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what is yor experience with mantra meditation

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such as the trancendental meditation technique or OM japa.. 
I find it helps me stay more focused and less wondering than other techniques but i still cant understand how using a mantra constantly in my mind would help me to quiet it.. i mean, doesnt it beat the purpose?
did somebody here had deep experiences with this type of technique? 
do you have any specific routine you could recommend i should try? 

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@NoN-RaTiOnAL Have you done any research on the direct path compared to the indirect path?

Imo, many people who use meditation techinques where you have an object of meditation like the breathe or a mantra end up spending years thinking they are making progress and being spiritual but they end up on a hamster wheel.

If your goal is enlightenment then I would take some time to research the direct path, and look into a teacher like Rupert Spira.

Try a few meditation sessions where you do nothing but accept every part of your experience without resistance or aversion. Use that instruction as the object of meditation and keep returning to it when you get distracted or lose focus.

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8 minutes ago, Raptorsin7 said:

@NoN-RaTiOnAL Have you done any research on the direct path compared to the indirect path?

Imo, many people who use meditation techinques where you have an object of meditation like the breathe or a mantra end up spending years thinking they are making progress and being spiritual but they end up on a hamster wheel.

If your goal is enlightenment then I would take some time to research the direct path, and look into a teacher like Rupert Spira.

Try a few meditation sessions where you do nothing but accept every part of your experience without resistance or aversion. Use that instruction as the object of meditation and keep returning to it when you get distracted or lose focus.

that sounds like pretty much the same concept. in the meditation you suggest the object becomes the accaptance itself which i come back to everytime i wonder. the duality you seem to suggest between direct and indirect paths sounds foolish. 
my opinion is that different meditation techniques offer specific qualities which are all important to develop yourself spiritually: calm in the body, prolonged attention, silent mind,  loving kindness, mindfulness and of course acceptance and non-judgment are all important and are all pretty direct. 

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@NoN-RaTiOnAL I think there's a big difference between a direct pointing like rupert spira teachers and a conventional meditation teacher who tells you to focus on the breathe for 30 minutes a day.

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7 hours ago, NoN-RaTiOnAL said:

i still cant understand how using a mantra constantly in my mind would help me to quiet it.. i mean, doesnt it beat the purpose?

I've spent a lot of time in the past using the deep meditation technique from this website (I'm not trying to promote anything, just sharing more info about the technique I used if anyone is curious, so think I'm allowed to post this?).

The reason that a mantra actually helps quiet your mind is because the mantra isn't really "thinking". The goal is to keep saying the mantra in your head every 5-10 seconds, but what happens is your mind starts thinking about other things. And it might seem easy to just keep going back to the mantra but if you try this for 20-30 minutes, I almost guarantee that you will get so caught up in some thought streams that you might completely forget to go back to the mantra for a couple minutes. Then it will finally hit you that your mind has "pulled you in" and you're supposed be saying the mantra, so you go back to doing that. Then the same thing will probably continue to happen again, and again. When you get caught up in your thoughts and forget to go back to the mantra, this does not mean you're meditating incorrectly. It's simply part of the process, and every time you become aware of the fact that you've been absorbed in a story of the mind, it's like a mini awakening. It really is basically the same type of process as an actual awakening, just on a micro level. 

Sometimes you'll instantly realize you're thinking, and sometimes it will take a while, but either way having a mantra to centre yourself on starts making you much better at being aware of the fact that you're thinking, and that your mind is constantly adding all kinds of narrative to the present moment. The more aware you become of your thoughts the moment they enter your consciousness, the easier it is for you to simply not entertain the ones that you see don't serve you. 

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@NoN-RaTiOnAL There is one person who has a blog who is using mantra meditation for 45 years. Maybe you should check his blog. He posted a lot of informations about spirituality, including tm meditation.

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