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Deep Space and Time - Deconstructing Extraterrestrial Life

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Scientists say by calculations that there could be 36 alien civilizations in the Milky Way? Why 36? This statement is not true. Its just a guess, a number or a statistic. Just like people say dinosaurs were extinct 60 millions years ago? How do we know that it happened then? Its just a guess. It is a believable number though because they should be rare and not everywhere.

The truth is they exist in Milky Way. I don't know how many but they exist. I am certain that at least one more civilization exists.

People tend to think that other civilizations have to be superior and futuristic, but this is not necessarily so, they might be stuck in ancient blue morality, right now as of 2020, there might some world where aliens are building pyramids and shit (not necessarily in our own galaxy). On some worlds they might be like na'vi, tribal and savage. On some other world they are at yellow morality, spiritually uplifted and god-like with futuristic technology. On some other worlds there are no civilizations and intelligent lifeforms at all, just animals eating, moving and evolving.

The reason why people believe aliens are either futuristic or monstrous is because they don't recognize that time is a illusion and that physical things are impermanent. In Hindu myth, Kala the personification of time devours everything. Beings play a certain game in their world and when the time is ripe, Kala the gourmet devours them all. A millions years ago there could be a interstellar alien empire, but it faded away. Millions years ago on some world there might have been some El Dorado, a civilization in its golden age, but it faded away too.

Only God is eternal. Impermanence is a universal law.

There is anthropocentric illusion that our civilization will live forever, but it will too fade away. This is just collective ego.

There is a illusion that humanity is exceptional. No humanity is not exceptional. Every world is special in its own way. Just as there is heavy intelligent design on this world there is heavy intelligent design on other worlds.

I believe in millenialism sort of, every 1000 years something extraordinary happens. For example 1000 years ago the message of Christ was fulfilled sort of because a feudal and Christian order was estabilished in Europe. A 1000 years after 2000 humanity will estabilsh a full-fledged space empire. This is not about colonizing barren planets, we don't have to do this. The key is communication. Communication is everything. With communication also comes logistics. All space empires exist thanks to communication. This will happen because we are consciously creating our future and because there is overpopulation and need for resources.

Elon Musk has a interesting thought. Either humanity will end or we will start making virtual simulations that recreate human life. Imagine that in the far future aliens land on this Earth but humanity no longer exists. All that is left are ruins, fossils and virtual simulations. They start playing these simulations and find out holograms of daily life events or historical events on Earth.

They are not aliens like aliens in popular culture, they are denizens of different reality. Reality is just a perspective. They see reality from their own point of view. They are under the illusion of Maya just like humans. Aliens come in infinite shapes - centauroid, reptiloid, humanoid, plantoid, draconoid...

When I went into the fifth dhyana I felt the oneness of everything and the feeling that the Cosmos is a giant superorganism. I was aware that other extrateterrestrial enlightened beings exist and they were aware that I exist. I sensed intelligence permeating the Cosmos. The Cosmos is ALIVE.

I know so much about aliens because I am fascinated by them. Maybe I was an alien in past life that took the shape of a human since I know much about this? Only God knows.

Edited by Firebird

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