
Gentlest route to 5-meo breakthrough?

16 posts in this topic

Hi all,


I have no experience with 5-meo dmt. I’m looking to approach breakthroughs in the calmest, gentlest way possible, taking as much time and as many trips as needed to eventually break through, increasing doses in small increments to achieve this.

I really like Leo’s approach of plugging to avoid an overly sudden, overly intense immediate hit - sounds much smoother. 

So the ideal route for what I’m looking for might be plugging, starting on a very low dose & successively increasing in small increments until breakthrough is eventually achieved, perhaps leaving at least a week in between each attempt.

I know you can get into a bad experience by going over the top too quickly - but I think I read somewhere that you can actually get a hellish experience from not doing enough too - i.e. when not quite breaking through.

Is this true? And if so, does this mean it’s not possible to break through on 5-meo without going through hellish experiences at some point, even if you’re as careful as possible with slow increments etc?



Edited by Mips

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From the trip reports I have read, it seems that each person has a different experience. for me, before the first breakthrough, even vaping 14mg, if it didn't happen, it wasn't unpleasant either. I saw luminous squares, I didn't know if my eyes were open or closed, but it was still me, it was a bit of a stressful experience but nothing more. how hard it got when the breakthrough happened! suddenly there was nothing, nothing, nothing! terror and death! but that's what remains when there is no ego. nothing! after that, with half the dose, nothing happens. the mind flattens, you are no longer human, you are flat, formless, nothing. and suddenly you see infinity. more terror! infinity is terrifying to the ego. as long as there is 0.01% ego, he will exclaim: noooooo! eternal annihilation! . The good thing about this is you've hit the chains that anchor the ego hard. he will never be who he was. better! I am waiting for the next visit to that terrible and unthinkable infinity. they say that he is god neither more nor less .the reality is that even if you have not seen god, the level of mental noise has decreased by half. the ability to enjoy beauty has multiplied (well, for now, it has only been 10 days from last time but it is constant), so I recommend to you and all those interested in freeing yourself from the chains of your ego a combination of meditation and 5 meo

Edited by Breakingthewall

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Thank you @breakingthewall, great advice. Sounds pretty horrendous though ?


Edited by Mips

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After some thought, I’m looking at an alternative possibility as well:

The attraction of plugging is that the effects come on more gently than smoking/vaping and the effects last longer. 

But as a novice trying my foot in the door, I prefer the idea of shorter experiences at first so if I have a bad experience it’ll be over quickly. 

So my question is: is there a way of imbibing 5-meo in small steps to have a very fine incremental control over the come-up?

I’m assuming one would need a sitter in this case to help administer.

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1 hour ago, Mips said:

Thank you @breakingthewall, great advice. Sounds pretty horrendous though ?


Haha horrible, shock therapy, but my ego needs , if not I will spend 100 years to let it (or me) go. The progress combinating 5 meo and auto observation (the whole day) is amazing

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50 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

Haha horrible, shock therapy, but my ego needs , if not I will spend 100 years to let it (or me) go. The progress combinating 5 meo and auto observation (the whole day) is amazing

I’m thinking the same - I’m 50 now & have been interested in spirituality all my life. I’m thinking that if I don’t embrace 5-meo now I’ll never experience non duality & be prepared properly for death. 

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@Mips I don't know how deep some people go meditating, but when you do 5meo, you will realize that we are talking about another dimension. It is the door to death, a very serious matter in my opinion. 

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The most gentle way I’ve found is using a dry herb electric vape set to a temperature below the optimal vaporization temperature. This is inefficient, yet the amounts are so small, its not a big deal. And if you want control, you want slow inefficient vaporization. 

The vaporization is so slow that one inhale doesn’t do much. Since effects are within seconds, you can dial the intensity as you like. 

You won’t need a sitter. You can literally take an inhale and be like “is this it? I think I’ll take another inhale until I start feeling something”. 

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On 12/29/2020 at 3:16 AM, Forestluv said:

The most gentle way I’ve found is using a dry herb electric vape set to a temperature below the optimal vaporization temperature. This is inefficient, yet the amounts are so small, its not a big deal. And if you want control, you want slow inefficient vaporization. 

The vaporization is so slow that one inhale doesn’t do much. Since effects are within seconds, you can dial the intensity as you like. 

You won’t need a sitter. You can literally take an inhale and be like “is this it? I think I’ll take another inhale until I start feeling something”. 

This is absolutely perfect, thanks. I can see that this would logically be method with the most accurate control. Is it possible to get to the point of breakthrough this way? I’m wondering if by a certain point, one might be too debilitated by the effects to continue vaping?


Can I ask what model of vape you’re using? I’ve always used the volcano for herb, but the chamber would be much too large, so I’m assuming the chamber would have to be pretty small for 5-Meo?

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On 24.12.2020 at 4:22 PM, Breakingthewall said:

From the trip reports I have read, it seems that each person has a different experience. for me, before the first breakthrough, even vaping 14mg, if it didn't happen, it wasn't unpleasant either. I saw luminous squares, I didn't know if my eyes were open or closed, but it was still me, it was a bit of a stressful experience but nothing more. how hard it got when the breakthrough happened! suddenly there was nothing, nothing, nothing! terror and death! but that's what remains when there is no ego. nothing! after that, with half the dose, nothing happens. the mind flattens, you are no longer human, you are flat, formless, nothing. and suddenly you see infinity. more terror! infinity is terrifying to the ego. as long as there is 0.01% ego, he will exclaim: noooooo! eternal annihilation! . The good thing about this is you've hit the chains that anchor the ego hard. he will never be who he was. better! I am waiting for the next visit to that terrible and unthinkable infinity. they say that he is god neither more nor less .the reality is that even if you have not seen god, the level of mental noise has decreased by half. the ability to enjoy beauty has multiplied (well, for now, it has only been 10 days from last time but it is constant), so I recommend to you and all those interested in freeing yourself from the chains of your ego a combination of meditation and 5 meo

Thanks for this post. It opened up a big question for me: some people explain their experience as pure bliss (white light) and some as u wrote as pure horror (black light.) I am wondering if its about the dosage? Seems like not enough dosage keeps still a bit ego alive and it is the one which defines the trip as horror.


any advices to avoid the horror one? And get straight in to the pure light?

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2 hours ago, bensenbiz said:

any advices to avoid the horror one? And get straight in to the pure light?

Idk, maybe it is how opened you are before and during the trip, and how detach from expectations you are. I wouldn't do it if i feel even a tiny piece of insecurity, like wanting to avoid the horror, because for me it leads to more paranoia and fear.

For me it would take extreme confidence. I've already had a hellish experience with dmt and with mushrooms.

What I plan to do is to not be dragged by negativity in the moment i put my pipe between my lips. Sure there will be adrenaline and i will feel nervous. But my overall being must be at peace.

For other must be different. This is my perspective and experience

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The thing is that 5 meo is not like a trip, it's a magic pill that dissolves the illusion. it doesn't take you anywhere, it shows you what is really there now. for me the horror of emptiness has been necessary because I was very attached (or am) to illusion. there is neither empty nor full, there is only kosmos. It is not something that can be digested in a moment, unless you are very prepared, years of meditation, etc. for someone who has not even imagined the possibility of nothingness, infinity, it can be horror, but that is because you have to become more flexible to be able to erase the veil

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Interesting, thanks guys. So in that case it seems that to some degree, the horror side of things may not be able to be avoided. 

Does it get easier each time? So at some point, can you just go directly to the non-dual experience without the fear? 

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This is a great video - it seemed to me that the ceremony helped him approach it in the right way with surrender & that helped him break through straight away. He did inhale a hell of a lot & held it in for as long as possible! I wonder if it’s actually better to do it that way rather than approaching it in a more gentler way, which may make it harder to break through?

Edited by Mips

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