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Cannabis (Blue Dream) trip report

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I vaped at 200 °C some 0.33 g of very good quality Blue Dream (apparently popular strain among meditators) during about 3.5 hours (in doses of 0.15, 0.09, 0.09g about 1.5 hours apart) last night and made great experiential revelations like those described in e.g. Leo's recent videos and Rupert Spira's teachings. The effects really started to kick in after the second and third dose. I usually make notes during the trip and this particular strain has been the most fruitful in terms of contemplation and introspection as it induces a nice "warm frosty", open tone to the experience and doesn't mess up with my memory too much. I guess the sense of openness is due to that while being very dissolutive it doesn't induce head pressure so it is easier to let go of your "thinking mind" as there is no pressure or intense vibrational energy in the head area that can be identified with. It has the potentiality of revealing the vibrational aspect of experiencing very clearly and assist in removing/seeing through the resistance. The vibrational aspect resembles in some sense that of N,N-DMT (which I smoked 60 mg 7 years ago and that perhaps initiated my spiritual journey).

Here are some of the revelations from last night:

-I awareness is all there is, there are no others and no you as a character, life in unfolding, there is nobody behind the wheel

-life is consciousness in action or consciousness's dream

-life is a pong game between the realm of experiencing and experiences or the substrate and the dream and content of the dream: experiencing is total freedom and in a sense total madness (not in a negative sense), the realm of experiences is a roller coaster with ups and downs

-all that is needed to enter experiencing realm is to stop imagining that things, people and objects have a reality on their own

-when I close my eyes, some part of "the world" literally stops existing or moreover a part of hallucination is replaced with a new kind of hallucination a substrate of which is still essentially the same

-although there are no others and you as a character, "best of both worlds" can be taken when bouncing the ball between the realms of experiencing and experiences is learned, that is, the love towards life or all aspects of experiencing is learned

-birth and death are an illusion or moreover, they happen all the time at the level of realm of experiences

-when experiencing realm is not dominant, all kinds of spiritual thoughts and explanations are imagined. This has an energy or vibration of longing that feels like contraction from the realm of experiencing

-when life is trusted, its unfolding accelerates and the reality of real you or experiencing is seen to be behind the experiences of the world

-the existence of afterlife is totally dependent on whether experiencing imagines it into existence. It's a free market. Essentially afterlife means that some form of memory is retained after the "death". But this memory might only prevail in the beginning of new form of existence and once this new life gets really interesting memories of the past life start to fade away and the realm of experiences has totally transformed. While if no afterlife is imagined then the realm of experiences is reset at once without "transitional phase". Choose either you like. So, if after this life heaven is imagined (naively) as a dream where the character is some sort of a superhero and world is beautiful with no suffering, it will appear. Or in some form of more or less an alien-like experience (this experience is already alien in a sense). Or if no afterlife is imagined experiencing returns to its "pure form" and a new life without memory of the past lives is imagined or hallucinated.

Edited by Delis
smoked -> vaped at 200 °C

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Thats amazing!  You definitely did get a peak of what's really happening.  Same thing happened to me except it was a potent edible.  When I would watch Leo's and Spira's videos, everything made complete sense in the most simple way possible.  It was obvious and almost laughably so.  It was almost like the mind eventually would butt in and begin to do the mind things it does and it's completely wrong.  

Thanks for sharing!

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