
5-meo-dmt Video

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@Joel3102 I know St. John's Wort is an extremely weak MAOI.  I have found information that says if a person uses MAOIs they shouldn't use them at least two weeks before doing 5meoDMT.  I will keep researching but I think if I discontinue STJW about 3 to 4 weeks before I do 5meoDMT I should be fine.  Now I just gotta get some 5meo lol, luckily I live in Arizona so it shouldn't be too hard according to a few forums I started frequenting.

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@Denis Thanks Denis, I will try that! Do you have a comprehensive list of natural things to avoid prior to? I take a St. John's tincture on occasion, if you are taking it for mood stabilization, perhaps 5-htp is a potential alternative...not sure if it's safe to combine either...

Without getting into details about obtaining, if your location = river/ frog connection and your experience is facilitated by a local shaman/similar,  please post (if you feel comfortable) relevant information about the experience: pre-emptive measures (like frog version of Leo's upside down technique), side effect minimization, helpful assets ( to bring mentally and/or physically), advice you were given (re: intention and integration, etc)....thanks so much!

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What is true about the pineal gland ?

I've heard that DMT can be produced naturally by the brain, especially at the moment of the death, but also while doing consciousness works like lucid dreams. I've heard that when you commit to suicide in a lucid dream, your brain, eventually, can produce DMT, which can leads to an OBE.

Edited by Soulbass

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2 hours ago, Soulbass said:

What is true about the pineal gland ?

I've heard that DMT can be produced naturally by the brain, especially at the moment of the death, but also while doing consciousness works like lucid dreams. I've heard that when you commit to suicide in a lucid dream, your brain, eventually, can produce DMT, which can leads to an OBE.

Well what you have heard is only theories, you should keep that in mind. It is also not proven that DMT exists in the pineal gland in human beings. They have found it in rodents, so I'd say it is very likely it exists in us, but still not a proven fact.

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On 05/10/2016 at 11:16 PM, Leo Gura said:

@InsidesOut Not as clearly or consistently.

Try finding some Yopo snuff. Should be easy in Brazil.

true! it was not very difficult to find some sites selling it on surface web! However I didn't find dosage information anywhere, do you have any idea about that?

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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50 minutes ago, Psychonaut said:

@InsidesOut here 

I started with 25mg, anything below 20mg is kinda pointless IMHO.

don't you think the dosage will be different for the yopo snuff? Its not pure 5meo since its toasted and triturated seeds

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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It doesn't seem like people do yopo often. Do yourself a favour and get the pure powder version of meow. It really isn't that hard and it is far more predictable in dosages. 

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On October 27, 2016 at 1:11 AM, Joel3102 said:

@Denis I transitioned from St John's to SSRIs. I was advised to wait about a week to prevent Serotonin Syndrome. I'd imagine the timeframe would apply to other substances.

Wait a whole month. That's what I heard anyway. 

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7 hours ago, InsidesOut said:

true! it was not very difficult to find some sites selling it on surface web! However I didn't find dosage information anywhere, do you have any idea about that?

Yopo is actually quite different from pure 5-meo. It's mostly bufotenine, which is a whole nother critter from 5-meo, but still a highly visionary substance. Pure bufotenine, if extracted from Yopo, is some very powerful stuff!

Pure bufotenine will make you hear spirit voices in your head, talking to you, telling you things. It's one of the few powerful auditory hallucinogenics.

If you just do unextracted Yopo snuff, it won't be that powerful. You'll have to snort a ton of it to get a strong trip. Imagine snorting a gram of powder up your nose until you're throwing up from it. That's what the native shamans are forced to do cause they can't do a proper extraction.

Extraction teks for Bufo can be found online. But check legality in your area.

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@Epiphany_Inspired I am still doing some research and working on obtaining it so I probably won't do it for another few months, but I will definitely share my experiences on the forum here.  I am little disappointed I haven't seen more people share their experiences so far.  They must be working on it like me :-)

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I am looking forward to the interview Leo mentioned he would be having with the person he said was enlightened through the combination of self-actualization work and 5meO. When will it be posted? He said it was already recorded, so what's holding it back? On the edge of my seat here

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On 9/25/2016 at 6:09 PM, Richard Alpert said:

You can have englightenment experiences with various psychedelics, but i dont think 5-meo-dmt is different from the others in a way that the "enlightenment" would stick. Still to this day, probably no one has truly become enlightened through psychedelics.

You could probably start with 5-meo-dmt, with lower dose, but i would consider mushrooms or lsd first.

Hold on guys, I am a beginner and very confused by now. I saw Leo's video about 5-MEO-DMT and enlightenment.

Now I have questions:

1. If DMT can get enlightenment for you, everything related to spirituality, starting with Buddha Gautama , passing through every major religion and ending with this site, I mean, everything is useless. Why would one embark on a trip that is so fucking hard like digging a hole in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, when you can get the same result in 20 minutes ?

2. If DMT experience is nothing else but a hallucination, and everybody says that it is actually an enlightenment, then why the fuck one would dig a hole in the middle of the ocean only to reach a state of hallucination. If it is true, if enlightenment is a hallucination, then it is the biggest illusion the brain can be tricked in, and doing that is very hard, Leo is right, it is very very hard to foul your brain to believe that ego is nothing and everything in the same time. in doing that, you compete with the strongest drug in the world, and you are doing that with your bare hands  so it must be hard.


Holly shit. As I read more posts in this topic, I only can conclude that enlightenment is a hallucination experience, something triggered by DMT molecule released in the brain by the pineal gland during some extraordinary circumstances, like death, or maybe ego death. Poor monks, I refer the monks that were doing meditation on a mountain  for 12 years, 100 days per year. If they only knew that all about enlightenment was pure chemistry !

Edited by George Paul

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1. If DMT can get enlightenment for you, everything related to spirituality, starting with Buddha Gautama , passing through every major religion and ending with this site, I mean, everything is useless. Why would one embark on a trip that is so fucking hard like digging a hole in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, when you can get the same result in 20 minutes ?


Enlightenment is fun, it's the process of life itself, some may also call this process awakening (indeed, you have been at it your whole life, albeit mostly at a snail's pace and very unconsciously, but that's part of the process too, and not by mistake in design).



Holly shit. As I read more posts in this topic, I only can conclude that enlightenment is a hallucination experience, something triggered by DMT molecule released in the brain by the pineal gland during some extraordinary circumstances, like death, or maybe ego death. Poor monks, I refer the monks that were doing meditation on a mountain  for 12 years, 100 days per year. If they only knew that all about enlightenment was pure chemistry !


The monks would realize on their journey that life is not meant to be lived as a means to an end, but to be enjoyed as a process right here right now.

But what makes you think it's all chemistry, that refers to materialism, which is false (

Can chemicals work on the vehicle, and thus on the spirit, yet it can. Can it be helpful, yet it can. But as Leo said and I think too, you will need to integrate it into your life, or you would be missing out it's biggest potential and fruits.  

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14 minutes ago, AlwaysBeNice said:


The monks would realize on their journey that life is not meant to be lived as a means to an end, but to be enjoyed as a process right here right now.


Would they realize that they spent 12 years on a mountain sitting still only to finally realize that they should have lived their life having real life fun all these 12 years ? Holly crap !! Imagine their faces at the end of those years when they realize that. So these guys have to realize two things: 1. Life has to be enjoyed right now 2. They spent 12 years not enjoying life

Edited by George Paul

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I meditate for hours a day and it's the most pleasant thing I do, it's great, and the fruits it bears, mmm.

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42 minutes ago, AlwaysBeNice said:

Can chemicals work on the vehicle, and thus on the spirit, yet it can. Can it be helpful, yet it can. But as Leo said and I think too, you will need to integrate it into your life, or you would be missing out it's biggest potential and fruits.  

That's interesting.

Let's investigate a little the idea that if chemical works on the vehicle it means that it works on the spirit.

In Leo's language, we translate that like this: if dmt can affect the brain, it can affect the higher SELF too.

Let's see: the brain is the place where all our illusions take place. The ego is born there with all it's beliefs and models and memories, etc. Self is the boss of the brain. The higher SELF is not known by the brain. When DMT affects the brain it only affects the self. I cant's see any reason why it should affect the higher SELF, but that's because I know too little about the brain and drugs. One thing is for sure: if self was in a profound sleep until now, in an illusory realm of a wrong perceived reality, after DMT things only could go worse. That's my statement. I mean, I can't see why DMT should favor a better perception of reality (other than expanding a little bit the perceived frequency spectrum of auditive and visual phenomena, MAYBE ), on the first hand, an then, you might say: "but George" , DMT only affects the interpretation of the reality, your map, your agenda. Yes, agree, but I think that ANY ageda you have, any model any thought you might have, it is not REALITY, just another illusion. So, the DMT experience is just another ILLUSION, a nicer one, maybe.

So if more and more people say that DMT experience (be it 5 fuckin MeO or not) IS enlightenment, than I only can conclude that ENLIGHTENMENT itself is just another illusion.


Edited by George Paul

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Let's see: the brain is the place where all our illusions take place. The ego is born there with all it's beliefs and models and memories, etc. Self is the boss of the brain. 

I don't think so, it all takes place within consciousness. 

I don't belief the ego is born there either, I belief and identity is born into pure spirit, as a thought, in a thought realm (spirit realm, heaven etc.).

It can project itself into a physical incarnations, until it's agenda has been served, and it may take breaks in between, all for various different reasons (you need contrast to experience the perfect freedom, love and oneness (limitation, fear, separation). 

So it focuses itself into a body, DMT projects you into the spirit world and sometimes into ego death, 5MEO into ego death, how and why this happens I don't know.

And no, life does demonstrably not get worse after DMT necessarily, often the opposite occurs, yet it's always up to you still. 

Edited by AlwaysBeNice

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3 minutes ago, AlwaysBeNice said:

I don't think so, it all takes place within consciousness. 

I don't belief the ego is born there either, I belief and identity is born into pure spirit, as a thought, in a thought realm (spirit realm, heaven etc.).

It can project itself into a physical incarnations, until it's agenda has been served, and it may take breaks in between, all for various different reasons (you need contrast to experience the perfect freedom, love and oneness (limitation, fear, separation). 

So it focuses itself into a body, DMT projects you into the spirit world and sometimes into ego death, 5MEO into ego death, how and why this happens I don't know.

And no, life does demonstrably not get worse after DMT necessarily, often the opposite occurs, yet it's always up to you still. 

AlwaysBeNice, I believe your map is wrong. I strongly suggest to look and pay attention to Leo's videos. Before that, it is better to give up any ideas about spirit and heaven and all that shit. Even forget about consciousness. 

I am not suggesting that because I believe my map is better than yours. I believe my map is wrong too.

But I suggested that in order for us to be on the same page when talking about difficult subjects, to use the same concepts if not the same words.

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Leo has nothing against these ideas, quite the opposite I belief. Regardless, I follow evidence and direct experience.

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