Leo what do you think about Rupert's take on Psychedelics?

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@Seraphim just read the link. Thats the last stage of Samādhi. 

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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39 minutes ago, James123 said:

Infinite is something that you have learned. 

limitless or endless in space, extent, or size; impossible to measure or calculate

It's wrong , the infinite is the void. Infinity and zero are the same. When you realized it there are not doubts. It's the most impressive realization , I shit in my pants (figuratively) when it happened. it's not a concept or anything learned. I read your trip with 10 grs of mushroom. When you talk about the nothing, that you are in the base of the reality and there is nothing, I had exactly that realization with 5 meo, but it's not all. Sorry for say but I think you should open your mind. Why do you say: I'm not interested in 5 meo because I already did 10 grs of mushroom, and it's the same or more? How do you know? Why you are absolutely sure that you reached the last truth? Look like you want to be stuck

Edited by Breakingthewall

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somebody reach around jame123's head and hit the restart button. I think he got stuck on repeat xD

(just some playful banter)

Edited by Lyubov

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21 minutes ago, SpiritualAwakening said:

Exactly. So we agree.

Cool brother ?

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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15 minutes ago, Lyubov said:

somebody reach around jame123's head and hit the restart button. I think he got stuck on repeat xD

everyone asks the same question. And stuck with trips of pychedelics.

16 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

It's wrong , the infinite is the void. When you realized it there are not doubts. It's the most impressive realization , I shit in my pants (figuratively) when it happened. it's not a concept or anything learned. I read your trip with 10 grs of mushroom. When you talk about the nothing, that you are in the base of the reality and there is nothing, I had exactly that realization with 5 meo, but it's not all. Sorry for say but I think you should open your mind. Why do you say: I'm not interested in 5 meo because I already did 10 grs of mushroom, and it's the same or more? How do you know? Why you are absolutely sure that you reached the last truth? Look like you want to be stuck

That’s why sober awakening is must. You can never get awaken with psychedelics ? When you realize your birth is just a thought, “you” get it. Because, do you think you have a body now? Or in universe?  There is no one here. “You have long way to go brother. 

Peace !

Edited by James123

"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


It does not matter that content is present.

Enlightened people have content in their experience all the time. Content does not hinder enlightenment. It would be silly of it did.

Agreed. But the discussion revolves around the notion of "experiencing Infinity" with psychedelics, not enlightenment and content.And that is probably why enlightened people who are not in the business of the business of enlightenment won't likely go around saying they are Infinite, or Infinite Consciousness so much. As linguistic referents they cannot refer directly to that which they claim to represent. Rupert, bless him, is in the business so it comes with that territory he has marked out for himself. This makes no comment on his motivations but most want a quick route, be it being taught or psychedelics. Neither of which do the job as well as doing the work but undoubtedly psychedelics can facilitate the process.

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7 minutes ago, James123 said:

do you think you have a body now? Or in universe?  There is no one here. “You have long way to go. 

I don't know nothing and I don't care about any concepts. I'm open , no more

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Hey guys just popped in to let you all know that you're delusional and I'm right and you're wrong.

Ta ta!

Edited by Heart of Space

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3 hours ago, Nahm said:


I seem to be missing the sad element. 

I screamed and cried during Breathwork tonight. The most profound ‘words’ I’ve spoken all week. I was the only one who heard those ‘words’. Some in the group know as they’ve spoken those ‘words’. As my shaking voice spoke unstable words to the group, there was no translation. Some within the group knew. And I knew they knew. There was no ‘trying’ to convey meaning. That is a beauty of empathic connection and understanding. 

With others we communicate without an empathic channel. Sometimes when ‘missing’ arises it brings sadness. Yet the sadness dwells within an unfulfilled yearning to connect. That is a form of love, so the sadness is also beautiful. Just in a different way. 

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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Wishing you infinite peace my friend. Wish I could do more of course.  

Thank you for the loving intention ♥️ ? 

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1 hour ago, Forestluv said:

I screamed and cried during Breathwork tonight. The most profound ‘words’ I’ve spoken all week. I was the only one who heard those ‘words’. Some in the group know as they’ve spoken those ‘words’. As my shaking voice spoke unstable words to the group, there was no translation. Some within the group knew. And I knew they knew. There was no ‘trying’ to convey meaning. That is a beauty of empathic connection and understanding. 

With others we communicate without an empathic channel. Sometimes when ‘missing’ arises it brings sadness. Yet the sadness dwells within an unfulfilled yearning to connect. That is a form of love, so the sadness is also beautiful. Just in a different way. 

I think I can kinda relate to what you describe here. That sort of “unfulfillable longing” that is both sad and beautiful at the same time. I was listening to techno music on some good headphones in the dark, identifying ever track and beat and I started to feel this way. Music is amazing for connecting to these emotions.


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On 27/12/2020 at 11:29 PM, Synchronicity said:

If this is how the deepest wisdom conducts itself, then it’s not being displayed well 

No this is how deep wisdom is being displayed at its best. Leo knows that you will think it's not being displayed well and yet says it anyway because he's right haha. It's so obvious that Leo's right. It honestly feels like people pretend as if they don't know. I don't know why

Edited by Aaron p

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@Lyubov For sure. Immersion into music is great for connecting to emotions. You might want to add some conscious breathing into the mix. One facilitator of my Breathwork group plays techno and house music as he guides us through a journey. Great stuff. 

Sometimes I get in touch with something so wonderful that a sadness arises as I long for everyone in the world to experience it. 

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20 minutes ago, Lyubov said:



This Scene is so mystical. 

I will be waiting here, For your silence to break, For your soul to shake,              For your love to wake! Rumi

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7 hours ago, James123 said:

@SpiritualAwakening  Therefore if you dont think, you are before birth. Thats why it is called “awakening “. You are already nothing, if you forget everything you have learned you are already yourself. You dont need to name and label to become yourself. You are already. Just empty your cup. 


Makes sense, thanks for explaining

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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