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Beginner Mind

Enlightenment in Under 90 Seconds

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Ramesh Balsekar was a disciple of Nisargadatta Maharaj.  In this short video, Ramesh speaks of everything being the will of God, and suggests that we all let life flow.  Enlightenment simplified.


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Seeing life as a whole ... yes but where I get stuck is that my resistance, my wanting to change something, is also part of life!  So, letting life flow means stopping my urge to change it.  But that's changing something! It's a strange loop! 

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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22 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

Seeing life as a whole ... yes but where I get stuck is that my resistance, my wanting to change something, is also part of life!  So, letting life flow means stopping my urge to change it.  But that's changing something! It's a strange loop! 

You cannot 'do' acceptance.  It can only happen if it is your destiny to have your conditioning altered.  If your current conditioning is such that life is resisted, hearing a teaching like "Everything is God's will" or "Everything is predetermined" may change that conditioning such that acceptance occurs (God willing).

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8 minutes ago, Beginner Mind said:

 (God willing).

"As above so below"?  I can't pass the buck onto God for changing stuff if I'm not supposed to change it either.  But I get your point, even though I'd use a different language to this. 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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10 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

"As above so below"?  I can't pass the buck onto God for changing stuff if I'm not supposed to change it either.  But I get your point, even though I'd use a different language to this. 

By 'God' I don't mean some man with a white beard sitting on the clouds judging everything that's happening on Earth.  I'm just referring to Consciousness or the Source.  The Source does everything; there is no doer in you or anyone else.  If your conditioning is sufficiently updated, acceptance of what is may result.

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