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Striving for more

Meditating after a glass of wine ?

8 posts in this topic

Is this pointless or like cheating ?

** Also, is 1 glass of red wine per day in the evening healthy and good for sleep?

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4 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

Also, is 1 glass of red wine per day in the evening healthy

Not really. There are few benefits of red wine in tiny amounts but I believe there is a long-term cost of drinking even small amounts. Alcohol damages microbiome, separates tight junctions of the gut, depletes glutathione, damages mitochondria and messes up with central nervous system. If you still need it i'd at least stick to some high quality vine possibly from organic produce but if you want the benefits of resveratrol find some good red grapes and bunch of berries ;)

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2 hours ago, Striving for more said:

Is this pointless or like cheating ?

** Also, is 1 glass of red wine per day in the evening healthy and good for sleep?

I suspect it would have a very detrimental effect on the quality of your meditation. Not recommended. It will make you more relaxed, but you'll loose the strong focus and concentration that you need for meditation.

For some people having 1 glass a day would be fine, for others it will be very damaging to their body. There isn't a yes or no answer. My intuition is that if you want to optimise your body and mind, and be the healthiest you can be,  then cut down alcohol as much as possible, if not completely. 

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You really are onto something. 

First Nutella and toast and now wine. 

It seems like you like all the good things (that I like :P). 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

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13 hours ago, Striving for more said:

1 glass of red wine per day in the evening healthy and good for sleep?

The advertising firms have done a good job with this customer base. 

Edited by xxxx

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The occasional glass of red wine's fine, daily I wouldn't recommend; the research on that is pretty inconclusive. As far as meditation and alcohol goes I wouldn't recommend, even though it is relaxing the impatience, lack of focus and dulling of the senses really ruins it. Plus it's an ego booster so that doesn't help. Even weed would be a far better option since it at least focuses you (or can if you're a good responder) alongside enhancing the senses. 

Look into L-theanine if you want a solid meditation enhancer that can be done regularly with actual REAL health benefits. 

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@Striving for more You'll experience a different state of consciousness. It's sometimes good to meditate in drunken state of consciousness because it makes you more concentrated when you meditate in normal state of consciousness. It's like being able to drive when your drunk. Just kidding, please don't ever do that. 

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