
How To Turn Your Life Around

3 posts in this topic

I will tell you a story, a story about a shy, really sad and hopeless guy who just wanted to experience love, thinking it was all he ever needed.

He rarely went outside of his bedroom, except, to sometimes walking his dog, going to work, and hitting some mcdonald time.

His thoughts were always surrounding him, he thoughts that he didn't deserved to be loved, too many health problems, too many failure in his past, his father always told him he was a failure, too "weird",  he also never had any real friends.

At that point, he thought that life was meaningless, all these fake/mean people, all these wars, corruption, madness,

Pain, everywhere.


He then heard something about meditation, what is meditation, why it is important, although he didn't believe everything that he was told, he tried.

It was hard, sitting for 20 minutes a day doing nothing was a nightmare, all these negative thoughts kept coming, telling him to stop wasting his time, that he was a failure, and always be one.


But he kept meditating,

He didn't give up,

He didn't listen,

He had faith


One day, he stopped thinking about the past and the future, life, was different. He couldn't say why, or what was happening. so he searched an answer. He soon find something, it was called "Spiritual enlightenment".

He immediatly knew that was the answer to all his questions.

The funny thing was, that he never believed in any religion whatsoever, thinking it was all a lie.


After this discovery, he continue to practice meditation even more, switching to some kind of love/kindness meditation (it is a meditation about listening everything without judging).

After some weeks he didn't have any judgments of others, it was like there was nothing to judge, what is, is.

But how come you stop judging others ? And if something as important as judging can be changed in some weeks, what about the rest ?


At that point, there was no need for love, popularity, money, or any other needs actually.

It was like his past life was a lie, like his past life was a dream.


Some weeks passed, and he was still seeking how to switch between belief and truth, spiritual enlightenment cannot be conceptualized he heard.

Eckhart Tolle, a supposed enlightened person who wrote some best seller books came in his life, he watched some of his videos, on youtube.

He picked one idea out of it, and practised it.


Mindfullness, aka the power of now, the realization that only the present moment exist, is what was under inverstigation.

After some months of watching every action he does, some mindblowing changes in his life started to happen.


He didn't associate his thoughts to himself anymore, it was like a repetitive song that he was tired of hearing.

Nature in itself started to be different. It was exactly as it was before, but everything started to feel BEAUTIFUL and ALIVE.


But, the most important realization was,

that he started to feel that EVERYTHING,






That is my story.

I'm not enlightened, I still identified myself as "me", but I see reality for what it is more and more everyday.

I really wanted to show you how meditation is so important, because without meditation, I couldn't have turned my life around.


The power it gives you is very simple, it makes you aware of your thoughts.

Being aware of your thougts is the most powerful skill you can have, because


Seeing your thoughts from an external viewpoint is the difference between a "normal" and an AWESOME LIFE.

Edited by Shin

God is love

Whoever lives in love lives in God

And God in them

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Incredibly beautiful story!

Thank you :):)

I write about scientific-based self-help, habits, productivity, creativity and ancient wisdom over at


"Lions don't lose sleep over the opinions of sheep" - The Internet

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