
Last Spiritual Insight I think I Will Wanna Share

40 posts in this topic

My intention in this post is to make a super helpful pointer. I'll see how I go though.

What attachment seems to be?

Its simple. Its the assumption that some object, state of consciousness, or thing has happiness in it, and if we don't have that thing we are unhappy, but if we have that thing, we are happy.

This runs deep, this isnt limited to the fools who chase money and sex. Infinite love realization and states of consciousness are attachments, because if you aint in the right state of consciousness, you aren't happy.

It runs even deeper. Unconditional happiness is an attachment, because if you aren't unconditionally happy, then you aren't happy. The happiness is assumed to be in the "unconditional" state.

What the world seems to be?

The world is a place divided into things that make you happy, and things that make you not happy. We chase the things that make you happy, while avoid the things that make you not happy.

This runs deep, we chase altered states of consciousness, we chase attaining unconditional happiness, we chase meditation, etc.

In this world there is time, and a future. We plan to get stuff in the future, like attaining enlightenment. Like attaining 0 attachments in the future. We strive towards it.

What actually makes you happy?

Clearly 0 attachments.

But what is 0 attachments?

0 attachments is literally being purely happy. Just being happy. That's it. 0 attachments means your happiness doesn't come from awakening, altered states of consciousness, enlightenment, meditation, psychedelics, insights, knowing how the universe works, pure unknowing, having an ego, having no ego, being self realized, "getting it", telling people whether they are awake or not, telling people whether you're more awake then them, classifying people, judgment, hatred.

When do you have 0 attachments?

When you are purely happy. That feeling of someone loving you, you achieving something great, a wedding, being in the flow state, etc. There is no happiness located anywhere, or to be achieved in the future, its just there. Purely happy. You aren't awake when you're happy. You're just normal.

Everyone can have 0 attachments if they wanted to. Not just awakened or enlightened beings. Everyone has periods of time in their life when they have 0 attachments, even the ones that are the most miserable. The flow state is a great example.

So What Actually IS The World Then?

The world is a place where you can see what it actually is, or you can not see what it actually is, and be deluded. If there's a rope on the ground, you can choose to see that rope as a snake, or as a rope. By choosing to see it as a snake you suffer. By choosing to see it as a rope, you don't.

The world actually is unbounded, completely unconditional happiness. If you don't see that, its simply because you are not looking at the world, you are looking at delusion. And that's the whole game you're playing. Trying to see what the world actually  is, and all spiritual work amounts to that.

Actually that's not what your spiritual work amounts to, that's what everything you do amounts to.

So What Actually IS Attachment Then?

We divide ego tricks into lots of different categories and flavors. But the truth is, there's only 1 ego trick that's been playing you your entire life. And that ego trick is, really believing that happiness is located in something.

The mourning you go through over the loss of a family member, or over the loss of an awakening(if you've had those awakenings that make you mourn and grieve) or psychedelic experiences, is literally, and only, caused by this 1 ego trick.

Its caused purely from the belief that happiness is in something.

If you get a thought that says "but that can't be true, because I've felt pain before and it hurts, it can't just be an attachment" ~ notice that the whole reason why you believe that thought, is because you believe there's happiness in it. That's why you're taking that thought seriously.

The reason why you take any thought seriously is because you believe there's happiness in the thought. That's literally attachment. That's literally the ego trick outlined above.

Real happiness is not contained within any thoughts. It is prior to every single thought.

So What Do You Make of This?

The game of life is officially complete, when you realize that happiness is prior to everything. Its prior to awakenings, its prior to realizations, its prior to being enlightened, its prior to realizing love.

And its prior to every single attachment you have.

So Why Is Meditation and Yoga Important?

Because meditation and yoga are the only times when you are happy for the sake of it. Not happy because you're in an altered state of consciousness, or because you've reached some samadhi state, or because you're awake, or because you're enlightened, or because you're more awake and better then others.

So Why Aren't I happy when its so simple?

Because you deliberately, while unintentionally, choose to pick your attachments over happiness. If you had a car crash and lost an arm, and you were resisting the state you were in hard, and I told you to just be happy, you'd say NO! Because you just lost an arm. Its not that you can't be happy, its that you're deliberately choosing not to.

Hello, that's why you aren't awake. Hello, you're going to keep going on the spiritual path until you realize that if that happened to you, you will choose to be happy. Because the alternative to that is falling for the 1 ego trick outlined above, and you will not be 100% satisfied in life, and will keep striving for happiness on the path, until you have 0 attachments because that's literally the only game you're playing.

You can choose happiness over your attachments. The problem is you don't want to.

Your end game is not awakening, infinite love realization, or anything like that. Your end game is flow state 24/7. Whether you're enlightened, a human, a duck, a cat, a retard, a deluded fool, a psychotic person, an insane person, a cu**, someone with a bad history, it doesn't matter what you are, what you want is 24/7 flow state.

So What actually IS the truth?

The truth literally is, deliberately choosing to be purely happy, deliberately choosing to get what you purely want, devoid of putting that in objects, states of consciousness, awake vs non awake dualities, putting it in the whole idea of non duality, putting it in enlightenment or infinite love or anything else.

What you have always wanted, was to be happy, and what you have been doing your entire life, is deliberately choosing not to be happy.


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3 minutes ago, Nahm said:



it aint a pointer if it aint hypocritical :D

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53 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

Everyone can have 0 attachments if they wanted to.

Do I have to state the obvious?xD

Edited by Tim R

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Sorry, but I think you are super wrong about everything you said.

I especially disagree with:

1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

When do you have 0 attachments?

When you are purely happy. That feeling of someone loving you, you achieving something great, a wedding, being in the flow state, etc.

Everyone can have 0 attachments if they wanted to. The flow state is a great example.


1 hour ago, electroBeam said:

Your end game is not awakening, infinite love realization, or anything like that. Your end game is flow state 24/7. Whether you're enlightened, a human, a duck, a cat, a retard, a deluded fool, a psychotic person, an insane person, a cu**, someone with a bad history, it doesn't matter what you are, what you want is 24/7 flow state.

So What actually IS the truth?

The truth literally is, deliberately choosing to be purely happy, deliberately choosing to get what you purely want, devoid of putting that in objects, states of consciousness, awake vs non awake dualities, putting it in the whole idea of non duality, putting it in enlightenment or infinite love or anything else.

What you have always wanted, was to be happy, and what you have been doing your entire life, is deliberately choosing not to be happy.


Edited by Blackhawk

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I resonate with some of this. :) The proverbial bone I must pick is this:


When do you have 0 attachments?

When you are purely happy. That feeling of someone loving you, you achieving something great, a wedding, being in the flow state, etc. There is no happiness located anywhere, or to be achieved in the future, its just there. Purely happy. You aren't awake when you're happy. You're just normal.

Just because someone is happy in this moment, doesn't mean they have 0 attachments. It only means their attachments have temporarily landed them, in the constantly moving spotlight, which they mistake for happiness.

In the next moment, when the spotlight shifts, they will be unhappy again, because they still have attachments that they hang their happiness on.

Dissolving all attachments is the ultimate realization, not conceptually, but beyond all of the senses, that there are no divisions, and it is already infinitely abundant. It is more than mere happiness, love, or any other emotion. It is Consciousness itself, fully resolving into itself. It is indescribably divine.

Edited by Moksha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:


I meant that agreeably. It does boil down to that. The clearly is literally the clarity.  


I disagree.


;) ?

I don't feel like starting a whole new universe all over again.

Edited by electroBeam

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24 minutes ago, Moksha said:

I resonate with some of this. :) The proverbial bone I must pick is this:

Just because someone is happy in this moment, doesn't mean they have 0 attachments. It only means their attachments have temporarily landed them, in the constantly moving spotlight, which they mistake for happiness.

In the next moment, when the spotlight shifts, they will be unhappy again, because they still have attachments that they hang their happiness on.

Dissolving all attachments is the ultimate realization, not conceptually, but beyond all of the senses, that there are no divisions, and it is already infinitely abundant. It is more than mere happiness, love, or any other emotion. It is Consciousness itself, fully resolving into itself. It is indescribably divine.






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2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

The world is a place divided into things that make you happy, and things that make you not happy


2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

When do you have 0 attachments?

When you are purely happy.

These two quotes seem to contradict, is it the 'thing in the world' which creates our relative happiness (unhappiness), or our attachments? Maybe I've quoted you out of context? But I agree (in theory) that non-attachment = unconditional happiness. 

BTW, who or what does the attaching? I thought there's no-one there inside with free will to attach to stuff anyway? Or, it's all imaginary. illusory? 

Edit: why is this your last insight you're sharing with us?  I love your posts here, but if you've decided to stop it'd be good to know why :x

Edited by snowyowl

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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17 minutes ago, electroBeam said:






Happy holidays to you too, lucky bloke B|

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@snowyowl my post was meant to be take purely practically.

2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

So What Actually IS Attachment Then?


We divide ego tricks into lots of different categories and flavors. But the truth is, there's only 1 ego trick that's been playing you your entire life. And that ego trick is, really believing that happiness is located in something.


2 hours ago, electroBeam said:

If you get a thought that says "but that can't be true, because I've felt pain before and it hurts, it can't just be an attachment" ~ notice that the whole reason why you believe that thought, is because you believe there's happiness in it. That's why you're taking that thought seriously.


6 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

These two quotes seem to contradict, is it the 'thing in the world' which creates our relative happiness (unhappiness), or our attachments? Maybe I've quoted you put of context? But I agree (in theory) that non-attachment = unconditional happiness. 

BTW, who or what does the attaching? I thought there's no-one there inside with free will to attach to stuff anyway? Or, it's all imaginary. illusory? 

Happiness aint located in whether my quotes contradict each other, or in the 'thing in the world' which creates our relative happiness. It aint located in whether you've put my quotes out of context, it aint located in whether you agree or disagree with me, in theory or not. It aint located in non attachment or unconditional happiness. it aint located in who or what does the attaching, it aint located in there's no one there inside with free will, it aint located in imaginary or illusion.

its just the being happy itself that is what you are looking for. Whether thats going for walks, going to the gym, meditating, talking to people, whatever makes ya happy, thats where it is.

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@electroBeam This is what happened:

You are happy, there are reasons for your happiness. Which you apparently fail to see at this point.

And then you built a whole mental construction around the theme happiness. Your entire post is filtered through the lenses of your happiness, you built a story (narrative) around it. I think it's called self bias. It's not the Truth.

In short: you're drunk on your own success.

I'm getting tired of these cases.

Edited by Blackhawk

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5 minutes ago, Moksha said:

Happy holidays to you too, lucky bloke B|

hahahaha. But i want to be the unlucky bloke that went from rags to riches :(

happy holidays!

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4 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

whatever makes ya happy, thats where it is.

Eh? You're saying that happiness is what makes me happy - how is that an insight? What do I need to do to get there? 

Relax, it's just my loosely held opinion.  :) 

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Just now, Blackhawk said:

@electroBeam This is what happened:

You are happy, there are reasons for your happiness. Which you apparently fail to see at this point.

And then you built a whole mental construction around the theme happiness. Your entire post is filtered through the lenses of your happiness, you built a whole narrative around it. I think it's called self bias. It's not the Truth.

This is just a personal reflection of mine that I've noticed, not saying it to boast, its got nothing to do with how good my ego is, I'm quite a retard and stupid guy myself. But I just felt like sharing it as a way to express the beauty of this world.

What seems to happen with me on this forum, is people first think I'm crazy and reject me for the stuff I post, then months later start thinking I'm onto something, start accepting it, start being open to it, and then I come up with a radically new post thats even more radical then before, then I get rejected again, then people start coming around to that one too.

I think you've got every right to think I'm deluded, self biased, selfish, egoic, filtered through my own up my own farts lens, building a narrative. I don't want to stop you from seeing me that way. In fact deep down I like it, it adds spice to my life.

But I can't help but think the universe is giving us a message saying its the disagreement itself which is the delusion. For if you disagree, you're choosing to block out what's actually happening.

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4 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

Eh? You're saying that happiness is what makes me happy - how is that an insight?


and that's why I wrote this is gonna be the last insight I'll share ;)

4 minutes ago, snowyowl said:

What do I need to do to get there? 

Try and get yourself to realize you don't need to get there.

Everything else WONT work. Your attempt to get there is doomed from the onset. The whole point of this path is to get you to go everywhere, burn yourself out to the point that you can't get there anymore, then from that burnt outness, you become open to the possibility that it was never about getting over there, it was about letting go of the thoughts that make you suffer now, and accept and love the happiness that arises from that process.

Meditation is what stops the thoughts telling you, you need to get there.

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2 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

it adds spice to my life.

Yeah I'm not surprised.

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24 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

But i want to be the unlucky bloke that went from rags to riches :(

Maybe the lucky bloke was the one that went from riches to rags. It's an opening to the wisdom of your insight. ⚡

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Yeah, I got a sense sometimes here that by talking about all those spiritual insights, that we forget about the most important thing to do to reach those insights and states which is to have a solid a baseline of peace and happiness. 

Another way of putting it is radical acceptance. When you are accepting for everything that happens you have no fear and you are happy. 

Edited by Eren Eeager

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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