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Keyblade Viking

Symbolism And Religion

1 post in this topic

You've mentioned some symbolism but not a whole lot, if you've studied it some that would be awesome to see.

I gonna assume you can't see how the same symbolism is everywhere in movies and video games etc judging from one of your more recent videos where you talked about how we spend our time on meaningless stuff but if you start looking for it and find it you'll discover all the benefits of it and to me it's the most amazing shit ever so to get a community like this to start talking about it would be really awesome.

I made a thread about it in the Philosophy etc forum but no one have replied and it is a very difficult thing to start to grasp but it's there if you wanna see some more stuff than just "God is nothingness". (don't have a clue how much you've read yourself and how much you've just taken from other sources but if you've read stuff like the bible yourself and extracted that knowledge it should be pretty obvious)

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