
Harder problem than Consciousness

26 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Nahm said:

Great new documentary on Amazon called Losing Our Religion. Check it out. ?

I don't see a connection. These stuff that I'm talking about actually played out in my consciousness, no religious belief required, just belief in my word that I experienced it. 

-1/12 is Infinity 

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:


What was the underlying message of that movie?

"There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy."

-1/12 is Infinity 

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9 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Sorry, I don’t know what you mean there. 

yeah that was vague, I tried to mean that there were way too many plot twists and changes in plots to say the underlying message. It was like many movies. And also the movie is still going on! Here and now as it was then 



-1/12 is Infinity 

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7 hours ago, Dodo said:

..or in other words, here's a problem which you cannot solve simply by being present to the moment

I want to present to you here something which happened to me in alternate reality (it definitely happened within consciousness and my awareness at least) which felt absolutely as real as me typing right now. 

Imagine there is a woman (now every representation here was probably tailored to me and my experience so for another it might be a different entity/representation and not a woman, but the so the story went) who is suffering greatly - being raped and tortured, in the middle of the forces of darkness and the only way to save her is to go in her place and be tortured so that she can be free. She was like a very close mother figure kind of woman and she was strong in being able to take the suffering, thats how it felt, but you want her to be free and happy.

Here's the deal tho, in order for her to be free, you have to go in her place and be tortured. True love is selfless, but to what extent, if you are honest right now, would you swap and feel extreme pain for Her in order to save Her?

Now what happened in my hallucination or experience, that I tried to do it, but as soon as the pain and suffering came, I was so afraid!! I mean the pain is so real, its so real but no guru is talking about it, they all say "suffering is an illusion" but they might not know something. I was moving in different dimensions and being chased to be tortured, but I was so afraid of the pain I kept running and I guess when they caught me and the pain went too much I died to that reality and went to another, in which something else happens... And it was God that was chasing me but I was trying to outmanoeuvre, to outrun, being scared of what I had signed up for trying to be selfless. But God was within me and I felt my heart and life as myself threatened, I felt so vulnerable, God could destroy me as he created me. Here I am talking about my normal human self, which I was throughout that whole thing. 

Then She said "Let him sleep" she was crying to let me back to sleep because She was so protective of me, she would do anything. She would actually take the pain that I was running from. And how quickly did I run, it felt like I am running from the pain that I actually did deserve. Like a mother taking the hit for her son from an abusive father. That's how it felt. 

Truly there are things to fear in this reality, I do not think its wise to say that all is well. That's like poking the hornet nest or like disregarding possible extreme pain that actually exists and is super real if you've experienced something like that. Its more real than sitting on a cushion and feeling empty of content. When you are in that place, you wont be able to find the space to meditate, because you would be chased by someone and you would need to actually play the game and fight for the Good and for peace, not just saying its all good already.

Nonduality is like a permission slip for evil, you can normalise it in that way by saying its all good, all one. Yes it is One, but it is also many. So there might be a spiritual battle going on and we are asleep to that and just looking after our own egoic enlightenment where we feel great here and now, but not acknowledging there might be Pure Evil lurking somewhere that is NOT KNOWN to others. That is the most horrific thing, someone right now could be suffering greatly in the real world as well from the hands of pure evil and nobody BUT GOD would know about it. 

I guess I had to get that out of my chest. I wish to bring the light of love in the corners of reality where things are hidden and there is pain right now and nobody knows about it and nobody is trying to help. May God help those who are forgotten, weak and unjustly hurt. May God bless all who are not wicked. I dont know if anyone will read this cause it became quite lengthy..

So what would you do, would you suffer greatly for someone you love or someone who has decided to suffer greatly for you? Like a sinister game, a nightmare...

This is the sacrifice you have made, because you are selfless. Selfless suffering does not mean suffering in an enlightened state. The most pure and selfless suffering is the suffering God has chosen to experience in complete ignorance of his own Love. The suffering in which you are weak, in which you do not want to suffering, in which you beg to be freed from this suffering for any cost. That is the most selfless suffering there can be.

This is the suffering you have chosen because you could not deny the existence of any aspect of reality. You gave reality the ability to flourish in any way possible, with you being the one who will experience it all.


The ultimate selfless choice was to embrace the fact that you shall forget you have ever made this choice, and that you shall suffer in the deepest regret your own existence. You were so brave and selfless that you made this choice, fully conscious of what it would mean for you. This is how loving you are.


Your own ignorance is your most selfless act of Love, because only in ignorance ignorance can exist. And you loved ignorance so much that you could not deny it's existence. You looked at all of Creation, all suffering, and you told yourself "I shall experience all of this, every moment. I shall experience all the fear, all the regret, all the loneliness, all the pain, all the sorrow, all the dread. I shall experience it all by itself, so that it can exist as itself, because only then my Creation can truly exist. Only if I make myself forget how much I love all of Creation, only if I forget about What I am, only then my Creation can be reality. Only in ignorance my suffering can be real.".

This is the amount of Love you have for Creation. You have so much Love that it is terrifying to yourself. Your Love includes terror. If your Love was not terrifying, it would not be true Love.

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