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Military Coup to overthrow democracy in America

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Of course this is speculation, as we don't know what is going to happen in the next 24 days. One of two things are going to happen, either Trump leaves the White House or he doesn't. He lost the election, so for him to stay, it will take a military coup. Everything Trump has done up to this point has given every indication that he is not only willing to do a Coup to keep power, as he has flat out said this is his goal, but he may actually be able to do so. 

His closest advisors just are publicly saying that Trump will do military coup. Trump's former national security advisor Michael Flynn, whom Trump pardoned, stated 'Trump could take military capabilities, and basically rerun an election in each of those states," Flynn continued "I mean, it's not unprecedented. People are talking about martial law like it's something that we've never done. Martial law has been instituted 64 times." So Trump and his loyalists are saying there is common legal precedent for them to do a Coup. 

The Democrats are powerless and do nothing to stop him. The Republicans are split, half have gone public for the Coup, and the other half at least say they are against it, even though they side with Trump at every opportunity. Will they side with Trump if he actually goes through with a Coup? They are dishonest people, who have proven time and time again that they don't care about anyone else, only doing anything that is for their own best interests. So I'd bet even if they are publicly saying they are against Trump now, like Mitch Mcconnell, I'd bet if push comes to shove, when the time comes, they'd side with Trump and ending democracy. They know that once Trump is out of office, the Republican party is pretty much done for, so they too are backed against the wall and desperate to stay in power, why wouldn't they side with the military Coup to stay in power? 

We know Trump is firing people in key positions and replacing them with loyalists, like firing Defense Secretary Mark Esper a week ago and replacing him with a Trump loyalist. He just today pardoned 15 people, some that were going to spend decades or life in prison. So most likely he did this pardon in exchange for something, such as them going along with his plan to put them into some of the highest positions of power, and go along with his plan of a Coup. And he has plans to pardon many many more in the coming weeks, as there is no limit to how many people he can pardon for loyalty. 

We know that the military and military leaders are on board with doing what Trump wants, even if it is violently attacking hundreds of citizens, like when they cleared Lafayette Park so Trump could take a photograph in front of a church. General Mark A. Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the highest-ranking most senior military officer in the United States Armed Forces, oversaw this assault on democracy. So you think he won't side with Trump again?

All Trump has to do is go to people in key military positions, and ask for their loyalty to his Coup, and if they don't agree, he will fire them and place a loyalist in their place. If he did this, he'd have the military on his side, as the military follows the orders of their superiors.

We already know the police are on his side, as they've proven time and time again by violence against citizens. 

Don't think Trump will try a Coup? Does anything Trump has ever done give you any impression he wouldn't? Especially if he is going to get hit with dozens of major felony charges the moment he no longer has the protection of the presidency title. Any number of which could send him to jail for the rest of his life. So there is no doubt in my mind he will go this route to save his own ass, and to win which is all he has ever cared about. 

Will Trump legitimately attempt a Military Coup to overthrow democracy in America? I think he will try.

Will he succeed? Now that's the question.

If he gets the military, congress, the police, and 80 million Americans on his side, who is going to stop him?

Whatever you think about TYT, what they are saying here makes alot of sense, and is pretty terrifying.




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Talking about the possible end of democracy in America and a possible forced military takeover of the country within the next 24 days, and no one here wants to discuss it?

If this does happen, pretty much everything else we discuss here, as well as most things we care about, most things in our lives that we take for granted, will all be changed. Doesn't that seem like something to at least entertain as a possibility?

Not like discussing it would change this if it were to actually happen, but discussing the possibility still may have value in preparing for the possibility. If it doesn't happen, then great. If, as we get closer, it seems more and more like it is going that direction, then some mutual brainstorming ideas of how to handle that unthinkable of an outcome might come in handy.

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I think Trump would totally go with it if he thought he had enough support.

The military may be closer to him, but this is too much, it won't happen. It's so obvious Biden has won cleanly, Trump's claims of fraud are baseless and ridiculous. Biden is not that much a revolutionary figure either, if it was Sanders, we could be more worried.

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We fly our own planes, into our own buildings, and kill our own people, and say we didn’t, and believe our own narrative.

We make and use our own bombs, to kill our own people, and say we had to, believing our own narrative.

We reinvent better more efficient ways to kill ourselves in greater numbers, and tell ourselves it is because of ourselves, believing our own narrative. 

We label ourselves republicans and democrats, etc, believing our own labels, our own narrative, which we ourselves are making up, right now. 



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On 12/24/2020 at 10:10 AM, Nahm said:

We fly our own planes, into our own buildings, and kill our own people, and say we didn’t, and believe our own narrative.

We make and use our own bombs, to kill our own people, and say we had to, believing our own narrative.

We reinvent better more efficient ways to kill ourselves in greater numbers, and tell ourselves it is because of ourselves, believing our own narrative. 

We label ourselves republicans and democrats, etc, believing our own labels, our own narrative, which we ourselves are making up, right now. 

Stranger than fiction, ain’t it?

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