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What is holiness and the experience of it?

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I hear spiritual masters talk all the time about love, bliss, selflessness but never so much about holiness. Of course, mainstream orthodox religions talk about it all the time but they are not exactly helping in explaining what holiness is and what its role is in the bigger picture. I myself have experienced the radiance of holiness during trips. If I had to describe it in a visual metaphor it is like a golden radiance that feels divine, indicative of a higher power. In orthodox religions, people worship the "holy" because it humbles them and I can definitely understand why.

Is holiness an absolute or when everything becomes holy nothing is? but most importantly what is it and why?

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To say nothing is holy is the same thing as saying everything is. Absolutely all is divine, relatively it is an opinion about what you feel it is. 

The how is what you build, the why is in your heart. 

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Don't get too lost in semantics. You can call it it divine, holiness, infinite, oneness, god.. its the same picture, just different words.

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Holiness has the same etymology as wholeness. It is realizing the divinity in everything and everyone. Primitive mystics had sacred circles of ancient trees, where they would meet to honor the holiness of their connection with nature. There is a lack of holiness in much of modern "enlightenment". They are so lost in pursuing truth that they have forgotten the spirit that defines us and gives life meaning.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Holiness is when you let yourself go completely, there is nothing left of the individual, you are a servant of the infinity,  that is, of yourself, without ego. with the same joy you accept dying of hunger as living comfortably, or working for others. you give your earthly life with joy, you are fully enlightened, full of god

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