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Origins: Chronicles of Existence, the Diagnostic Interface for the Extension of Being

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Title: Necessary rigidity, the beginning of unravelling the tyrannical flexibility of being. A self discipline in the art of mind, the art of understanding and through that, expression of the universes fundamentality from the perspective of being.

Awareness to attention, where is the divide? To attend to, is to multiply the impressions of the phenomenon that is in that moment impressed upon our experience, a memory, a sense perception, thus to become aware. Consequently, the limits of awareness are coupled with the limits of attention, their division is in their qualitative expression, attention is the mathematical constraints of the awareness itself and attention expresses itself as the circumference of our cognitive capacities. To pay attention, firstly, to pay, that is, to give an aspect of oneself to an experience in order for it to form in our minds, enough attention, and a sense of wholeness is impressed upon us about the result between the phenomenon and our embodied experience with it. 

Secondly, how about energy, what is awareness and attention other than the energy to be aware, the energy of that awareness and the energy to not just attend to something simply, but to extend said simplicity beyond the horizon line of possible interpretations of the phenomenon?

Thirdly, how about memory, what is awareness other than the memory that one is aware, or to join with the previous question, the memory of the energy that is aware?

Thus to wit, our cognitive infrastructure thus invariably overlaps with just how much being within spirit and spirit within being, if there is such a distinction (inclusive of the word self in the non-universal true sense), is to become aware of itself, and through such awareness, learn to attend to the right elements of experience that in retrospect, are the clear tenants for being transforming itself not just through self knowledge, but via the self knowledge that transforms and extends both the cognitive parameters of self awareness and the humanosphere of possible phenomena to experience, be aware of and understand. Being is locked in a cognitive hold and unlocked by being learning to pay attention in the right way at the right things, energetically so and via memory as well. To the former, we have our present moment to inspect such energies and via memory, the learning of how to release and extend what energies we've determined we wish to. For determination, is nothing but a subject of attention and energy, of course; for the former, we have meaningful constitutes like chemical precursors to move the latter, and to the latter, the experience of moving said byproduct energies to aid in the honing of the former. This investigation then surrounds awareness, but said awareness acts through the remembered (is to memory) nomenclature of its understanding the limits and extension points regarding the interplay of these two. This is the descriptive lens by which we can interpret an actualization process that follows, not to follow the pattern of being trying to improve itself, rather this is a false interpretation for its probably somewhere at the hallmark of the imperfect-able, rather, we are building and following a storyline that is designed to express the full character of being or character trapped in being, energy of which is just the present attempt at briefly describing the qualities of those energies that are inherent to and construct the blocks for interpreting the most indomitable and intrinsic natures of being, in its nature. To encompass, being, at birth from the perspective of the body, trapped inside the oyster of the human skeleton and the stories that are injected into its consciousness from its inception, through vital attention to this process our snake skins of time which includes all of our prior misinterpretations begin to shed and we are left clothed in only the silk beyond the shadow that is cast by the human form. The action of attention in this sense is like a pair of scissors that decisionally cuts away via the unbiased lens of observation outside of experience, which is ironically, encompassing the memory for the capacity to do so as previous thoughts illustrate. In this manner then of course, being uses the mind as a vehicle for not just understanding itself but for engineering its experience and cinematically recalling those details from the lens of multiple genres, the latter here a discussion on the limits and boundaries of the imagination to construct not just a theatre for experience itself but a theatre for investigative work that propels being from one train station of metamorphosis in the universe to the next.

This whole work can be classed as a refinement process that being through reflecting on its changes can transform that immaterial mental content of time into energy that it uses to further improve the process by which it learns to leverage the growth it knows it can achieve to express the greater breadth of the parameters of intrinsic self operation; operatively augmenting and awareness through that underpinning and corresponding operation that further develops itself through the perception and relation to time. Next question: Where and what is awareness, attention and energy when it is merely the creative byproduct of a space-time manifold that describes how it came to be and how it can refer to how it came to be via awareness and the rest of these things (attention and energy)? Dimensions of which by the way, are the descriptive contents that makeup the aforementioned consequential nomenclature being builds through its refinement of the theatre of the minds perception of existence via a trial and error cognitively reflexive process acted and seen through the lens of past to present and their other possible combinations in the combination of the predicted or possible future. The answer is simple as it should be, this describes the pattern of how we build terms that refer to the same thing we're trying to describe in more than one way so that we can not only cognitively and linguistically frame the nuance of the observed phenomenon but also describe its properties and expression from multiple lenses and levels. In this sense then, the process of abstraction is merely a dialogue on orders of magnitude, or "How long is a piece of string?", the limits of the cognitive reflexive act we perform to know ourselves is precisely descriptive of our capacity to extend ourselves through this referential process, as noted, and this balance between knowing and extension then is bound by those abstract parameters we discern, build and refer to ourselves through. Abstraction then, is an important aspect of discerning the attentional limits of the mind and understanding the very boundaries of that unfoldment to further paint this descriptive relationship between being and the lens by which it interprets being through this cognitive infrastructure of all of the following from the perspective of one another and their multiple collective reference points (i.e. awareness in the context of energy): awareness, energy, time memory, and even imagination (which is also bound up with abstraction).

This concludes the beginning of this ancillary investigation into the preliminary aspects of the nature of being, albeit mainly via the human cognitive infrastructure and beings incision through that process of elimination versus inclusion in understanding and performing the simple act of attention. You'll notice that I haven't yet brought up the subject of intelligence, simply because attention is so vital to the performance of intelligence that a foundation for understanding how to discriminate between the two needs to be properly built before any discernments of intelligence are made. Attention is responsible for many of the discriminatory elements that we often associate with intelligence, such association of which should be unfashionable as it concerns having a cordial discussion on the subject in both its separation and alignment with its counterparts.

So here I sit, attending to this moment, bound up by the limits described above which paint the bandwidth of my experience, slowly describing how to extend being through a process of elimination but most importantly at least to begin with, directionality in the context of attention. Firstly, we must attend to what is happening as deeply and as rawly as possible, secondly we must relationally organise said attention in as sophisticated way as we possibly can, for example as I type I am aware that I am aware that I am typing, but its not as simple as this, further, I am aware that the sounds I make go in through my ears and interrupt and add to the subsequent thoughts that my consciousness will produce about my experience, further that this experience is superimposed by my visual field which tightly constricts the limits of my experience in lieu of everything it doesn't include and therefore what thoughts I will think about the subject in connection to and within. This is what it means to relationally organise attention to our cognitive limits, doing so, is the act of slowly building the dimensionality of the brains capacity to perceive and through that, the limits of the cognitive infrastructure that bind up being, of which we learn to, perform more intelligently overtime through our broadening attentional landscape of time. Bind is to bound, improve the limits and being becomes unbound, this is the predicate to terms like boundless, that is, inside the context of apprehension as opposed to just free-wheeling experience of course, of which, can't be adequately driven to without understanding how we are bound. And to the end of that song, intellectual horizonauts now ready to unleash being to its unknown end frontier, as it was always intended from the beginning of our unfoldment.

Edited by Origins

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