Striving for more

Should I have approached here ?

43 posts in this topic

 I was sitting on the train next to this cute girl who was totally my type

She had headphones in although She glanced back at me once or twice 

I had at least a 10 minute space to say hi and try get a number before I went home 

Without covid I would have no excuse, but I rationalized to myself not to because of coivd ...

Because I wanted to tap her arm to say hi but in my head I thought no she won't like that cos of covid lol

Empty Pussy feeling again lol

Edited by Striving for more

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You should always approach. Results are irrelevant.

If you have no confidence in yourself, you are twice defeated in the race of life. But with confidence you have won, even before you start.” -- Marcus Garvey

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I think that there are no excuses in approaching :)

Edited by kras

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We are in a pandemic so yeah approaching strangers in close proximity isn't the wisest thing.

Don't think with your dick. There will be plenty of chances in life to approach in the future.


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@Roy I agree.

It's not about approaching every single girl on the planet, it's about approaching those girls that need you at the right time and place.

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2 hours ago, Roy said:

We are in a pandemic so yeah approaching strangers in close proximity isn't the wisest thing.

Don't think with your dick. There will be plenty of chances in life to approach in the future.



what if the only goal is training social skills? any bad about it?

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On the train youre already in proximity she was sitting next to me. 

I don't think it's unwise young people are so safe, and  im pretty immune, also wearing a mask so whatever 

I personally feel like I was just being a pussy and should definitely have chatted her up

Edited by Striving for more

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should have , could have, would have

i'm also a fan of those words :) 

trying to let go of them slowly though

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@PurpleTree The point of this just to ask people whether it's worth interacting on the train like that in this time or if it's a waste of time & the wrong context

Perhaps there's rarely ever a wrong context if you're confident enough

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4 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

@PurpleTree The point of this just to ask people whether it's worth interacting on the train like that in this time or if it's a waste of time & the wrong context

Perhaps there's rarely ever a wrong context if you're confident enough

i remember approaching at least twice on a train but i was soooo drunk

both had good outcomes but it was saturday night-ish

i don't think i could do it during a normal day time without the booze and it's even a rare rarity for me with alcohol being able to do that

Edited by PurpleTree

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@Striving for more

Even if the pandemic is a real reason not to approach, you still used that as an excuse.

Why not just say hello and let her be the one to you that she's not comfortable talking to strangers?

You didn't do that because you didn't want to. You were looking for an "out" not to approach.

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10 hours ago, Striving for more said:

Without covid I would have no excuse


You would certainly find another excuse.

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10 hours ago, Striving for more said:

 I was sitting on the train next to this cute girl who was totally my type

She had headphones in although She glanced back at me once or twice 

I had at least a 10 minute space to say hi and try get a number before I went home 

Without covid I would have no excuse, but I rationalized to myself not to because of coivd ...

Because I wanted to tap her arm to say hi but in my head I thought no she won't like that cos of covid lol

Empty Pussy feeling again lol


15 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


You would certainly find another excuse.

100% true

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Meh, I wouldn’t pick up girls with headphones in. If she really wants you to make a move she’ll take them out.


Half the point of wearing headphone and similar things is to not having to deal with strangers.

Edited by Spiral

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@Striving for more  Asking "Should I have approached here ?" is your answer.

The fact that you thought about it and now ask the question is evident.


7 hours ago, Spiral said:

Meh, I wouldn’t pick up girls with headphones in. If she really wants you to make a move she’ll take them out.

You don't know how receptive she is till you try it. Sure, headphones are one signal not to be approached, but apparently she gave him signs of interest, so go figure.

Edited by Loving Radiance

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@Spiral That's Bullshit. 

Everyone wears headphones these days.  No one expects to be approached, that's the point. Just because she has headphones in doesn't mean she wouldn't enjoy the interaction and take them out. 

Also, isn't the point of getting good at pick up getting used to rejection and not caring. For every 4 girl with headphones that ignores me, maybe 1 would give out a number

Leo has recalled himself how he's approached girls with headphones in at the gym while they were on a treadmill and ended up getting a number and getting laid. 


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37 minutes ago, Striving for more said:

@Spiral That's Bullshit. 

Everyone wears headphones these days.  No one expects to be approached, that's the point. Just because she has headphones in doesn't mean she wouldn't enjoy the interaction and take them out. 

Also, isn't the point of getting good at pick up getting used to rejection and not caring. For every 4 girl with headphones that ignores me, maybe 1 would give out a number

Leo has recalled himself how he's approached girls with headphones in at the gym while they were on a treadmill and ended up getting a number and getting laid. 



Gym is a great place to test social skills believe it or not

I used to wear headphones because i love my playlist and the boost it mason my training but i feel that if i wanna get approached need to take them off

It's kinda a universal sign that u do not want to get disturbed 

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@Striving for more I definitely except to be approached while I commute to work. It happens almost everyday. By cute girl trying to get my number? No, by people who want directions and poor people who’d like money or food (They approach everyone).

That’s fine, but sometimes you don’t want to deal with people and wearing headphones is a sign you don’t.

That doesn’t mean I wouldn’t can’t appreciate it. If you feel like someone wants you to talk to them then that’s fine. That’s just not me.

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@Spiral But the point of pickup is clearly not following strict social norms or being like most people. If it's about following the herd, then I will remain a pussy and never approach women, or settle for a girl that isn't that attractive and marry her. 

Obviously a cute girl won't approach you because you're a guy lol. How is that relevant. 

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@Striving for more  Dunno about trains. I have stopped approaching in trains because people usually don't live where I live. But you can do it for practice.

Since the c-word hit, I have done exactly two approaches in the street around my neighbourhood. Both women I dated after that, one became a relationship. Both were one of those rare moments where I just didn't feel like pussying out anymore.

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