
Is anyone here aware that they have a spiritual body?

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For the vast majority of people the moment of enlightenment and the moment of death are the same.

When the moment of death your consciousness becomes awake and you realize that you are not the body and you realize that you have become a disembodied consciousness or ghost. Most people forget this after they reincarnate.

The spiritual body is also known as the etheric body. When you become aware of it before physical death you become instantly enlightened.

Of course I am speaking here to living people not disembodied spirits.

I became aware of my spiritual body when I made my consciousness too      non-dual. I used to write everyday on laptop on God and how universe was created and asking myself existential questions.

When I dreamed, I remember that I saw a ghost around my kitchen. A real disembodied being in real space. He radiated with intelligence and masculinity. You can smell a ghost's intelligence and even his gender.

His consciousness was creating the spiritual body because he was strongly identified with being human.

You can dream real space, not just imaginary mental space.

My mind was attracted to his mind like a magnet. I sensed his life energies. We attracted each other.

When I dreamed I literally died in dream and came back to life after I woke up. The "I" was around the kitchen, not in the bed.

He died middle-aged because of coronavirus.

He had a gray and colorless semi-transparent spiritual body. It is as if you are seeing through glass or a body of water.

He had two beautiful luminous eyes which shone like the brightest stars in the sky.

Death is just the other dimension, a parallel universe that most people dont see that is complementary to the physical universe most people see. Its the dimension of lucid dreams in real space. You are currently in life dimension. If you die you get to death dimension. But still both exist at the same time even if you are not aware.

Reality is non-dual. It is neither life nor death. It is seeing both life and death at the same time. Its dreaming when being awake and being awake when dreaming.

I was in a short nirvana two years ago before I became aware of spiritual body and became fully enlightened but I havent become intoxicated by it. I dont seek nirvana again and I dont care if it happens again or not however beautiful and lovely it seems. I am not like those fools who idealize nirvana. Its beautiful and all that but nirvana is just nirvana. If it happens, great! If it doesn't, also great!

Soms buddhists say death is like electricity, you get reborn quickly. They dont know what they are talking about. Unless you dissolve into nirvana you become a ghost, a disembodied spirit.

I never used psychedelics and I would never use them because it puts your spirituality on fast forward mode. Its much more beautiful to develop yourself spiritually spontaneously rather than overnight.

Am I the only one who is aware of the spiritual body?

Is it weird that I became aware of the spiritual body before I physically died?

Are you aware that ghosts (disembodied beings) are real?

Is there anyone here who is aware of all this either with drugs or without drugs?

It can't be that rare.

Edited by Firebird

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My sense is that there are many levels of manifestation, not just unmanifested vs. manifested. When we die, there seems to be a continued packet of personality, which you can call a ghost, a karmic imprint, or whatever name you choose, which still exists, within its own level of manifestation. Ancient Indian spirituality recognizes this, through the concepts of samsara and reincarnation. Ultimate reabsorption into the unmanifested doesn't happen until paranirvana. But these are only concepts, so I take them with a grain of salt.

Donald Hoffman has some interesting ideas on this. Also, there are many instances of near death experiences and supernatural occurrences, some of which seem credible.

I have glimpsed some of this, but can't say that I completely understand it. I saw it as a child, denied it as a scientist, and now readmit its possibility.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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6 hours ago, Firebird said:

Am I the only one who is aware of the spiritual body?

Not in the slightest. No offense.

6 hours ago, Firebird said:

Is it weird that I became aware of the spiritual body before I physically died?

Also no.

6 hours ago, Firebird said:

Are you aware that ghosts (disembodied beings) are real?

Yes, although I don't refer to them as ghosts.

6 hours ago, Firebird said:

Is there anyone here who is aware of all this either with drugs or without drugs?

It can't be that rare.

Yes, lots of people are. I communicate with spiritual beings regularly.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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From my blunt understanding, pretty much everyone acts according to not just physical things but also intuition and stuff, referring to a degree of etheric awareness

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2 hours ago, YaNanNallari said:

From my blunt understanding, pretty much everyone acts according to not just physical things but also intuition and stuff, referring to a degree of etheric awareness

The more egoless you are, the more receptive you are to etheric stuff.

Egoists and bodybuilders will never reach the subtler existence because they are too emotionally invested in their body and refuse to surrender control. They are like earth, rigid and stiff. A gymnasticist for example would be more receptive to those things because he is like water, he tends to be formless and he willingly surrenders a part of himself because he is not obsessed about control or power. To become receptive to those things one needs to become formless like water. If you are a water in a cup, become a cup, if you are a water in a jug become a jug, if you are a drop in the ocean, become like the ocean. The last one is also the non-dual method to experience God because there is no "I". The drop in the ocean doesn't think "I am a drop in the ocean", it just IS.



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@Firebird Is that really what the present moment is, showing you, or is your mind creating fantasies which it holds to be true? Strip all of that away from your present moment experience and you will see something much emptier than "ghosts".

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Thats really rather interesting. I do feel what you are saying is true. I've recently had an experience outside of the consensus reality like it was another dimension and two days ago I had a dream where I was in another dimension too, that dream felt more real than most other dreams I've had so it could have been some spiritual plane of existence. 

I do believe that God can appear to us in many ways shapes and forms... Maybe we see what we deep down within believe is true or God takes a shape that we would find meaningful and learn from. 

The space within which all appears is definitely magical <3 Love you all, we don't need to figure out everything and know everything to be happy and thats what matters. I like for it to be a mystery, I do believe that any way that we try to explain it will be just the way it decided to show up to us, not necessarily the truth for everyone, as infinity is free to appear to others in a different way. Yeah I said Others :D 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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6 hours ago, Red-White-Light said:

@Firebird Is that really what the present moment is, showing you, or is your mind creating fantasies which it holds to be true? Strip all of that away from your present moment experience and you will see something much emptier than "ghosts".

It was a OBE experience. You are too identified with the body.

Edited by Firebird

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On 12/22/2020 at 11:27 PM, Firebird said:


Death is just the other dimension, a parallel universe that most people dont see that is complementary to the physical universe most people see. Its the dimension of lucid dreams in real space. You are currently in life dimension. If you die you get to death dimension. But still both exist at the same time even if you are not aware.


I have known this. When I went to an old house, in my dream, outside the house, was an ocean. In real life there are many flowers. And in that dream, the garden was on the ocean. The wave was kinda strong. But it was way prettier in my dream than it was in real life. 

There are also other beings, which I am scared of. 

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3 hours ago, Firebird said:

It was a OBE experience. You are too identified with the body.

Fantasy is a powerful illusion. If you close your eyes and see anything other than blackness you’re not present.

Edited by Red-White-Light

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When you realize yourself as Consciousness, it is more than blackness. The boundaries between you and everything else dissolve, your third eye opens, and you realize the infinite abundance and light that is your ultimate nature.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha I’m not a big fan of Sadhguru, but he once said when you close your eyes the world disappears and when you open your eyes the world appears. That’s the nature of appearances. I used the term blackness to highlight the world disappears. You can verify that for yourself right now. The third eye is only a metaphor for how perception can go beyond a material nature. You are absolutely correct in saying that the boundary between self and other dissolves. There is only one consciousness, that you are not separate from.

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@Red-White-Light It's true that we construct our own reality. Withdrawing the physical senses, including vision, makes it easier to realize ourselves as Consciousness. My point was that there is a sixth sense, beyond the physical senses, which is directly realized. I call it spiritual sight. The third eye is a metaphor, but the underlying reality that it points to is the direct realization of Consciousness, in this form and in all forms.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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24 minutes ago, Red-White-Light said:

@Moksha I would argue you can't reduce consciousness down to a 6th sense. Consciousness is much more fundamental than that.

The sixth sense is only awareness of the Consciousness in all things. Of course the awareness is not Consciousness itself :)

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Moksha said:

Of course the awareness is not Consciousness itself

You don't get it bro, you're going to need a deeper awakening. Awareness is Consciousness, they're synonymous. There is no separation from what is aware of consciousness and consciousness itself. That's why people say you're God.

Edited by Red-White-Light

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