
Why does Leo study history, politics etc if it doesnt exist?

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In the video "realizing u r god" on 53:40 Leo literally said : "there is no history to the universe", and the whole point of the video is that there is nothing but present moment/experience.  So how come someone who is fully couscious of that still want to contemplate bout politics, history and other ILLUSIONARY staff? u dont find it completely pointless?

please help me get it

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Because all of that is contained within the present moment, God is completely indistinct & contains within it all the relativity. What is being pointed to by saying those things are illusions is that they are mind, they are projections so that we can maintain survival of our societies, of our bodies, of whatever wants to be survived. 

Edited by OctagonOctopus

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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@marinaaniram Good question tbh. Everyone will feed you the same story of absolute vs relative, whether that actually means anything or makes a difference to your understanding is another thing.

People might give you "true answers" on this forum, but even if they are (which I would ask people to even ask what that means in light of what I'm about to say) , it will literally make 0 difference in many cases. Hence the quotation marks. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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@marinaaniram All of history is a concept. The only thing that exists is the present moment. Learning from history, politics etc is to help us navigate through the present moment. From the absolute perspective there is no history. 

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There's still plenty of value in studying the illusion. Your memories, for example, help you a great deal in navigating your practical life.

It's just that your practical life isn't actually real. It's as real as a dream, which of course can feel very real when you're in it. So if you'd like to dream something pleasant, I'd recommend it.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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It exists as a dream in your mind. Which is as real as real gets.

Many important lessons to learn from history depsite it being a dream.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Why you're watching Leo if he doesn't exist? Or being in that forum even. Do you exist or not exist? If you don't, why do you still exist if you don't exist?

That sounds like a fruitful duality to contemplate actually

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You're asking the wrong question: "how" can he study history if it doesn't exist? :P 

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It exists as a dream in your mind. Which is as real as real gets.

Many important lessons to learn from history depsite it being a dream.

Am I not creating 'history' out of my own consciousness? If I am, won't I be projecting my own 'stuff' on to it?

How do I know what I am studying is accurate/true?

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@marinaaniram What else is there to do? How long do you want to stare at a wall? 

It's a strange loop.  A paradox. It does and does't exist at once. 


What is history? It's the past that we are told that happened.


But you may say, past and future are imaginary! Only present exists! 


But apply this to your life:

Imagine you eat a slice of chedar cheese for breakfast.Then you go to school to take an important test. 

You bloat. Your stomach aches. You sprint to the bathroom and your diarrhea leaves you sweaty and shaking. 

You flunked your test because you spent most of the time at the bathroom. Oh sh1t. 

Now , time goes on. You learned your lesson. Life goes by and you tell your story to a skeptic friend. 

... " So then it shoot out my ass as if someone had left the tap open - you say."

Him : Woah... ( ... I don't belive him. That just a story... That's his-story - he thinks. 


He wasn't there. He cant know if it happened or not. But there is value in a hipothetical story.e

There may be value in avoiding eating cheese if you have lactose Intolerance. 


Now , life is imaginary at a whole different scale as well.

You can call this whole "life" thing a dream, just a more coherent  and consistent one, contrasted with those you have at night. 

Everything is made of dream stuff.

But you are experiencing the dream in a sense, right? So why not explore the dream? 

The fact that cheese gives you diarrhea in the dream is still a "fact". You run around with your pants leaking liquid poop screaming " It's just a dream guys!! "

Or embrace how cheese makes you feel inside the dream and do something ool with your dream life ?

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Because he's afraid of not-knowing.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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16 hours ago, Sagar Takker said:

Am I not creating 'history' out of my own consciousness? If I am, won't I be projecting my own 'stuff' on to it?

How do I know what I am studying is accurate/true?

Your mind is entangled with reality. You're always constructing things from your POV.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

It exists as a dream in your mind. Which is as real as real gets.

Many important lessons to learn from history depsite it being a dream.

@Leo Gura Doesn't this apply to science and materialism as well? Even if the absolute truth is that there is ultimately nothing, there is no one else, everything is imagination etc, isn't the point of the illusion to go "into the world" assuming there are certain rules and then playing within those boundaries? Without these rules, you end up with infinite oneness, and with these rules, you end up with something like materialism, do you not? 

Yes, every time I awaken/merge with God, science dissolves and materialism is ultimately proven false, but then the next step is always to reintegrate back into the world as a separate self, where there are rules and laws that govern that particular created universe. Isn't this exactly why you weren't able to heal yourself on your 28 day retreat? You can't heal your body when the entire universe collapses and your body no longer exists, because of course from that perspective, there is nothing to heal. 

Not trying to argue, just genuinely curious as to what the problem with materialism seems to be, because from my understanding, materialism = concrete rules, and without rules there is no game, and as far as I understand, "each of us" separated from God in order to play the game. 

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Because he's caught in a classic spiritual trap where he thinks he's escaped dualism, but he's just basically taken a left wing atheist worldview coupled with buddhism and nu age.

Anti religion thinking God didn't design religion exactly and perfectly as it is
Anti conservatism thinking God didn't design conservatism exactly and perfectly as it is
Anti science (nu age) because he's too lazy to pick up a physics book so it's easier to play gotchas, the same way atheists inevitably defend their position by implying everyone who believes in God sanctions child rape
Buddhist nonsense of nothingness which ironically he and Frank Yang make HOURS of content on lmao

He used to be willing to do the work:
Lifting weights
Actually learning REAL things
Avoiding politics like the useless plague it is

Now it's just drugs, porn, left wing ideas and solipsism. It is what it is, but he is capped on his growth, he already BTFOd so much in:
Beating his past addictions (food, guilt, shame, shyness)
Beating left wing whinyness and actually learning/weight training

Beating the typical atheist dork know it all as he does actually have a bit of science knowledge beyond talking about evolution lmao
Beating buddhist worthlessness in their do nothing attitude by actually producing videos with tangible, verifiable and true claims

But yeah, that's it for him. There are more levels, but it's just too easy to chill where he is at:
Jordan Peterson
Ken Wilber
Tai Lopez
Richard Koch
Tony Robbins
Robin Sharma
Tim Ferriss
Eckart Tolle
Tom Woods
Lex Fridman
Tom B

Everyone plateaus, we'll see if he can pull through it.

"You still don't know anything about reality, accepting all the cultures and norms of whatever culture you grew up in, the standards are extremely low, so there is an artificial glass ceiling created on your potential. You have no idea what you are, on every level, not at the physical, not at the psychological, at the emotional level, at the spiritual level, you don't really understand yourself"

If you know how to read it, you'll see.

Let those who have eyes see

Let those who have ears hear

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Why not? There is no ultimate reality. Just an infinite number of illusions -  a kaleidoscope of amazing patterns. 

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1 minute ago, The_Alchemist said:

Glad u started to recognize it, you're 93% the way there!

To get the last 7%, you must forget the 93%. ;) 

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