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Infinite consciousness or something else?

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I sometimes have that experience, and it's distinct from the nothingness and it is definitely part of the source and not really an object of awareness/perception.

I wasn't that deep into it yet but it occurs sometimes, longest was probably 10 minutes during meditation. I can in some sense describe the nothingness, the change in perception, but I don't know how I would describe the thing I referred to as infinite consciousness.

How I enter it:
1.sometimes I just fall into, I remember having high fever as a child and dreaming about stuff with the "feeling" of "infinity". It's the same infinity (I didn't call it infinite consciousness back then just infinity).


2. When I fall into infinite space, where there is no up, no down, no forward, no location not nothing, just pure space, and I try to merge with the object of the infinite space, I get that "infinity feeling arising"

It basically feels like this wavy energy that is the zooming in on consciousness. The more it is present, the more the Body feels heavy and just every sensation on the Body seems to have no limit. like there is the "heaviness" of the legs, and the heaviness is... not limited, not somewhere, it like the feeling of heaviness can bee zoomed in infinitely. It becomes an immovable thing. I struggle just to explain the effect "infinity" has on the body, because the only word I can use is infinity.

It's very strong, it feels like a vibrant energy through my entire being. (Not physical energy like kundalini)

Is that what people refer to as infinite consciousness? Are there other methods to enter it, or how can I check that's it's really it and I am not only bullshitting myself.

Where can this lead me? I realised that becoming space leads me there, how can I get from infinite consciousness into "infinite nothingness", any tips?

I believe it helps to put myself in a deep trance an detach from the Body. A god realisation would be nice lol. (I don't use psychedelicss)

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