
The God Equation (Euler's Formula)

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I came across some rather exciting information. I'm still in the process of putting things together and making sense of them fully. Regardless; I feel like sharing with you what I got so far.

I resonate with these ideas mainly because they compliment what I have been experiencing directly. Perhaps these are the 'missing puzzle pieces'. 

This topic is about the structure of reality. It does not question the existence of God, or whether I am or am not God. So please do not bother with mindless objections such as 'it's all just your imagination' etc.

One could say that this is an attempt to understand clearly and logically that which is thought to be ungraspable. Think of it as more of a scientific approach. 

My intention here is to eliminate distortions, guesswork and airy-fairy mysticism. Ideally; presenting an accurate model that explains how reality functions.


Everything is frequency 


I imagine you heard of this before. There are many sources. In spiritual circles; it is rather popular to talk about 'raising your vibration' and similar concepts. However; I did not come across any information about how exactly that works. How is this frequency or vibration generated in the first place? Where does it come from and where does it go? Again; all very vague and airy-fairy. 

Up until now.

I know from direct experience that everything around me and including me is vibration. What we commonly think of as 'matter' is merely a specific rate of frequency. Waves. A density of Light. The 5 'human' senses act as filters of vibrational information. They literally make sense of a specific (limited) portion of frequencies and in that way are generating a holographic representation of what we would call 'reality'. 

When you touch your table and remove the concept of there being a table; what you're left with is pure sensation. And what that is is frequency. Vibration. You can do this with all the remaining senses. Whatever you see in front of you; once the overlaying concept of it is removed; you end up with naked perception of pure frequency. Of Light. Throughout your awakening; you might have had an experience of 'something ringing in your ears'. What that is is you becoming aware of a vibrational shift. A change in frequency. Interesting, isn't it?

But how is it all generated? Where does it come from? What is The Source? 

Realizing you are The Source (aka God) might be enough for some. However; that did not exactly satisfy my curiosity. I wanted to understand how and why exactly is that the case. So I dived in deeper. 'There is always deeper'.

This is where math kicks in.


Euler's Formula 


This formula describes a point travelling in a circular trajectory. As it does so; its position takes on different values. Now imagine a collection of all possible flowing points; each and every one of which has its own opposite. The average across a flowing point's trajectory is exactly 0. The same is true for any of those flowing points. No matter the frequency with which they're associated. 


Keep in mind this circle does not take place anywhere. It has nothing to do with time and space. This is merely a mathematical representation - limited to 2D.

God is a collection of every possible flowing point, hence every possible frequency. The total sum of all points results in 0.

God is a frequency singularity. It contains all possible frequencies yet is 0 in total.

This is how 'nothing is everything'.

0 is God.

0 is Infinity.

Everything is because Nothing is. It's just two ways to look at the same thing.

Everything is simply waves of energy. That is; sines and cosines. Energy cannot be created nor can it be destroyed. Energy is self-generated. That is known as 'the law of conservation of energy'.




If 0 = nothing 

1 = something 

1 represents a wave with an amplitude of 1.

-1 represents a wave with an amplitude of -1.


0 = 1-1

Right? Yes, but not as you might think.

The law of conservation of energy says that nothing can ever be destroyed or created. Wave amp1 + wave amp-1 means that the combined energy levels of both the positive and negative wave result in 0. There is no actual subtraction occurring. Yet there is 0.

Wave amp1 + wave amp-1 looks like this:


That's what 0=1-1 actually is.

1-1 do not 'destroy' each-other. They both remain in existence. But their total energy adds up to 0.

0 contains two waves of opposite energy levels that are perfectly balanced to one another.

This is the law of polarity. This is how duality is singularity.

Now imagine that there are not only two waves... But an infinite amount of waves. There is an infinite amount of positive energy waves and an infinite amount of negative energy waves.



0 = 3-3



And so on... Forever. 

Every energy wave has its opposite inside of the equation which results in perfect balance. Perfect zero. Perfect singularity.

0 can be thought of as a 'container' of infinite energy. Pure, unlimited potential. 

0 is not actually empty. 0 is as full as it can be. Pulsing with energy.

So where am I going with all this? Well... What I'm trying to say is that it is actually possible to mathematically prove the existence of God. Infinity. Pure, unlimited energy. 

Euler's formula proves that energy is self-generated. Meaning that God has always been and will always be; right now. Infinity can actually be scientifically proven. The structure of reality can be perfectly clearly explained. And I'm barely scratching the surface here.

I'm also saying that you can become directly conscious of this. You can become conscious of a specific frequency. Because you are the one who's generating it. You are The Source. You are generating everything out of pure Will. Conscious of it or not.

Imagine being able to turn water into wine. If you truly understood that it's all just frequencies you could simply alter the vibratory information of water and voila! Now it's wine!

Or maybe you'd like to 'travel in time' or 'teleport' objects. You'd simply have to be able to isolate the frequency information of that object, copy and paste it into a new vibratory environment. I'm pretty sure that's how aliens do it lol.

The possibilities are endless. This might just be the next stepping stone in our evolution. It would solve all energy problems and much,  much more. We could explore the entire Universe and basically do whatever the heck.

The information is out there. I did not come up with it. Well, in a way I did, yes. But the real question is... are we as a collective ready for this shift? Are we conscious enough?

My guess is no. Not even nearly.

Edited by ivankiss

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God's equation:



You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Interesting stuff that is. 

Morgue has a few videos about this stuff, here are two. 


Edited by Eph75

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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4 hours ago, ivankiss said:

When you touch your table and remove the concept of there being a table; what you're left with is pure sensation. And what that is is frequency. Vibration. You can do this with all the remaining senses. Whatever you see in front of you; once the overlaying concept of it is removed; you end up with naked perception of pure frequency. Of Light. Throughout your awakening; you might have had an experience of 'something ringing in your ears'. What that is is you becoming aware of a vibrational shift. A change in frequency. 


If you might engage me for a while.. All these first person experiences (colors.. Sounds.. Smells.. Etc) are NOT secondary to some underlying explanatory models that you imagine underneath them (photons light.. Frequency or math equation etc) these are just explanatory tools to help navigate the experience and create technology etc. But they are not the reality. The reality is the so called naked perception exactly as it is. And it's not other than exactly what it appears to be. 

Edited by Someone here

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@Eph75 Indeed. Morgue was the main source of this information. Also; the book of Ra, some Bashar and Abraham. 

I dig the math Morgue's presenting. However; I disagree with some of his philosophy. 

@Someone here Gotcha. Still; I think this stuff is incredibly cool and can be very useful. Knowing is just as important as not knowing.

@Ibgdrgnxxv Being rendered undone is a terrifying experience. I don't care how unreal or illusory people claim death to be... I'm still scared of it AF. And I think that's how it should be.

2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

God's equation:



See what you did there ?

@Nahm @xxxx ?

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On 26.12.2020 at 10:34 PM, Leo Gura said:

God's equation:




Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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