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Why people don't question reality enough?

75 posts in this topic

32 minutes ago, Hulia said:

@seeking_brilliance I see, you are a lazy person, just like me :) 

To work smart you have to think hard

Sometimes it works sometimes not. Autopilot (=subconscience) is by no way purified of social conditioning.  Don't be so quick to mystify and glorify it. 

Love ya ?

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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@seeking_brilliance Na ja.. I assume that you assume that I´m coming from the motherland of Carl Gustav Jung. So I should know these things. 

Actually I wanted to propose you a compromise, a compromise for lazy people - to use the intuition for the issues of little importance. But you´ve already agreed on everything :) 

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38 minutes ago, Hulia said:

Na ja.. I assume that you assume that I´m coming from the motherland of Carl Gustav Jung. So I should know these things. 

Haha honestly I don't know much about Jung or much for that matter. I typically pull answers out of my own ass and call it intuition :)

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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3 hours ago, Someone here said:

The question is not for you. You are already enlightened and all this is laughable to you.

It’s objectively funny. 


But consider that 90 % people are deeply ignorant and yet they find existential inquiries to be cringe worthy...

Laughter is the best medicine. 


How do you explain that? 

Essentially innocently unchecked ‘beliefs’. 



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5 hours ago, Someone here said:

We are deeply ignorant that's just a fact.

I mean you really have not a clue what existence is and what  you're doing here. Yet almost 90% of people settle for mediocrity. They don't "like" or "want" to question their experience enough. Even tho they deep down know that they don't know. Is it because we are afraid to admit that we don't know? Maybe it's a function of survival? 

@electroBeam @Gesundheit would like to hear from you guys! 

Honestly, the only semi-satisfactory answer I could come up with to that answer over the years was the tolerance for suffering was much higher for those who are more ignorant than those who were less ignorant. I believe people who question reality more and take the path seriously, are more severely affected by suffering then their other counterparts.

I noticed this in high school. No one wanted to question reality as deeply as me, I was deeply deeply deeply dissatisfied with the idea that there's more that I'm missing and not going for it, almost depressed. People all around me somehow were able to just purely enjoy their life without questioning it. Sometimes enjoying their life, sometimes getting involved in petty fights, yet when I look back at it, I feel like I was more affected by suffering then they were.

The idea that I'm way better and less ignorant and wiser and cooler then the people around me certainly makes me feel good, but I'm open to the possibility that other people around me were born happier than I was. In this spiritual community, and other communities, there is a significant amount of people who are depressed or with high levels of suffering. I haven't done the maths, but it seems to me that people are disproportionately affected by suffering more in spiritual and psychedelic communities then the average population. You could even make a convincing narrative that the average spiritual person is a "happiness underdog" because they start out less happy then the average population, yet get happier then them over time. This is the average spiritual person though, then you've got outliers who somehow are just geniuses for absolutely no reason whatsoeva. I've got no idea whats the go with those people, and never will.

This is an unenlghtened perspective, I resonate with Nahm on a level of no thoughts for this particular question.

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44 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Haha honestly I don't know much about Jung or much for that matter. I typically pull answers out of my own ass and call it intuition :)

Haha from me and Jung: It´s not YOUR ass :))) 

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1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

Honestly, the only semi-satisfactory answer I could come up with to that answer over the years was the tolerance for suffering was much higher for those who are more ignorant than those who were less ignorant. I believe people who question reality more and take the path seriously, are more severely affected by suffering then their other counterparts.

I noticed this in high school. No one wanted to question reality as deeply as me, I was deeply deeply deeply dissatisfied with the idea that there's more that I'm missing and not going for it, almost depressed. People all around me somehow were able to just purely enjoy their life without questioning it. Sometimes enjoying their life, sometimes getting involved in petty fights, yet when I look back at it, I feel like I was more affected by suffering then they were.

The idea that I'm way better and less ignorant and wiser and cooler then the people around me certainly makes me feel good, but I'm open to the possibility that other people around me were born happier than I was. In this spiritual community, and other communities, there is a significant amount of people who are depressed or with high levels of suffering. I haven't done the maths, but it seems to me that people are disproportionately affected by suffering more in spiritual and psychedelic communities then the average population. You could even make a convincing narrative that the average spiritual person is a "happiness underdog" because they start out less happy then the average population, yet get happier then them over time. This is the average spiritual person though, then you've got outliers who somehow are just geniuses for absolutely no reason whatsoeva. I've got no idea whats the go with those people, and never will.


Totally agree @electroBeam I relate a lot with all you said mate

Edited by Javfly33

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Essentially innocently unchecked ‘beliefs’. 

Wdym? They believe they have already all the "knowledge" meanwhile they are actually ignorant? Because that's true for most people. 

7 hours ago, Javfly33 said:

Simple. Most people already think they know what reality is.

It does boil down to that. Is this true tho (do they actually know)? 


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I think people don’t question reality until they are a certain age. They will be too busy with life — earning a living, girlfriends, kids. Then usually a major life event comes along, divorce, serious illness, loss of a job, or all of them together, that makes you start looking at existential questions and what other people have thought about it. 

Where that leads them depends very much on circumstances. Some people get in touch with a shaman, others go on a massive fitness jag, or buy a Porsche. If they are lucky they might start in on Buddhism and a more spiritual path. 

“Nowhere is it writ that anthropoid apes should understand reality.” - Terence McKenna


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3 hours ago, electroBeam said:

I believe people who question reality more and take the path seriously, are more severely affected by suffering then their other counterparts.

Ofcourse counter to that. The way that leads to happiness IS the way that leads to truth. Most people unconsciously assume that happiness and Truth are somehow against each other.. What do you think of that?  Like you somehow shouldn't be pursuing deep metaphysical questions.. Instead just make ends meet and have fun.... 


3 hours ago, electroBeam said:

then you've got outliers who somehow are just geniuses for absolutely no reason whatsoeva. I've got no idea whats the go with those people, and never will.


I identify as one of those. Maybe it's something about how the brains are wired differently. Ya know people have different genuine interests etc 

Edited by Someone here

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5 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

many people are interested in understanding reality, but they think that only the material exists. The spiritual seems to them a story for people who want to escape from reality because they cannot face it. It is normal, why are you going to believe in anything that you cannot verify yourself?

Don't agree. Spiritual path is not about beliefs in other realms etc that's when it's turned into mental masturbation. Actual spirituality is grounded in direct experience. You become conscious of what's true. You make fine distinction between the truth and beliefs. But sometimes it gets twisted. Like if we ask is death a belief or an actual verified truth that you are directly conscious of?.... Well.. 

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I have a friend/coworker when I talk to him about reality and try to make him think or have a response to something I say, I usually talk to him about quantum physics or philosophy to make him question reality and he says that those are people with a lot of free time. Like someone who doesn't work and have time to think about existencial stuff instead of "working" 

Or when I tell him how matter doesn't exist, he goes... and what is the practical use of that???




Edited by abrakamowse

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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20 minutes ago, Someone here said:

The way that leads to happiness IS the way that leads to truth.

Spot on man

21 minutes ago, Someone here said:

I identify as one of those. Maybe it's something about how the brains are wired differently. Ya know people have different genuine interests etc 

And that's why my perspective is limited. I'm talking on behalf of people who have to work hard at awakening. Those that have to work less hard wouldn't have the same experiences as me IMO.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Wdym? They believe they have already all the "knowledge" meanwhile they are actually ignorant? Because that's true for most people. 

Not “some people’s beliefs”...your beliefs. 



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it has to do totally with the personality


most people who are writing here are probably INTP


Edited by RedLine

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19 minutes ago, RedLine said:

Most people who are writing here are probably INTP

INFJ, with a trend to INFP.

Less T, more F. Better, more Sp.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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10 hours ago, Hulia said:

@seeking_brilliance When two intuitions meet... It´s a pleasure to speak to you :) 

Thanks, it was usually just feels like I'm talking to myself here but thanks for the break of illusion ? have a nice day

Check out my lucid dreaming anthology series, Stars of Clay  

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55 minutes ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Thanks, it was usually just feels like I'm talking to myself here but thanks for the break of illusion ? have a nice day

Sorry, but I cannot stop answering you :) You say thing which I would say if they wouldn´t be wrong, so I have to contradict. Aren´t we here all supposed to be Leo and God? :) 

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