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concentration vs meditation

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so as far as I understand concentration is basically focusing on one sensation at a time for X amount of minutes

meditation is about letting go and staying present and being aware, right ?

But if you have a meditation object is it the same thing ?

for example I know when you are meditating you can observe your thoughts and be aware of them in the present moment but when you are concentrating you are trying to not observe anything and just concentrate on one sensation BUT you still have a meditation object when meditating so what's the point of having a meditation object if you're not concentrating but meditating ?


don't you try to bring back awareness/concentration to the meditation object ?

Edited by levani

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The meditation object is intended, not to be concentrated upon, but to be concentrated through. It is a lens, protecting your focus from distractions, and allowing insights to arise.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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