

@Nahm i don't really know what this word means but my purpose was not to say something negative. I just wanted to point out how difficult it is for someone to say all these nice things when actually facing something very scary and horrible in their lives. These moments could lead to realizations of this kind or the opposite and that is a life full of misery, depression etc. without escape. 

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*As you approach the Source, the light in the distance grows bright. It gains on intensity until suddenly, it blinds you like a great firework, and you find yourself merged with everyone. The gates have been flung open. You finally see the truth: It's always been a party behind the door. Everyone's stepping it up on the disco floor. Everyone's partying hard. You see cocktail glasses hanging in everyone's palms; they're like tiny Godheads laughing along. Reality doesn't make any sense here, but you're the happiest you've ever been. Any notion of Truth you had had before was shredded to tears by this wonderful sight. Truth is, everyone's been waiting for you. You were the last one to awaken. Might as well join the disco floor.*

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@SirVladimir can see why you’re writing short stories this is awesome ? 

@NorthNow You got it! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@LfcCharlie4 Yeah. There's a lot of healing to do by reading, too. It can ease the burden or serve as a potion of vitality. Btw getting on Amazon finally. Setting up a paperback is easier than I thought. Republishing a change is annoying as hell, though.

14 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Now I miss romanian lady. Poetry and nice words. 

@zeroISinfinity You're the most rhyming verse I've ever stumbled across. 

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@SirVladimir awesome, good luck Man! 

And, completely agree. So many people in the self-help / productivity space always dismiss pursuits like Fiction, Movies, TV Shows (proper shows) as a “waste of time” which I get if someone is addicted & spending their whole day mindlessly watching shows or whatever, but the ignore that these mediums are an art form not just for helping enrich people’s lives & entertain them, make them laugh etc but also so people can’t learn more about the human condition, psychology, relationships, reality etc. 

I mean, fiction also influences society hugely & great works are talked about for millennia. 

Fiction as a whole goes so far beyond just entertainment / escapism (although that is another great benefit) & serves such an important purpose. 

But, even beyond all of that, reading / watching things you love just for the fun of it is amazing on its own! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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5 hours ago, BlackMaze said:

The question is can you still say the same when you experience something horrible like the death of your child? 


The Art of Knowing is Knowing the accumulation of knowledge lies within time, the discovery of Wisdom is attained out of the Mind.

~ ~


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@LfcCharlie4 Yea man, I'm totally nodding in agreement. The portrayal of Fun, Humor & Entertainment as a value often intertwines with Hope. This is a crucial connection because Hope mends the heart and leads us to a greater unity. Thus, for example, if you have an irresistible calling to travel abroad as a humanitarian to help those in need, you can do so as well by immortalizing Hope and Love into your art. Shall the fates smile upon you, it'll reach the hearts of thousands, shaking the roots of the entire world. And the influence will be untraceable. Who knows how large the domino effect will be?

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12 hours ago, NorthNow said:

Everything is one massive firework of pleasure, enjoyment, thrill and fun. It's all a joke, a play, a fucking BALL! THRIVE!!! LIVE!!!! IT'S SO MUCH FUN!!!

Literally everything is an extension of the one true self. If you use a camera to capture an image, that camera essentially becomes an extension of your eyes. The same way you are a biological extension of awareness, unraveling into infinity and feeling the endless flow of bliss

Yes, absolutely.

Not as much, relatively.

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This gave me a realization just now. If we are to take direct experience as a source of truth, wouldn’t the direct experience of suffering be just as true and valid as experiences of infinite bliss, love, etc? I think spirituality as a whole is the human mind glorifying what is most desired. Everyone talks about the Truth in bliss and love, but who is there preaching about the Truth in the suffering? Who is rejoicing in the suffering? Don’t mistake me. Being a Buddha who does not experience unpleasant events as sources of suffering is not the same as rejoicing in the suffering. 

Maybe I should work on a post about the spiritual value of suffering. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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On 28.12.2020 at 8:52 PM, SirVladimir said:


*As you approach the Source, the light in the distance grows bright. It gains on intensity until suddenly, it blinds you like a great firework, and you find yourself merged with everyone. The gates have been flung open. You finally see the truth: It's always been a party behind the door. Everyone's stepping it up on the disco floor. Everyone's partying hard. You see cocktail glasses hanging in everyone's palms; they're like tiny Godheads laughing along. Reality doesn't make any sense here, but you're the happiest you've ever been. Any notion of Truth you had had before was shredded to tears by this wonderful sight. Truth is, everyone's been waiting for you. You were the last one to awaken. Might as well join the disco floor.*

@SirVladimir So you wrote this? Very beautiful. It's hard to describe how these words make me feel. Joy, Truth, Love. Thank you.

I will absolutely check out your book some day.

Everyone is waiting for eternity but the Shaman asks: "how about today?"

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