Leo Nordin

One with no conflict, a year of savings, would he be able to pull off survival?

55 posts in this topic

2 hours ago, Forestluv said:

What if there is resistance and lack of feeling toward the dream? For example, one might like to imagine having a healthy body and active lifestyle, yet there isn’t an underlying feeling motivating one to cook, workout, hike, do yoga etc.? It feels more like a chore and the person sits around all day surfing the internet and beating themself up.  Does the dream board serve to have that imagine on the board everyday to stir up the fire? And if that doesn’t happen a newer, truer imagination arises and makes it to the dream board? 

Imagination is just memory put in a certain way, its entirely full of delusion. You are in a way creating your own reality, it is not the present reality. Enquire about all of this and you may see. It has nothing to do with what you want to do.

To be motivated something has to motivate you which is life, pictures/visualisation in your brain can guide life in a certain direction but it will be limited, see for yourself how that has worked out for all the adults around you. you don't ask why when it comes to life, because it is the will of life which is important and you cannot ask why to these fundamentals of life, it is much bigger than what thought can grasp. 

Of course when your mind tries to do something on its own there will be conflict between the universe - the mind, body and energy. So it would naturally be a struggle to do for example chores. The further away it is from lifes will the more difficult it will be especially if you are a sensible human being. 

"Does the dream board serve to have that imagine on the board everyday to stir up the fire?" Funny that you ask that, because memory, the imagination is actually repetition, I hope you can see that, so now you want to repeat that every day, what is this method, it is full of bullshit, but if it works then fine. So what does memory, the past tell us about the now or the future? You don't create anything new in doing this. But you might begin to discern what is reality, trith etc and what is delusion by partaking in what is the dreamboard and then you will know life soon to its fullest, is that the idea with the dreamboard? 


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On 2020.12.28. at 10:18 PM, Leo Nordin said:

Would someone like to further elaborate on this topic? 

Read about sannyas, aghori and sadhus in himalayas, in hindu tradition there are people who ONLY accepted a meal if you gave them nothing else even not more food than a meal and their olny shelter was the forest or a cave or sometimes plain ground. They meditate even in thunderstorms. 

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9 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

Would you say sitting around with no energy to do anything is actually a peaceful feeling (before thoughts come in and say “You are unmotivated, you should be doing xyz”)

Peace is not the highest goal, peace is one of the most fundamental requirement for a life. You experience peacefulness before going to sleep don't you. That is peacefulness, it is nice yes but a human being can be so much more.

No energy means almost no experience of life, it is rather limited. 

This is why you must learn how not to live in conflict, when energy is in conflict with the mind and the body see what happens. When there is no conflict you would rest when you need to rest. You would talk when you should talk and so over. 

If you have a sharp mind I would suggest you to watch J krishnamurti. Sadhguru and Osho can also give you the tools to figure this out, so check them out. 

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2 minutes ago, Applegarden said:

Read about sannyas, aghori and sadhus in himalayas, in hindu tradition there are people who ONLY accepted a meal if you gave them nothing else even not more food than a meal and their olny shelter was the forest or a cave or sometimes plain ground. They meditate even in thunderstorms. 

10 minutes ago, Forestluv said:

(sorry my replies are glitching didn't mean to quote you here) 

Applegarden I have heard of that, but I am more curious to what one would do in a current society where it wasn't common for spiritual people to receive free meals. For example what would those awakened people do if others didn't no longer come to give them food, would they still find a way to make meals and would they do that while living fully. 

I am actually not looking for so much information about those extreme meditators, you know there are those who get involved in the world which are called gurus, yogis or whatever and there is a name for those that don't get so involved. I want to know more about those who was/are involved with people around them. Or rather the capability of survival in such a man in different circumstances, are there some good stories on that???

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@Leo Nordin I think your doubts d be easily solved if you leave home, travel, and your money runs out. from there improvisation begins and life will guide you wherever it want. Before that, while the money lasts, enjoy it. I wouldn't worry a minute

Edited by Breakingthewall

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But I am not even 18 yet... That is what I was and am going to do it's just perhaps I should turn 18 first... 

1 hour ago, Forestluv said:

Sorry didn't mean to quote

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Yeah, when you can. What could be better? Let the life developing, you are privileged, you have a level of consciousness that very few have at your age. open up and let things be as they have to be

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@Nahm I have a question for you, What if I choose to just do whatever I want from this day onward (not saying I didn't do what I wanted before) then what would be the problem with that if school just didn't concern me anymore? Survival? 

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@Leo Nordin

Planning in regard to avoiding a problem is motivation, or one’s motive being avoidance of said problem. Thinking in regard to what you want to experience is connective and inspirational. 



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18 is the perfect age to make mistakes, so why not try to live life to its fullest if you have an opportunity? 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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15 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Leo Nordin

Thinking in regard to what you want to experience is connective and inspirational. 

Inspirational energy is such juicy aliveness. Yet it seems sometimes that energetic pipe gets clogged. 

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@Leo Nordin There are thousands of way to survive without money, a job or even a house. 

But if you are trying to get off these things for enlightenment, It will be very hard. You will be distracted and not reach the ultimate. 

You can live in your car, a van, with a friend, rent, make money online, get a gf, make girls give you money, or a cougar, make friends to get food, sell in the street, hunt, plant, etc. It takes too much energy. You will have to be very skilled and creative, even lucky to do it.

The only other way is if you already know how to invest in financial markets. If you have some money invested in good stocks or crypto, it can Profit enough continously to survive without much thought. Thats what Om Swami did while at Himalayas, lol. 

For enligthenment, you almost need to be mantained in the physical. You either go to a monastery or get a simple job and live with someone. If you have a business already it might work. But building a business or mantaining a complex business while goin within its goin to be very hard. You are shutting the mind to go deeper, while trying to use it at the same time to handle complexities when it is being destroyed. You are trying to play with two dimensions at the same time without being established in neither yet. Aside from handling all your personal relationships which will undoubtly start to crumble as your personality dissolves.

Edited by Kalki Avatar

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. - Jeremiah 33:3


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21 hours ago, Leo Nordin said:

Applegarden I have heard of that, but I am more curious to what one would do in a current society where it wasn't common for spiritual people to receive free meals. For example what would those awakened people do if others didn't no longer come to give them food, would they still find a way to make meals and would they do that while living fully. 

I am actually not looking for so much information about those extreme meditators, you know there are those who get involved in the world which are called gurus, yogis or whatever and there is a name for those that don't get so involved. I want to know more about those who was/are involved with people around them. Or rather the capability of survival in such a man in different circumstances, are there some good stories on that???

On the top of my head i can think of biographies of echkart tolle, george gurdjeff, dr. hawkins, bentinho massaro - i think these people dealth with western struggles and somehow integrated the experience of the whole. :) Best of luck!

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2 hours ago, Forestluv said:

Inspirational energy is such juicy aliveness. Yet it seems sometimes that energetic pipe gets clogged. 

I relish the unclogging too. ?  I like the phrase, “how Good are you Source?”. 

Source always be like BAAM. This Good. 



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Unfortunately I didn't get much input on my original question on this thread, if anyone has something to add you are welcome. 

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@Nahm I would love to hear a story or stories in depth how different ""enlightened"" beings have dealt with survival. Preferably some whom wasn't part of a monestary, didn't go into the jungles, have a job, followers or other premade solutions for survival before ""enlightenment"". Someone who had to work for survival from scratch while living to the fullest. If he then somehow got a job or followers, dumpster diving, begging for money etc to support him then I would love to hear that story. 

I am not only looking for how this man made survival work out for him but I would also really like to hear what one is capable of living to the highest will of life. Some gurus I have heard say that they can survive anywhere they go. Is the capability of such a man so that survival can be an easy play wherever you go, I would certainly want to hear a story on how this is. How this can be done or have been done both in the past but preferably in todays world.

If you succeed in widening my horizons then I appreciate it?. Also if someone knows some videos of gurus teaching/speaking to children I would like to get the link to that. I am currently an apprentice at a middle school, so that would help?. I have only yet found J krishnamurti whom had some sessions with students but I haven't found more material. 

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This book is absolutely AMAZING at letting go of the survival thing. Highly recommend it. It's hilarious, entertaining, and mostly full of true stories. If you're like me, lots of them will leave you with chills up your spine. For example the author decided she was unsafe living in a "bad" neighborhood she absolutely loved so she did the smart safe thing and got an apartment in the safe part of town. Not long after a bullet came in through her window in the "safe" apartment, narrowly missed her. I've had a lot of similar but somewhat less dramatic freak things happen in my life to show me that all our fear and concern actually creates the situation we fear and when it comes, it's still ok. 


Edited by mandyjw

My Youtube Channel- Light on Earth “We dance round in a ring and suppose, but the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”― Robert Frost

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@mandyjw thank you, I'll read it?. 

I think this book might be what I was looking for. 

Edited by Leo Nordin

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