
5-meo-dmt Video

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@Leo Gura do you still believe the average person, without psychedelics, who has a relatively healthy psyche could attain enlightenment in less than a decade with the right discipline and correct practices?  like if they spent 95% of their waking hours doing self inquiry, sds, and meditating. 

because i remember you sort of implied in previous videos that the only reason it should take 20-50 years is if you're falling for dogma or not doing enough self inquiry. i'm curious as to what your current stance is on "natural" enlightenment vs drug assisted enlightenment and how long you would estimate it would take for the average person to self realize in either one. 

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@Outer i like to think that if i have trouble obtaining 5meo i could still reach enlightenment without needing to dedicate my entire life to it. but rather just 1 decade of disciplined and focused practice. 

a paranoid/fearful question. i realize this. 

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Kind of figured Leo was talking about 5meoDMT.

I had the opportunity to smoke this substance in Panama under the guidance of Octavio Rettig, a shaman from Mexico who has the legal works to obtain and use this substance to help others get out of serious addictions or for the sake of a spiritual experience. Octavio has been working with this substance for some time now and has just recently released his book.

The experience is a direct way to the Source itself. I remember losing physical consciousness within seconds but still being aware of what was occurring within me. Bending inwards and outwards through consciousness to what seemed impossible was possible beyond the mind. I remember opening my eyes and seeing people standing around just watching me. It felt as if everyone around me was thinking "duhhh, well about time your back home." Like if they knew all along and I was the last to find out. Octavio then says "say hello to your brothers and sisters.." Total realization and in complete awe. Strange and beyond any dream comprehensible, and that is Reality.

Btw I haven't watched Leo's new video on this yet but will tomorrow.


Edited by JustinS
Added some lines


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1 hour ago, stevegan928 said:

@Leo Gura do you still believe the average person, without psychedelics, who has a relatively healthy psyche could attain enlightenment in less than a decade with the right discipline and correct practices?

Sure, it's not hard at all if you really want it. The problem is people don't want it and minds are way too closed.

Finishing high school takes more work than enlightenment. Let's not over-state the difficulty.

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@Leo Gura let's say you and a friend book a trip to Mexico

Is 5-MeO-dmt hard to come by in Mexico? 

Google search yielded next to nothing but a Vice documentary featuring a Shaman..  it all looked pretty fly by night. 

Any tips on tracking down the stuff ? 




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5 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Sure, it's not hard at all if you really want it. The problem is people don't want it and minds are way too closed.

Finishing high school takes more work than enlightenment. Let's not over-state the difficulty.

Seriously ?

You mean that it can be done in 3 years top if you are very open-minded and do 2/3 hours of work into it everyday ? 

That's what you are telling us here, or am I misinterpreting your words ?

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4 hours ago, blazed said:

I agree, not only closed mind, but people just don't seem to care, or even get it, like you could explain it to them bit by bit as simply as it is and they still won't get it, or see any point to it. Give them $1000 they'd probably cry in joy. Probably better not to even talk about Enlightenment to people who are simply not seeking at all.

Some people got enlightenment without even seeking it at all, all depends on the individual, but they say if you think of enlightenment as something you can achieve or a goal in the future you won't find it. Apparently you're already enlightened and you just need to *see it*.

Yeah, you can't think it's something you will be able to achieve later, you need to be still, have an intense will to find the truth in yourself, nothing else is required apparently,

BUT, in order to be able to be in that state of mind, you can't be closed minded, you can't have any belief, and you have to work on your mental issues.

You also have to do meditation, comtemplation, self-inquiry and doing mindfulness daily.

Most people, have all theses problems (most people are extremely neurotics, it's shocking how much they are), and of course, aren't even close to do all the stuff I mentioned above.

So technically speaking, yes you can't pursue enlightenment as a goal, but you have to be in a certain state before being able to find the truth in yourself.

That's why (sadly), only 0.00000001% of the human population can hope to realize their true nature through conventional methodology, and that's exactly why the 5-meo-dmt could be the salvation of humanity.

Edited by Shin

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But for many that tries Ayahuasca, DMT or other psychedelics don't know WHAT it does. It's just a cool experiment and then they go back to normal life. That's sad.

5meo can be a part of changing the world in the long run ^^



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Well, more and more famous people starts to take spirituality seriously, Oprah did something great at advertising Eckhart Tolle in that regard.

I only know that Jim Carrey takes it pretty seriously, but I guess he is far from alone in this.

It's just a matter of time, now, will we destroy ourselve and the planet before it happens ?

This is the question no one can answer.

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I'll just stick to conventional 'methods'... It's more fun that way. ;)

It's Me vs. Myself in a neverending battle. How epic would the hero journey be if I just took a potion and conquered all evil? Then again, that seemed to happen a lot in Dragon Ball Z, lol.

But seriously, I've had bad experiences with even the weakest of mind-altering substances. I've had 'enlightenment experiences' just driving around in my car, or working on the computer at my job. Although they were very brief, I think I have it in me to not lose track. Although yes, giving an "ego begone" pill to the majority of humanity would be delightful, for the sake of our world, for mankind, and for the collective consciousness of the universe.

Edited by Frogfucius

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16 hours ago, wpw said:

@Leo Gura let's say you and a friend book a trip to Mexico

Is 5-MeO-dmt hard to come by in Mexico? 

Google search yielded next to nothing but a Vice documentary featuring a Shaman..  it all looked pretty fly by night. 

Any tips on tracking down the stuff ?

Be resourceful. This is not a toy. If you're serious and care about your consciousness, you will find it.

If you're just dicking around, then 5-meo is probably not for you.

12 hours ago, Shin said:

Seriously ?

You mean that it can be done in 3 years top if you are very open-minded and do 2/3 hours of work into it everyday ? 

That's what you are telling us here, or am I misinterpreting your words ?

Did you finish high school in 3 years with 2/3 hours per day?

11 hours ago, Capethaz said:

@Leo Gura When the product will be released?

It's been delayed as I am swamped with research.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:


Did you finish high school in 3 years with 2/3 hours per day?


No, I did an equivalent which is easier in 1 year though (with 30 minutes of work per day).

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I'm a lazy fuck. 

This sounds like the perfect solution to me.

I'm hyped for this.

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8 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Be resourceful. This is not a toy. If you're serious and care about your consciousness, you will find it.

If you're just dicking around, then 5-meo is probably not for you.

Exactly @Leo Gura,  it is not a toy.  Wouldn't you do your homework before hopping on a plane to take a unknown drug in a dangerous part of the world?  

I emailed a Mexican "medicine man" who plans to create a "Toad sanctuary" and who's releasing a book on the subject.. 

Do you what book I'm talking about? It comes out in November?   

I'll get my answers with or without you,  just thought you might have a "magic pill" for me  








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You'll still be in your physical body and on earth,,, then what ??? , When physical body dies,, your still infinite,,, then what???? InFINITE !!! Do we reincarnate ? Stay back with  source?    tHeN WHaT ?? Just asking, LOVE YOU, LOVE ME ?

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You're the source.

There is no reincarnation, since you never die, and there is nothing to stay back with , since you are everything.

Your body is just a host for a part of your consciousness to experience this part of reality.




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@cirkussmile I've had the experience to try ayahuasca, dmt, 5meodmt and I can say that they have all done their fair share of mind opening. To me, ayahuasca was a 6 hour long version of the 5meodmt, I think mainly because I did aya the day after the 5meo. It was a living hell for myself until I was basically forced to surrender and die. After that it was...


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On 25/09/2016 at 3:43 PM, ChimpBrain said:

Can someone advise where I can get 5 meo, I'm from south Africa so I'm not sure which sites are legit and safe to order online.I've come across a lot of complaints off ALL the online places that apparently sell 5 meo. Thanks?

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45 minutes ago, Dylan said:
On 9/25/2016 at 8:43 AM, ChimpBrain said:

Can someone advise where I can get 5 meo, I'm from south Africa so I'm not sure which sites are legit and safe to order online.I've come across a lot of complaints off ALL the online places that apparently sell 5 meo. Thanks?

Nope. I apparently didn't take the risk of being scammed seriously enough and used a bunk source . You'd think I'd know better than that by now but I've made probably around 100 orders for various research chems over the past decade ranging from viagra to exemestane to etizolam to 1pLSD to 4-aco-dmt and never had a single issue so I rushed and didn't do the research I should have . Lesson learned . 

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