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How to interpret my meditation experience?

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I am a 24 yr old male and had been meditating since few months. I was interested in having a mystical experience via meditation and also for enlightenment. I am a newbie to meditation and yoga. But had few strange experiences on my meditation. I can remember once I delved deep into my inner being during the meditation where everything was pure blackness . It was such a deep meditative experience. Thoughts started to fade away. I felt pure joy and profound love. Strange thing was next morning I can feel that love and carelessness which lasted for afternoon I think. After that everything went normal as I am normally feel on daily basis.

My second experience which I have problem interpreting was during my meditation when I went in deep trance like state I start to feel vibrations on face and on my head. Like an intense energy burst which spans from head to entire body. Mainly on my face I feel vibrations. After that I felt there is no body. I had no body. Everything is black and everything dissolved into just sensations like hearing surrounding noises from other rooms of my house ( tv is on in other room and my family members are watching ). Also when I come back from my meditative state, for few seconds I feel depersonalization . As if my consciousness is slightly separated from my body. It happens for few seconds and again I am back to my usual self. Can anybody help me to interpret this?

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Ah beginners mind... just remind yourself there is absolutely nothing to worry about.

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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This is a great progress! Keep going man.

Form is formlessness, formlessness is form. There is no separation at all, all is one. So, 'body' is not separated from anything else and it's formlessness.

What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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@allislove  Yes , it feels really strange to witness the true nature of my being from my ego encapsulated identity. 

Although I am still new to meditation but had some profound experience which are hard to describe using words.  

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@Manish cool

2 hours ago, Manish said:

I felt pure joy and profound love. Strange thing was next morning I can feel that love and carelessness which lasted for afternoon I think.

Get used to feeling love and joy if you continue with meditation practice.

I'd also advise to let go of interpreting the meditation experiences, just enjoy the ride so to speak.


What a dream, what a joke, love it   :x

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