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Jay Ray

Feeling unworthy and inferior? Try this exercise

2 posts in this topic

I had a bit of an insight on how to get rid of feeling of inferiority, a lack of self worth or feelings of "I don't deserve good things or love". If you feel inferior to others let's call the group of others Group-X.  Group-X is all of the people who you belief to be "above or better" than you. 

This makes you Sub-X or "lower" than others for whatever reason you can think of "not smart enough, not beautiful enough, not mature enough, not rich, ect."

So, if you are in sub-X then there MUST be others in this same Sub-x Group. It is literally a 1 in 7.5 billion chance that you are the ONLY person who is in this sub-X Group. 

That being said, try and look for others who you would think of as also in this sub-x group

Maybe it is that you think you are lazy and unmotivated...there are hundreds of thousands of people who also feel that way, what would you say to a person in your same shoes? think about your actions if you saw them in another person, would you react the same way that your ego reacts to you?   

If you think that you are less then someone because they can out preform you in a skill, like guitar for example, then there must also be many many others who also can't play the guitar and have also given up. You would NEVER go up to a random person and say:

"Hey dude, how many times a week do you practice the guitar?"

"actually, I took a bit of a break these days"

"You weak and pathetic looser you TOOK A BREAK FROM THE GUITAR???, how are you going to feel superior to others if you cant show off your skill and practice regularly. You cant BE just a nobody. You need to prove yourself to the world dude, you need to BE MORE." - ego 2020

"ummm, get the hell away from me."

But this is what the ego can do sometimes. Sometimes feeling inferior is a way to push you to someday feel superior. Your ego does not just want to be in Group-x but above group X someday in the distant conceptual future. 

"I am a looser because I cant focus and meditate for even 5 mins, so I need to mentally beat myself up to force myself to focus more with more internal nagging and self hatred so that someday when the time is right... I can be better than a beginner.  I can prove myself to the world. I can't be the kind of person who is easy distracted." - ego 2020

However, the ego rarely cares about the motivational forces of other people. You would never talk to a friend the way your inner critic talks to you because your friends value to you is not dependent on their accomplishments (most of the time).  


the final point is in regard to this thought "I am not worthy of love or for good things to happen to me."

ask the ego this:

What evidence do I have to support this assumption?   (none)

What are the criteria's for deserving love?  

If another person in sub-x also had the same "problems" would you say they are not worthy or love as well? probably not. 


Also, the reason you feel inferior is because it was told or implied to you in early childhood as a way of changing your behavior. It has no actual reality aside from that.

kid crying to much?, say "other people suffer way more and we are on vacation right now, you should be happy and your crying like a little baby, you are so ungrateful!! my parents never took me on vacation so you should be thrilled and because you are not something is deeply wrong with you..." boom! behavior is modified though constant shame and guilt that repeats like a song in your subconscious mind. 

BUT, this means that it is just a thought and can be replaced with subliminal messages and conscious effort. It has no reason to exist apart for behavior modification. 

try: God is love, God truly doesn't judge. All is one. love transcends all reasons and concepts that man makes. or something like this.

Anyway this is just an insight. I would love to hear feedback on what you thought about this. 

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