
5-meo-dmt Video

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@Leo Gura

When you mentioned panic attack, how it felt like ? Because i have experienced epilepsy that really struck me down, best i can describe it is this : It came in waves and i lied on the ground (with my friends' help) and i lost touch with my body and some very weird stuff started to happen which i remembered when you talked about your 5 meo experience.

Imagine that your body is like very chaotic filed of energy that you completely lost touch with so if you think of legs and arms, they could be anywhere at same time ( something like quantum theory where electrons can be found in any part of the atom when observed, if that makes sense). I did not feel the ground and what i was ''observing'' was that i literally bouncing off ground in waves ... like oscillation (but there is no ground at this point).  After that everything went dark and i woke up after losing conscience. But funny thing is that i actually created similar experience ( let's say it was like 20,30% of it) with my meditation. I am using Holosync and i am on very deep levels atm and after 45 mins this comes up, and funny thing is ...ego tried to block it away because it was scared like shit..after that i decided to let go and fully embrace myself into experience because at this point with my meditation and self-inquiry i know there is nothing that can happen to anyone (if that makes sense). It felt very pleasing embracing it because i think i got a little taste of my true nature. As someone would say, i have seen the few hairs of the ox tail :) So i was wondering how fully can you embrace the experience of whatever is going on while on 5 meo ? Because epilepsy was really fucked up experience for me at that point, but from meditation point i could embrace it more naturally. Would you suggest meditation for longer period time, let's say 1 hour+ and then taking meo 5 so embracing the experience and not fighting it comes more naturally ? Because i wanna do schrooms like this, i feel like taking them during meditation will create greater effect.

Edited by Natura Sonoris

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

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20 minutes ago, Natura Sonoris said:

@Leo Gura

When you mentioned panic attack, how it felt like ? Because i have experienced epilepsy that really struck me down, best i can describe it is this : It came in waves and i lied on the ground (with my friends' help) and i lost touch with my body and some very weird stuff started to happen which i remembered when you talked about your 5 meo experience.

Imagine that your body is like very chaotic filed of energy that you completely lost touch with so if you think of legs and arms, they could be anywhere at same time ( something like quantum theory where electrons can be found in any part of the atom when observed, if that makes sense). I did not feel the ground and what i was ''observing'' was that i literally bouncing off ground in waves ... like oscillation (but there is no ground at this point). 

I had a similar experience to this. I don't have epilepsy nor have I ever had a seizure. But when I was 14 years old, I accidentally smoked a joint laced with something... at least this is my theory as to why this happened. I never got confirmation on that. But it was way too much for me, and I thought I was dying. It was my first panic attack. I immediately started feeling like I was big and small at the same time. Like parts of my body in space were non-relative sizes. Like my arms could be smaller than my toes. I started feeling really small too. Then I experienced the sensation of my tongue as only a bunch of vibrations. Like I was swishing my tongue around my mouth behind my teeth and there were spots of my tongue that didn't register with my brain. If you could imagine that my tongue was a huge collection of dots of vibration, and about 3/4 of those vibrations were missing. I felt very disconnected with reality. Scary stuff. Was this similar to what you experienced?

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1 hour ago, Natura Sonoris said:

@Leo Gura

When you mentioned panic attack, how it felt like ? Because i have experienced epilepsy that really struck me down, best i can describe it is this : It came in waves and i lied on the ground (with my friends' help) and i lost touch with my body and some very weird stuff started to happen which i remembered when you talked about your 5 meo experience.

Imagine that your body is like very chaotic filed of energy that you completely lost touch with so if you think of legs and arms, they could be anywhere at same time ( something like quantum theory where electrons can be found in any part of the atom when observed, if that makes sense). I did not feel the ground and what i was ''observing'' was that i literally bouncing off ground in waves ... like oscillation (but there is no ground at this point).  After that everything went dark and i woke up after losing conscience. But funny thing is that i actually created similar experience ( let's say it was like 20,30% of it) with my meditation. I am using Holosync and i am on very deep levels atm and after 45 mins this comes up, and funny thing is ...ego tried to block it away because it was scared like shit..after that i decided to let go and fully embrace myself into experience because at this point with my meditation and self-inquiry i know there is nothing that can happen to anyone (if that makes sense). It felt very pleasing embracing it because i think i got a little taste of my true nature. As someone would say, i have seen the few hairs of the ox tail :) So i was wondering how fully can you embrace the experience of whatever is going on while on 5 meo ? Because epilepsy was really fucked up experience for me at that point, but from meditation point i could embrace it more naturally. Would you suggest meditation for longer period time, let's say 1 hour+ and then taking meo 5 so embracing the experience and not fighting it comes more naturally ? Because i wanna do schrooms like this, i feel like taking them during meditation will create greater effect.

The panic attack didn't have any odd sensations associated with it. I was mostly just worried that I had no idea what the 5-meo experience would be like and that I poisoned myself and would be tripping for 4 hours. They were rather silly fears.

On 5-meo you have no choice. You either accept it 100%, or you're gonna be in the deepest hell you can imagine. To me the act of surrender feels like pulling the cord on your parachute after you jump out of the plane. You don't really have an alternative. If you don't pull it, you're fucked. So I always take it seriously and surrender for real. I have a feeling 5-meo will force you to surrender whether you want to or not, but if you drag it out, it will just be needless suffering.

33 minutes ago, Emerald Wilkins said:

I had a similar experience to this. I don't have epilepsy nor have I ever had a seizure. But when I was 14 years old, I accidentally smoked a joint laced with something... at least this is my theory as to why this happened. I never got confirmation on that. But it was way too much for me, and I thought I was dying. It was my first panic attack. I immediately started feeling like I was big and small at the same time. Like parts of my body in space were non-relative sizes. Like my arms could be smaller than my toes. I started feeling really small too. Then I experienced the sensation of my tongue as only a bunch of vibrations. Like I was swishing my tongue around my mouth behind my teeth and there were spots of my tongue that didn't register with my brain. If you could imagine that my tongue was a huge collection of dots of vibration, and about 3/4 of those vibrations were missing. I felt very disconnected with reality. Scary stuff. Was this similar to what you experienced?

5-meo is utterly beyond merely weird sensations. It's an impossible experience. Like becoming a living Escher drawing.

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@Emerald Wilkins

What you described is heavy epileptic seizure from my point of view and experience. I also smoked weed at that period of time (if i remember correctly ) but weed was not cause of the my seizure. I had brain tumor at that time that started growing again and it probably caused some chaos in neural paths ( i am not an expert on this so i can say how epilepsy actually works) and i did not smoke for couple of days. But my friend had very similar experience (comparing to mine) after he smoked a joint and what he described was some minor form of it. Plus... when you said ''i thought i was dying'' the very same thoughts were coming to my head and it really felt like that. Your sense of reality goes berserk.

@Leo Gura

Interesting, but yet impossible to conceptualize, so when the time comes, i will experience it  :) But first schrooms, LSD and ayahuasca. 


"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

5-meo is utterly beyond merely weird sensations. It's an impossible experience. Like becoming a living Escher drawing.

I wasn't talking about the 5-MEO specifically. I was just reading through @Natura Sonoris's comment and I had had a similar experience to what he described. 

49 minutes ago, Natura Sonoris said:

@Emerald Wilkins

What you described is heavy epileptic seizure from my point of view and experience. I also smoked weed at that period of time (if i remember correctly ) but weed was not cause of the my seizure. I had brain tumor at that time that started growing again and it probably caused some chaos in neural paths ( i am not an expert on this so i can say how epilepsy actually works) and i did not smoke for couple of days. But my friend had very similar experience (comparing to mine) after he smoked a joint and what he described was some minor form of it. Plus... when you said ''i thought i was dying'' the very same thoughts were coming to my head and it really felt like that. Your sense of reality goes berserk.

The reason why I don't think it was a seizure is because I wasn't incapacitated physically: no seizing, no automatic movements, and I was able to speak about how I was feeling in a relatively articulate (albeit panicked) manner. But I had wondered if I was overdosing, running through panicked thoughts about what I just smoked, having a seizure, having a heart attack, and a host of other things. But there was a clear distance between myself and my senses that made me feel incredibly uncomfortable. So, perhaps it was something seizure-related. After this experience, I would have occasional panic attacks while smoking because I would be triggered back to that experience of being out of control. It's one of the reasons that I quit when I was 20. 

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I wonder how 5Meo Dmt affects a Blind persons ego without any of the visual seeing on 5Meo dmt. 

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@Emerald Wilkins

Strange things can happen when yo overdose on drugs, or you just take bad ones without knowing... But anyway, that opened your mind to different states of consciousness, like my seizure did if i look at it from my meditation perspective because i experienced semi seizure like experience during my sessions but once you embrace it fully, there is nothing to be scared of but ego is scared shitless :D I remember at that point my mind was going, " Dont go there, stop stop'' but i applied awareness / mindfulness over the experience and over thoughts and embraced everything fully and it felt amazing to hold it for next 5,10 mins but unfortunately, it did not last.

@Leo Gura

Yo, update that book list asap :) We need some new stuff to least i do  :) Btw update the link for Rupert Spira Presence because that release is 100 dollars now and unlikely anyone will buy it. There is affordable version when you search the amazon.

Edited by Natura Sonoris

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

Dr. joseph Goebbels

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23 hours ago, Locomike said:

I wonder how 5Meo Dmt affects a Blind persons ego without any of the visual seeing on 5Meo dmt. 

I bet ya that even a blind person will experience some crazy visuals on N,N-DMT.

5-meo's most important features aren't visual. Infinite is infinite. Even a blind man is infinite.

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It's interesting how infinity, being infinite, goes both ways. Not only being able to stretch for ever lasting distances outward but also inward.

Meaning there is infinity in every cell of your body right now already, which should means cultivating body awareness might be more profound than often thought. 

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I've never done 5meo-dmt but the reports i've read remind me of salvia. Fast onset, pretty fast comedown, dissociative. It's the latter i really don't like, and that causes the 'fear' response imo. With salvia, the dissociative effect is really strong. So strong, you don't remember taking it, and that makes it so scarry for most people. Mushrooms hug your ego to death, but salvia just twists it in the meat grinder. I prefer to be hugged to death ^_^

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@David1 I wouldn't call it dissociative. It's more pleasant and less twisted than mushrooms or salvia. Just gotta get over the initial fear. Also, the fact that it's duration is short is a huge plus. That really minimizes the freakout factor because you can calm yourself down by thinking, "It will be all over in 20 minutes."

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On 29/09/2016 at 8:19 PM, John Flores said:

@Break the Chain from what I understand a vision happens simultaneously while you are a wake, but there may be multiple forms of vision that include seizure etc. I only had one such thing in my life the way you describe and it happened as exiting out of dream state after passing out from full day type of meditation on a subject I was learning for school.

Yeah, this is why I brought it up. It can be dangerous. I can't imagine anyone wanting to have spontaneous seizures occuring in their life. This can happen with heavy use of psychedelics. After smoking DMT and experimenting with Acacia bark I can feel that I have broken down some of that boundary between waking consciousness and the subconscious, as I can even experience closed eye visuals on something like codeine or no drugs at all.

Edited by Break the Chain

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@Leo Gura

Could you please describe how you physically felt after the trip? Were you tired, drained, etc. 

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@DJ I felt awesome. Like a lifetime of emotional baggage and tension was shed from my body.

Even my sinuses were cleared.

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@Leo Gura

You tried ayahuasca yet ? Because i am about to go to my first ceremony soon, so i was wondering if you have some inputs on it.

"Repeat a lie a thousand times and it becomes the truth."

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@Natura Sonoris Be prepared to get your ass kicked ;)

If I was gonna take DMT, I would plug it rectally.

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@Leo Gura  do you think ayahuasca can also provide a breakthrough to infinity? I'm considering working with it since its very accessible here in brazil

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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@InsidesOut Not as clearly or consistently.

Try finding some Yopo snuff. Should be easy in Brazil.

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@Leo Gura yeah, too many distracting features i guess. I'll look for the yopo snuff.

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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@InsidesOut Don't get me wrong, any psychedelic is better than none at all. Mushrooms, LSD, mescaline, DMT, etc are all great mind-opening tools and will speed up your growth significantly if used wisely.

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