
P0rnhub is dead?

20 posts in this topic

It's not ACTUALLY dead. They had to take down 90% of their content. Visa and Mastercard decided to make them take responsability for ilegal content.

Interesting how such a GIANT business that is able to compete with Google and Apple can be kicked in the nuts from one day to the other.

The internet is evolving lately huh.



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It is alright if ilegal content is banned. But to ban all pornography? No. 

Edited by Bojan V

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I'd want to see evidence that what's claimed in the original post is true.

But whatever, it's no news that people immediately believe everything they hear anywhere.

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15 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

@Blackhawk you can Google it it's all over the news that they've just removed a bunch of their videos I don't know if it's 90% but they did remove quite a lot.

Ok yeah it seems to be true, I don't know either if it's 90%.

Child porn on Pornhub? I always assumed that's not possible. And I've never seen a single such video.

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8 hours ago, Husseinisdoingfine said:

I honest to God wish for all pornography in the United States to be banned.

Pornhub had a serious problem of older men abusing young girls and then uploading the videos, and Pornhub not doing anything about it, and we're only talking about Pornhub and not the countless of other xxx websites. But can you imagine being a young girl, being abused by an older babysitter, and then the heart wrenching feeling of watching the documentation of abuse increase in view count?

The main reason why I wish to see pornography banned is that I don't like what it's doing to young boys though, on a psychological level.

And what happens when all the men that had urges to "abuse young girls" but were satisfied with porn lose access to porn?

Only like 0.001% of potential offenders act on their urges.  If you take away their porn, they will find other ways of relieving themselves.


What is it doing to the "boys"?  I've heard pretty much every argument; I still don't see this as black and white.  Testosterone levels peak around 7 days after fapping, after which they slowly start dropping (yes, no fap is retarded).  And how do these "boys" discover their personal tastes when they just wanna fuck anything that walks?  "Oh, but Nitramadas!  Isn't that a wonderful thi–" NO IT'S FUCKING NOT!  That's why >95% of people have have a shitload of poor quality genes.  You fuck a 4/10, you have 4/10 kids ..fine, 4.1/10 kids.  But the only reason you'd fuck a 4/10 is if you've got no access to porn and have no standards.. you just wanna fuck! 

We NEED people to suffer these dire consequences of p-pporn!  We NEED them to lose all interest in locals and move to Japan after witnessing the wonders of Japanese porn.  Fucking a 10/10 and having kids is the best thing any human can do for the race.  We should definitely NOT be encouraging standards to drop, as this sort of complacency literally translates to higher rates of inbreeding due to . 


Disclaimer:  I really don't care, I just debate.. With advances in research like CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing it's only a temporary issue anyway.

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i've never really visited pornhub maybe a few times years ago

but i've heard a long time ago that they were doing some really shady ish

here they talk about it


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Pornhub is fucked and It has a negative effect on people. 

Regulation is necessary but I don't think banning it completely is fair, as some girls (adults) wilfully make a living off of it and enjoy their job and I guess it's much better than being a prostitute. 

I know this isn't the full story for every actress or video and hence they need more regulation, but some actresses do enjoy it or they are content with that job. 

As one person pointed out perhaps men with perverted urges/twisted fetishes are less likely to act it out due to expressing it virtually. Although I don't know, maybe watching bad porn just helps fuel their desires into action. Who knows.

Edited by Striving for more

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Good. Now that Pornhub is out of the picture, I will have a cleaner dirty google search experience.

Edited by Gesundheit

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I'm happy that they'd to purge their content. So most of the videos now are officially shot and I want them to continue in this direction.

There still must be a ton of good porn to watch. Pornhub will never die.

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22 hours ago, mmKay said:

It's not ACTUALLY dead. They had to take down 90% of their content. Visa and Mastercard decided to make them take responsability for ilegal content.


Pornhub removed all the unverified content, which was about 10 million videos. Most likely only a small percentage of that was illegal. Trying to determine legality by evaluating 10 million unverified individual videos is not feasible. That would take an enormous workforce and cost a ton of money. They would need to hire thousands of full-time evaluators - and even then there is no way to verify with 100% certainty. For example, some women are obviously over 18 y.o., yet how can a Pornhub employee verify an 18 y.o. is actually 18 y.o.without verification?

I’m not sure if this is the best avenue to take, since requiring verification changes the dynamics of user-generated platforms. Yet there are cases in which the girl/woman looked like she could be under 18 as well as videos in which the girl/woman didn’t look like she consented to be there. Unfortunately, there is market demand for that. 

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Huh yeah.

But now imagine being hired as a full time  evaluator  as your 9-5 job in an office of horny dudes LMFAO ? I can't get this picture of my head. Jesus f*cking christ ( pun not intended) 

Anyways, 3 million of porn videos left is more than enough IMO lol. They took a big L but they can handle it no problem. 

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Somehow I think porn will survive on the internet.

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3 minutes ago, modmyth said:

I always got the sense that rapey guys are gonna be rapey regardless, but I guess if they're not going outside, that's better.  ....

You mean in order to be capable of raping someone you need to have messed up wiring, like with psychopaths ? Lack of capacity for empathy?

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Goddamn it. My favourite girls are gone. Some I stayed with for years. I doubt I’ll find anyone quite like them.

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step in the right direction. can't help but feel a little angry though that this didn't happen sooner and that these companies won't actually take any action and make their platforms more conscious unless their money is threatened. good lord, do some of these people running these companies only care about growing their company no matter what? where is the self reflection? facebook is also long overdue for some massive cleaning.  

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23 hours ago, nitramadas said:

Fucking a 10/10 and having kids is the best thing any human can do for the race.

I agree.


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