
☑️Daily Check In? - participation encouraged

42 posts in this topic

Stop what you are doing right now!

That's right, stop. ? Now.

Now press play on one of these tracks if desired, or you can play any music you'd like: 



Ok, now....

Place all awareness on this text and limit all 'mind movies' only to what you're reading.

Good.  Melt into this thread. Nothing else matters. You are here, now.

Relax...there is nowhere else to be...


This is your daily check in.  For the next few minutes, please place all attention on what is happening RIGHT NOW.

For example, right now you are reading this text. In fact, you are now one with the text, as it penetrates deep into your focused mind, creating a dream of presence, grounding you into the present moment

Feel deeply as the music swells in anticipation of your next breath.  With each breath you relax deeper and become more and more aware of the present moment.

 Breathing in..  

?1 2 3 4 5?

And out.... 

?1 2 3 4 5 6 7?

Good, you are here. Now.



Now add to your awareness the feeling of your skin. Is the environment warm, or cool?
Feel the outer layer of your skin, wherever you feel it.

Notice the thought - - Skin-- as you feel it. Is the thought 'skin' separate from the feeling 'of it'? Do you even know what skin is?

Follow thought, and ask yourself

 What is skin?

Who told me what skin is? 

Now forget all that and just feel the skin. For the purposes of this check in, it's merely the thing you've always believed it was. 

Good, now let's continue.

Starting from the toes, feel more and more of the skin until you can feel your entire body.

Breathe slowly and just feel the toes.... 

... Up to your knees.. 

.... Breathe in.... 


(Up to your torso...) 

.... Breathe out.... 



Your chest, shoulders, and arms.... 

Up your neck and the full head.... 

Just feel. 

Now, slowly bring the awareness of your skin inwards. Deeper and deeper until you can feel all of your body, inside and out. Very good. 

Just breathe and feel it. If you lose this full body awareness, start back on the outer layer of skin and work inwards again. Hold this awareness until instructed to let go. 

Whether you see it or not, a bright golden light is flowing from this text and into your body, energising it with love.

Breathe in slowly and deeply.  Your bated breath and the golden light of love floods every cell,  wrapping you in a warm and fuzzy blanket. 

Feeling your entire body, notice the thought - - body-- is arising. Is this thought separate from the feeling of your body? Can you separate the thought from the body? 

Not just the word body you hear in your mind, but any other thought which is hiding as 'the body'. Not all thoughts are words. 

Ask yourself - what is a body?

(let an answer arise, if it does) 

Who said there is a body?

(take time to search for the core of this belief) 


Now add to this awareness your surroundings. Whatever is in direct experience, expand this awareness to include it. If it helps, look for the line between yourself, body and outer experience. Keep expanding this awareness until you find it. 

Expand as you breath in... 


And hold your place as you breathe out. 


In.... (Imagine you are expanding more...)


And out.... 


Pick any object you can see, and try to feel it. Just like feeling your toes, place the awareness sensation on this object. 

... In ?????

Now try to expand this awareness into your entire field of view, similar to when you could feel your whole body. 

.... Out ???????

Ask yourself, what is this? 

... In ?????

Who told me what this is? 

... And out ???????

Who said there is a body, or not? 


Where is the line? 










?.... And now let it all go. ?

Breathe and relax.  Feel this body...

.... and then let go of that too. 

Notice the phrase of thought - 'let it go' --- can you separate it from the 'action' of letting go? If there were no thought of letting go, would there be any such 'letting go?' 

Can you let go without thinking? 

Just feel. Feel what remains without labels, and concepts. What remains?

Whatever you find, let it go.

Whatever you are feeling, let it go. 

Let go of feeling. 

And of letting go. 

The last thread of attention is on these last few words... 







To complete this check in, think back to what you were doing right before this thread was opened.   Each time you perform this daily check in, please answer the questions below  (whichever ones you wish) by leaving a comment: (or simply post with 'check in'

1.What where you doing before the thread was opened? Anything important? 

2. How did you get to where you are now? 

    3. Do you really know if you were doing anything before opening this thread?

    4. If applicable, what did you block out to focus on the check in? 

5. What is now, compared to before? 

6. Who am I? 

5. Is this a dream? 


Further questions presented by @Preety_India

8. Am I more focused now than before? 

9. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the strongest) what is my focus level today or now? 

10. Can I let go everything in this moment? How does it feel when I let go? 

 11. Am I aware of my body and mind and spirit? Are they all aligned to my inner sense of purpose and direction in life? 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Here is my new and improved guided check in. Yes I George lucased it.  also thought it made more sense in the journal section. 

@Preety_India @SirVladimir @Nahm@Nahm @Moksha

Would love some help fine tuning it before it's no longer editable. Anything you'd like to add or detract? What would you do in a check in of sorts? 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@seeking_brilliance I'm a bit busy right now with my office work. I'll be back in an hour and add more stuff. I got some assessment worksheets given by my psychiatrist that are helpful, I'll add them here. Plus I've some ideas as well. Wait for me. Thanks. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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“So...this is no thing.”

”and the thoughts make it seem like stuff.”

“Honestly, I’m in love with all of it. The tea pot. The tile. The garbage. The thoughts. The experience. This.”

“...ohhh....self love”.




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1. I was having a craving for a cigarette and i was about to roll one

2. I was always in the now it's just that 99% of the time i choose not to see it

3. The only thing i was doing is being identified with random thoughts

4. Smoking

5. More obvious than before

6. I don't know. Something that observes everything and is not the body, thoughts or feelings. But for some reason it believes most of the time it's those things. 

5. If this is a dream then it's a very interesting one. It's like a famous writer bothered to imagine and write this. Not only write it but also make all the visual effects and stuff. I believe this is a dream but almost never feels this way in everyday life

Check in

This was very enjoyable 

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@Preety_India ok ?

@Nahm a dash of suggestion, a sprinkle of love. Sit back and relax while thought is engineered toward reflection. 

 "sure... why not?" 

"Ooohh, sparkles!"

@BlackMaze awesome, I'm glad you liked it! Thanks for checking in! I feel .33% more complete with you here. Please check in as often as you'd like ?

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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Because I made it up and that's the number we went with ? it's not the meaning so much as is it the feeling. 

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@BlackMaze hehe try it again, I've changed it up a bit. 

@Nahm OK I have no idea if this is what was suggested but it's now more of an inquiry of thought and thought's relation to separation instead of merely telling the reader more things to believe.  It's funny because I really just set out to do a simple grounding exercise.... ? Oh well ?‍♂️ kind of like going to Walmart for just a couple things ?

@Preety_India I'm waiting, but made some changes already. I think it makes  a different experience ? Could you try the exercise again? 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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5 What is now, compared to before?       

More Conscious = higher degree of being 


While in Walmart, a suggestion - sense rather than feel. Sensing makes easier grounding and a quiet mind. 

Another practice in the future - Make the distinction between sensing and feeling.




"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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3 minutes ago, Zigzag Idiot said:

While in Walmart, a suggestion - sense rather than feel. Sensing makes easier grounding and a quiet mind. 

Another practice in the future - Make the distinction between sensing and feeling.




Ah I really need to ponder on that... Yes maybe as a different guided exercise. Very insightful, thank you! 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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@seeking_brilliance  Should have included in my first reply-  Thank you for your work and a wonderful initiative!



"To have a free mind is to be a universal heretic." - A.H. Almaas

"We have to bless the living crap out of everyone." - Matt Kahn

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Listening to Tchaikovsky's Hymn while thinking of a conversation, which is really nothing but a cosmic hum in the ears of the universe.

@Nahm's response is epic when the music is playing; don't mind if I freely resolve.

"How's the tea?"

"Good. You know how to prepare a tea."

"Yes. We're the Universe. Sipping tea is our life purpose."

"Look around."

"Do you see a constant change?"

"Yes. God is constantly morphing as we speak, forging a new presence. Yet it all remains unchanged."

"I wish I had a longer memory. I only remember things I said an infinity ago. Good tea, by the way. You know how to prepare a tea."

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1.What where you doing before the thread was opened? Anything important? 

Yea I was handling my office assignment. 


2. How did you get to where you are now? 



    3. Do you really know if you were doing anything before opening this thread?

I was working. 


    4. If applicable, what did you block out to focus on the check in? 

I just remembered I had to check in. 


5. What is now, compared to before? 

Now feels good that I finished a chunk of my work for today so the rest of the day I can get some break. 


6. Who am I? 

I'm an Ego


5. Is this a dream?

No. I'm wide awake and checkin in. Also thinking about what else I can add. 


INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Ok things or questions that I can add that can help with the awareness check in 

1Am I more focused now than before? 

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the strongest) what is my focus level today or now? 


3. Can I let go everything in this moment? How does it feel when I let go? 


4. Am I aware of my body and mind and spirit? Are they all aligned to my inner sense of purpose and direction in life? 


For now I only have these 4 awareness questions that might help improve awareness. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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@Zigzag Idiot thank you! I hope everyone remembers its more fun with participation. ?

@SirVladimir hehe. Just keep stirring that tea ☕? do you like it? I made it with love, and a bit of zesty herbs. 

@Preety_India ok I added your questions in as bonus questions. Thanks! 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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10 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

Because I made it up and that's the number we went with ? it's not the meaning so much as is it the feeling. 

Exactly like God with our existence.  

Edited by xxxx

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Simple Grounding

Modern life is so complex and busy that it is common for people to feel overly mental, caught up in too much thinking, "revved up," worried, spacey, or even "disembodied." Under such conditions, the world begins to seem flat, two dimensional, lifeless, adversarial, and painful. 

Luckily there is a quick cure for this feeling, which is to get "grounded." Grounding means to bring awareness back into the body, back into the senses, and back into the present. These three things - the body, the senses, and the present - are the keys to reigniting creativity, passion, love, connection, peace, and wellbeing. Grounding is also very easy to do. 

Sit still and connect with your body and your senses. 

1. Find a comfortable sitting posture. Your back should be straight and your body relaxed. 

2. Close your eyes, and take ten slow, deep, full breaths. With each exhale, imagine that you are breathing out all your worries and cares. 

3. Continuing to breathe deeply, concentrate on feeling your feet. Simply see if you can feel the sensations in the bottoms of your feet. Do this before moving on to the next step.

4. Now see if you can feel the sensations in your hands. Can you feel your palms tingling? Do this before moving on to the next step.

5. Keep breathing deeply. Continue to feel the sensations in your hands and feet. Do this for ten slow breaths. 

6. Now see if you can feel the sensations in your whole body. Let your awareness cover your entire body at once. Feel yourself breathing. Feel your butt on the floor (or chair). Do this for ten more breaths.

7. Continue you this for as long as you like, or at least 5 minutes. 

This grounding exercise is a combination of many similar exercises. It is a quick, basic mindfulness practice that will get you in touch with your sensory experience the present moment.




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14 hours ago, seeking_brilliance said:

1.What where you doing before the thread was opened? Anything important?

Woke up and had a cup of coffee. Needed the toilet twice. 

2. How did you get to where you are now? 

After the second visit to the toilet, I came and laid in bed. 

    3. Do you really know if you were doing anything before opening this thread?

Not besides what memory says. No other tangible threads. 

    4. If applicable, what did you block out to focus on the check in? 

Nothing really, except lots of intrusive thoughts while focusing on the text. 

5. What is now, compared to before? 

What if there were no distinction? 

6. Who am I? 

There appears to be a character named justin. Even justin is a myriad of supposed qualities and can't be pinned down. And I'm not even really him, any more than the dog who just walked in. 

5. Is this a dream? 

I have yet to find something that isn't a dream. Even some surviving feeling of 'me-ness' between various characters which are donned, I don't know if that is any more than a dream. 

5 hours ago, Preety_India said:

1Am I more focused now than before? 

Probably was a bit, but then while answering the questions Micheal came in and bothered me about cleaning the house ?

2. On a scale of 1 to 10, (10 being the strongest) what is my focus level today or now? 

Just going with 5 I guess... 

3. Can I let go everything in this moment? How does it feel when I let go? 

Perhaps not everything, but it feels restful. 

4. Am I aware of my body and mind and spirit? Are they all aligned to my inner sense of purpose and direction in life?  

I imagine a body, mind, and spirit, and they seem mostly aligned to what I imagine that purpose to be. 


@xxxx :ph34r:

@Nahm thanks now I have a simple version to visit on demand as well. ? I just don't trust myself to sit for five minutes with the body feeling, so that's why I wrapped it into an engaging narrative to not give a choice. 

Edited by seeking_brilliance

This whole time, brilliance sought me.

@starsofclay on Instagram for my metaphysical art!

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