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Things that you hear as stories or events, or that happen in your life, that have a deeper meaning or lesson within them.

For example:

1) God comes to a man's house disguised as a poor person. Man does not give poor person money or food and shews him away. Man becomes sick or dies due to laws of Karma.

(From Aghora The Left Hand Path - Robert Svoboda)

2) God presents himself to two people:

- The first one, who is practicing austerities of insane feet (such as hanging upside down from a tree or sleeping on nails), asks: 'How many lives do I have left to live? (reincarnate). God replies: 'You have three more'. Person complains. 

- The second one, who is chanting in love of God, asks the same question. He is told 'You see how many leaves are on that tree? (eg 1000). You have that many more lives to live. Person says: 'Oh good, at least now I know how many more lives I have to live.'.

--->God then takes the second person immediately to Heaven after hearing his reply. The other person (the first person), is left there.

(From a translation of 'Yoga Sutras of Patanjali)

So we can see here that these two lessons show us something.

It is up to you to discover their meaning.

Please share more :)

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