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Lockdown; How did You React and What Did you Do During it?

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How did you first react when you heard about Covid 19 in terms of emotions?

What about when the lockdown began and as it progressed, logically and emotionally?

What did you do during the lockdown?

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@The_Alchemist It was boring at first, but thanks to it I got way deeper into spirituality. It turned out to be for the best in the end.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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When it first happened in my country, I was terrified by it and thought that this could possibly be the end the world. However, a few weeks afterwards, when I realized that the virus is definitely beatable for at least 95% of the people in the world, including those within my country, I thought that the virus would go away either during the end of spring or the summer of 2020.

However, once the cases and deaths started getting increasingly worse as the months went by I felt increasingly frustrated by the restrictions imposed upon me and my parent whom I've been living with and who are elderly with pre-existing medical conditions. I also got momentarily depressed when I lost my part-time job at Macy's due to their massive corporate layoff as a tragic consequence of the virus having negatively impacted their business. I also, got so sexually/romantically frustrated for several months because I've had to constantly keep my distance physically from girlfriend (who now is telling me that she wants to end our relationship). 

Furthermore, I currently feel hopeless about my future career because of how bad the economy has gotten in the US.

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I first reacted with a mix of low level panic and some relief. I was going to quit my job and then the pandemic happened. I've since returned to my job and feel better about it. I attribute this to all of the meditation I did during the 12 weeks I was not working. 

I used my time to have maybe 8 acid or mushroom trips, read books, travel twice to new cities, sit at coffee shops. If I could do it over again I would have read way more and done even more meditation. Oh yeah, I also got a therapist and have been in therapy since July. So this time has been reasonably well-spent.

Emotionally I tried to stay updated and rational about it. My family is so fortunate in that none of us really lost their jobs, except for my short time away from work before being called back. 

What are your responses to these questions?

"Yes is the answer... And you know that! Fasho!

Yes is surrender! You gotta let it... you gotta let it GO!" - John Lennon, Mind Games

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